0-1 only

Get in here 0-1 bros

How are you holding up?

Remember it's just the first game.

we're fucking good because we almost beat a great team but due to mistakes, fuck it.

we're gonna beat the bills on thursday (i'll be at that game btw) and the pats will fuckin lose tonight to the cards. so we'll be 1-1 and in first place desu. chill out

>tfw we have the hardest schedule this year

really should have won that game

I hate you fags but we can be 0-1 bros for a week.

the phins and jets both looked pretty good this week 2bh

can't wait for sports radio tomorrrow. everyone is gonna overreact

Tardinal fan reporting.

The loss hurts but my team chokes all the time. This is both beneficial and detrimental.

Bears fan, I really want 2-14.

he fucking sucks
god fucking damnit

>mfw jets fans say they will make the playoffs but clearly didn't look at the schedule
>mfw im a giants and mets fan

>5 sacks today

Classic Bears.

Cowbro here you think you'd get use to losing by less than 3 points so damn often. Fuckin nope, still hurts.

Cutler has no damn awareness. Sitton and Long can't do it all.

>giants and mets fans

fuck off, that's the wrong combo buddy

>AFC East tears

I am content

I am very content with my life

Which 0-1 team was the most impressive desu?

my vote is Fins

Yeah the Pats will lose HAHAHAHAHAHAH

Nah the Jags looked really good against the Packers, and could've won really. They just need to get more out of their pass rush. The Colts offense looks deadly too, too bad they can stop nobody.

fuck off, your prolly a knicks fan when you should be a nets fan

>spoiler alert the knicks will be injured as fuck

'should be'

buddy new york had one basketball team until 2012

there are no such things as netsfans anyway. they could be deleted from existence right now and no one would blink

Well at least things are looking up for the Mets

This. Mets are on fucking fire lately. So are the yankees to be fair


>great team

They can't even win a game in the playoffs. That was a terrible lose to. Meme team.

Pats fan here to laugh at (You)

>Implying these 2 fags aren't gonna bore us with Mets talk

lets go bois

How does it feel being the worst and most cancerous fanbase on spee?

reeee get out of my thread

you're finally good and can't even leave us shitty teams alone

Duh Jets have a lot to hold der heads up, okay. Coming up next, we'll talk to sweeny murti
Back afta dis

I was expecting to get blown out, so keeping it competitive was nice.

I see 7-8 wins this season

I'm a mets fan so i don't mind. Joe will have his regular Jets rant tho

>tfw they couldn't even win the opener for my birthday

I'm ready for 5-11

Luck is back and looks MVP caliber................too bad the team is godawful

Roberts' kid was born yesterday on 9/11 on a Jet loss. He named his kid Jett.

You'll see each other in the 0-2 thread next week, don't worry

Chargers are in midseason form.

looked like we had it for a second there

Tardinals fan reporting in

chargers are in offseason form desu