Car Thread v.1.7

Car Thread v.1.7

Post a picture of your car and let people judge what type of person you are.

The picture doesn't have to be from you, but it must resemble your car exactly. Don't be a faggot.

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Judge away

An old BMW

You're a wannabe rich guy. You probably dress in cheap polo and run a shitty business

not mine, but the same car

>a shitty business
Could you define what you think a "shitty business" is for us, user?

Some generic diner or restaurant 20 minutes outside of town that nobody is willing to drive to.

Not making and profit. Business is going under. BMW boy won't let go of his dreams and it's sinking his family in debt.

That's the American scenario. He could just be an average European


An awd bmw...
>i bought it because of the name, and because i need to be safe.
30 something thats a dissapointment at the work place and needs to be like his superiors

Honda Fit

20ish year old who bought it because its fun.. When in actuallity he is the one who will make this car great by buying it, then selling it for around 15k, qhat its actually worth