So, this random guy just asked us to ruin the life of this person...

so, this random guy just asked us to ruin the life of this person. I ss'd the post he created and am now going to find out who he is instead.



no one cares

show reply op

Feel happy with yourself?

I like the idea

whiteknight go post somewhere someone will actually care

Good lead though. I'll help

yeah truly and honestly none of us could give less of a shit

need replies op


It was funny until you straight up snitched bro


So.. Basically..
Your saving her life from being ruined by ruining another persons life..


You and the OP of that other thread both are fags.

find a better target

no he's fucking with a dickhead who kinda deserves it. Sup Forums doesnt want to be associated with retards like him, and his type of behaviour needs to be discouraged.

leave it to professionals m8
I already reported

>im sorry, are we your personal army now?
what the fuck is this. if this was 2010 these words wouldnt even exist

white knights are such fags

>how to take a screenshot


Maybe we do a double cross and find out who this white vagina is....

more soon

this isnt white knighting. white knighting is when you rush to the aid of fair maiden. this is just fucking up a dickhead, and it just so happens to be in aid of a girl. the point tho is to see the dickhead panic, no one gives a fuck about the gril

Lets find out who op is instead.




>using internet Explorer kek


how bout you read that again and then look at the op. this is just a whiteknight being a fag.

add her and find recently added friends

Met je sinterklaas

Now this is the Sup Forums I remember.

fuck this is starting to become some heavy inception shit

better let everyone in her friendlist know

yeah. this is just for luls. no one cares about her.


all hail satan

>im new:the post

how to get round NYPA, pretend to be going after someone else submitting an NYPA request

create fake profile of some hot girl who is a 'victim' of the supposed NYPA

then use fake profile to name the alleged NYPA requester who was actually your intended victim all along

some anons then fulfill your NYPA request and send gore etc.. to some unsuspecting numpty from your school/college/workplace as intended

am I rite?

Or is this chick's profile genuine?

ok I take it back, op isn't a white knight

Ahh... the cancers of Sup Forums ... NYPA posts...

ive been a newfag for years. i never stick around long enough to learn the memes.


Keep it up, OP. You really are showing that user.

I doubt this op is the same as the other one, with the language and everything

thats what he wants you to think

You are the one

even the times are different. the time of this op is at midnight, the other one with the phone SS is @4pm

Show replies op

who cares?

as long as someone is being arbitrarily victimized, like in the good ol' days

i am very interested in this. quality post user