Hey Sup Forums why aren't you a socialist, and not the liberal bs Bernie sanders kind

Hey Sup Forums why aren't you a socialist, and not the liberal bs Bernie sanders kind

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but i kinda am

I make too much money for socialism

because i believe in self sufficiency and independence not being fuckin leech

>not being fuckin leech
then why are you leeching off of society?

that's what socialism is, if you wanted to live off others, then be a capitalist...

have you overthrown the bourgeoise yet, Comrade?

i'm more of a left liberal

pick one faggot

Do you get most of your income from wages? If you do, then you don't make too much money for socialism. If you derive most of your income from assets, what the fuck are you doing on Sup Forums?

you can mix both. just slightly but still

I would have to agree with your definition of wages vs assets.

I make most of my money from wages 240k, that basically pays the fucking bills.

I make another 90k from assets, that is pretty much gravy, I plan to retire on this in twenty years.

It would be very inconvenient for me if the government came and decided to socialize me

It doesn't work.

Because I work for a my money and don't like sharing my loot.

I'm a national socialist.

Socialism sucks, most countries that used it failed economically, capitalism has proven that it's the better way.

Nazis failed , kiddo.


Capitalism is about the free market. De-regulating banks and the private sector. What do those end up doing? enslaving people in whatever conditions so they can generate money for the capitalist class, who go on TV pointing at socialists and calling them leeches.

Fuck that shit.

Also, this is an american-mostly board. They suck capitalist dick and would rather go bankrupt getting basic healthcare than be called a "commie"

fuck them, they deserve it. I hope Trump makes it even more expensive you fucking insects.

the free market is really good at most things, just not healthcare, public transport or law enforcement

lol ok

same my friend!

>if the government came and decided to socialize me

What does that even mean? If they make you pay higher taxes, so you get free healthcare and your kids get free education (College level) then so be it. Then, if something were to happen, you will have social safety nets that catch you before you hit rock bottom.

all socialist systems failed.

Same same!! :D

Why? All I would be doing is swapping slave masters.

I Want a socialist catboi to suck my dick.

but i am


1. it just doesn't work, i mean read a fucking history book

2. i put supporting myself above others and others should have that mentality too otherwise shit won't get done

3. better dead than red

I used to be, but then I joined the U.S. Army and had my personal belongings, my hair and my window to the outside world taken away from me. I lived off rations, orders, bureaucracy and my love for my countryxl, but as a way of life for everyone, absolutely not. I lived the most communist experience you can find in America during Basic Training.
Its not that I hate the Army or anything, Im still in it but Basic Training made me realize what pure socialism is and that its not for me.

go die somewhere u communist cunt

Communism in Russia could easily have worked if someone like Stalin didnt come to power. *Cough* Trotsky *Cough*

but i am
you faggot.
soon we'll have basic income, it will be glorious.


I am. The destruction of capitalism, and the implementation of anti-authoritarian socialism/communism in society is what I hope to see before I die.
People need to realize socialism is NOT the USSR. We live in new times, and a working socialist society is necessary for the coming century. Or else we're screwed. Otherwise,
capitalism will be the death of the globe.

Remember, most of the revenues of society is siphoned off by the ruling class. Almost nothing goes back to the workers. If the economic growth, and technological progress was instead invested in the wellbeing of all, our lives would be radically improved.

Remember: When communism started in Russia in 1918 things were a lot different. Just feeding people was a major task. Now our farms over produce. For instance.
Times are a lot different now. The world is ready for socialism.

There is something people don't understand about socialism. It is not efficient.

Let's say that the government socialized something you actually have, livers.

Everybody has to hand in one of their livers for the common good.

so now you only have one liver and you stop drinking and eat tofu. but it is for the common good right?

How mad would you be when you see people that drink too much to donate livers? Instead they are counting on your donated liver to drink and eat as much as they want?

It gets worse, one day when you go to a hospital you see people playing soccer with your liver, they have so many they don't know what else to do with it.

>Everybody has to hand in one of their livers for the common good.
>one of their livers.

yes, unfortunately I can't make this example work with money.

you don't have money, so you don't give a fuck about it.

Everybody can donate a liver, you have two and one is superfluous, but goddammit it is your liver. Hurts when the government comes to take it no?

Communism is far superior to capitalism. The idea that competition and selfishness are the only things that drives innovation and hard work is retarded; have you ever even observed communal mammals in the animal kingdom? Do wolves work together because of "competition?" No, they work together and then split their meal equally among their compatriots. Would not a gene that encouraged altruism result in a stronger group and a better livelihood than a selfish one? Capitalists fail to take into account the survival of GROUPS and COMMUNITIES and the natural selection that occurs on a large, community wide scale; instead, they only focus on individual evolution. Thus, it is clear that selfishness is a emotion bred by the culture around us of a hierarchical society, and can be done away with the proper state system, increasing the efficiency and happiness of the community. I remember clearly when I was in elementary school that I was happy when my comrades succeeded, not sad or angry that someone was better or as good as me. Now, I cannot shake a feeling of dismay when someone does something just as well as I did. I rest my case.

>make you pay for free healthcare and community college that's already useless

>pay higher taxes
>free college and healthcare
Nothing is free faggot, someone has to pay for it.

>then split their meal equally among their compatriots
No they do not.

but that's why it doesn't succeed. wolves work together in packs so that they can be better than other wolf packs, like people will work together to make a company so that they will do better than other companies, thus driving innovation because you don't want to starve, or supply people with what they need because you don't want to starve. but what drives socialists? nothing, that's why socialism fails

Because there ain't no such thing as a free lunch

I'm actually a Marxist. BA in economics from undergrad, MA in philosophy focusing on political economy.

>literally has no idea what socialism is

On an ideological level, what Stalin did was fine.

Is this bait? Please tell me this is bait

It fails literally every time when a country with less restrictions comes and makes the socialist country their bitch because when they lose all their power to corruption when the politicians not only have the legislative power in their hands, but the means of production and business in their hands.
>nobody wants a nanny state, if they're in it they want out, if they see it coming they bitch about it

>Everybody can donate a liver, you have two and one is superfluous

You make that claim but it's only true when you view it through a Western capitalistic mindset.

In reality, competition is only good up to a point, and cooperation becomes better and more efficient later.

You should read Peter Kropotkin's book Mutual Aid.

Keynesianism or neoliberalism?

Are you asking what I studied? Both.

Keynes took away a major part of economics that had been around since it's inception in the late 1700s, and lead to a stagnation of sorts.

Neoliberalism has its own problems but offers flexibility that Keynesian economics doesn't.

No, wolf packs work together to help their group as a whole, not compete against other wolf packs. Wolf packs generally do not compete against one another, as long as there are resources enough for all.


And not a damned thing was learned.






The infographic you're responding to is completely untrue.

Ugh, here come the memes. It's not bad that they're being posted, it's bad because people think they're accurate.


lenin didnt kill innocents

you should read a good damn history book and then think about how to form a properly argument than "lol ur wrong". cooperation and competition need to be together, otherwise a country will fail, thus, you get western capitalism. we make it where you have to work to get what you want, but we encourage cooperation as well, where as the ussr just encouraged cooperation w=and that's why America won. we encoraged comprimise and compitition so people will not downright kill each other, but will try to make themself better to win. this came into play in the war, america was trying to better themselves where as the ussr was trying to destroy America

For you

because I'm not dumb enough to mix statism and capitalism


I'm asking which one you prefer, which one you think is more efficient?




that moment when Hitler was right wing

I actually respect true USSR style commies a hell of a lot more than the pussies in the Sanders camp.

Anyone have the macro of the comparison between a Soviet soldier and modern "commie"?

I'd call myself a national socialist, so it might just be because we both have authoritarian leanings, but you guys are all right.

America didn't win because of its ideology.

No offense, but you're the one who needs a history book. I really, strongly suggest that you stay out of this conversation if you don't know anything about it.

I used to think Marx was bullshit but I started reading his works and he makes some pretty good points about capitalism. I'm not convinced communism is the answer though.

there isn't enough resources for everyone to thrive now is there? socialism only works with small amounts of people, not whole nations

maybe people aren't supporting socialism to score moral points but because they think it's a more just system, also use the the (n/Σn) numbering system so we know how many more of your saved jpgs you're going to post

Socialism is for underage faggots, who would rebel against anything.

Bullshit. Competition is not a gene hardwired into us, it is simply the cultural impact of living in a hierarchical society for the majority of your life. Wouldn't an altruistic group or community function better than a selfish one that constantly competes with itself? And wouldn't this gene be passed on to us? Also, the US was constantly trying to destroy the USSR. The only reason the USSR collapsed was because it had to deal with the much richer US, which crippled its economy in an arms race the CCCP couldn't afford.

The USSR collapsed inwardly due to the failure of the communist system, that's a well established fact post-Cold War.

Competition = Natural Selection.

If you force the strong down in order to lift the weak you get a worse society.

Would you be surprised to hear that's not actually a fact?

Because it's not.

>Bullshit. Competition is not a gene hardwired into us
Incorrect. Study up on some evolutionary psychology.



no one is doubting capitalism makes sense or is rational (read, among others, Adorno, for a critique of capitalist rationality). they're doubting it's ethical value.

It used to be. Not anymore though. You should brush up.

Yeah, I don't even bother pointing this out anymore. No one knows and no one cares.


Why do you believe it collapsed?

Lol I'm very interested to hear your reasoning.

The President of the United States has the legal authority to assassinate anyone with a drone strike.

Watch what you say.

Our genes have changed? How fascinating! When did this happen?



here's more of the "lol ur wrong" arguement. the war between ussr and the united states wasn't a war of money, resources, land, or scientific achievement. it was a war of ideology, a war of capitalism vs. communism, a war of the puppet masters



>pic applies to other "free" BS like education