Opinions on safe spaces in college - GO

Opinions on safe spaces in college - GO

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As dumb as getting a liberal degree


Colleges are where you learn different opinions, not hide from them.

I want to kill myself

Overrated, just like college itself 90% of the time.
>4 years for a ~$100,000 piece of paper that says you can memorize and write a bunch of bullshit about gender issues or some boring cellular nonsense

Honestly, I don't give a fuck. If it makes people happier, fine, but don't go expecting people to be aware that you might get soviet-sleeper-agent triggered by the mere suggestion that your gender has been assumed.

people still watch South Park?

I'm quite liberal but even I think safe spaces are fucking retarded. These people are adults, what the fuck.

Not the biggest problem by far

A guy blacked out while drunk. Girl gave him blow job after he passed out. 2 years later, school expels him for sexually assault the girl.

Yes, even if you're passed out drunk, you're a rapist if the girl blows you while unconscious


Total bullshit, and I'm a liberal

Need more rape spaces, amirite?

Thing is, they're not really adults. Helicopter parenting is the norm now and kids are thoroughly infantalized all through highschool. People call the police on kids walking to school, CPS investigates kids left alone to play in their backyard. So it's not even optional.
Everyone gets a trophy, adults solve all conflicts... it's no surprise at all they're still like little kids in college.

4channers are still contrarians?


Yokai! He gut hard-eh! Hii five-oo user-kun

It was already getting bad in the 00s, i had to sign a fucking liability waiver just to be allowed to leave the dorm in bad weather

by bad weather i mean a category 3 hurricane, but still. stay in my dorm alone with their panic bullshit or go to my friends apartment with girls, and gambling, and alcohol

fucking liability waiver.

Replace them with unemployment lines
They'll attract the same kind of people

What even is a safe space? I've only heard of them. Is it literally a room for people to avoid harassment?

Its a room where nothing offensive can be said or talked about. Its the same as putting your fingers in your ears whenever someone talks about the harsh real world

fucking exactly. all "safe spaces" do is divide people. just another reason SJW's are fuckin retarded

And they're often found at universities? How many are there?

used to be that safe spaces were just a joke, now they have multiple at major universities, including fucking harvard

Education is fucked, you either get educated in the usa, or your degree is only useful in the country you got it

hey if the hurricane kills you, its the schools fault for not telling you there was a dangerous hurricane outside, didnt you know that?

I agree that safe spaces are stupid, but I don't get why college gets such a poor image.
I'm studying astrophysics and planetary science; while I am more liberal, I'm not getting a "piece of shit paper" on some stupid liberal shit that's just about memorizing and spiting shit back. Higher education is more than just gender studies and neoliberal crybabies.
Academia and intelligence deserve better.

So is it like a room? An entire building? Is it designated by the school or set up by a student organization? Who administers it? Who enforces the rules?

Big difference between "hey, be careful" and "you have to sign this waiver or else you'll be suspended or expelled", to an adult.

it was an absolutely mandatory "sign this or you're getting written up" situation. because i thought they were joking with that shit and walked away, and got screamed at by 2 fucking RAs.

Because people like to talk shit on educations that they weren't wealthy enough to receive, or smart enough to get scholarships for.

These people don't know what happens at university, so they let their imaginations inform them that they are all caricatures of Berkley, then confirm each others bias by sharing highly select puff pieces on social media with one another.

Basically this. You could say almost the same thing about SJWs as a whole. They've become a kind of boogeyman that you always hear about on the Internet, getting blamed for some problem or another, but you never really see them in the outside world.

If you converted them into gas chambers nothing of value would be lost.

Woah there tiger, save some edge for the rest of us.

is this your first day on Sup Forums

Teach college students. They get worse every year.

I find it hilarious that anyone could hold themselves above another person for having a college degree while simultaneously needing a room with Play-Doh and videos of puppies to get through any given day.

It's the professors and administrators that enable them, so..



Image source?

Most that I see are bands of minorities or special snowflakes that just end up taking over an area and abusing anyone not welcome until they leave. I can hardly use the main campus library anymore because of purple haired fucks

Doesn't exist

thats because the last time someone walked away WITHOUT that, they fucking sued the school. you think the school WANTS to liable for your dumb ass as soon as it leaves the room? fuck no, it does that because said dumb ass took them to court and fucking won

This about sums up my opinion on things. Part of growing up is learning that there's a fascinatingly wondrous diversity of viewpoints and opinions out there. Part of college is learning how to debate and challenge these viewpoints, and have your own views debated and challenged.

What if I need a safe space because I'm violently triggered by quiet rooms?

Liability waivers don't actually waive liability in a situation like that. They're to discourage people from suing, not an actual legal defense.

*IF* an adult going outside imposed liability ([citation needed]), the form wouldn't matter. It's to scare people.

right, and why would they try to deter people from suing if people weren't suing

never saw one on campus during my undergrad at a state school. we had controversial speakers, protestors, and demonstrations all the time

i'm getting my masters at a private university. still haven't seen a safe space or anything like it. we had milo edgelord fagopolis on campus last semester. some undergrads protested but otherwise no one gave two shits.

no professor has ever told me to shut up or keep my opinion to myself.

the closest i've ever seen it come to censorship is when my current school barred westboro baptist church from protesting on campus. its private property so they were well within their rights. the protest just happened right on the edge of campus anyway

>tl:dr i've never encountered any of this safe space horseshit.

Because of fear of people suing.
Just like the Title IX farces. It's catering to special snowflake related douchebaggery.

"Liberal degree" You're just mad most college educated people are smarter than you, not that you'd know it with your religious, autistic version of the world.

sorry you dug yourself a debt-hole going to ITT-Tech.

They're talked about and pushed by the press to further divide people. It's barely a thing even on the most liberal campuses. No one really cares.

>by bad weather i mean a category 3 hurricane
Where were you living? I went to college in New Orleans and they took that shit super seriously after Katrina.

Miami. UM.

At first they told me I wasn't even allowed because the storm had started.

pretty much this. I've never actually encountered one in person.

some cunt was on campus crying about palestinians. I told her i hope the jews bulldozed her house next. Someone near me laughed. i got a dirty look back. Nothing came of it. no news articles. no coverage. nothing. everyone moved on.

Found the art majors


try again. BS in Biology. pursuing a masters now in environmental sciences now.

keep self-affirming that world-view though.


>environmental sciences
The liberal arts of the STEM world.

What exactly is a liberal degree? It's mentioned all the time of Sup Forums and I haven't got a clue what the fuck it is.

"Liberal Arts"... basically you just take all the easiest classes the college has


You faggots keep arguing about this bullshit and it keeps dehumanizing people on the opposite side.

Everyone who's further right of center is a fucking racist, backwards hick and everyone that's ever so slightly left of center is a limp wristed, faggot liberal.

Jesus Christ, guys. Have a fucking CONVERSATION about something. Don't just argue about it.

and why would you fear being sued if youve never been sued

lemme jump the gun here for ya: because ya can be

Noble idea, incredibly misguided.


a joke

and that's coming from someone who graduated college and has been voting democrat since Reagan


If students want a safe space then why not. If students want to go their to whine about microaggressions then that's their own problem. Safe spaces could be a good place for people with real PDST due to rape, assault, milirtary action, whatever to relax and could act as counseling centers for those types of people. That being said they shouldn't give counseling to people who have issues with microaggressions and places like a debate room should NEVER be a safe space.

Giving into coddling adults like children because of fear of retaliation (lawsuits, bad press, protests) is *exactly the problem* and why we're in this situation.

tell yourself whatever you need to to keep that cognitive dissonance at bay

Someone heard the term "liberal arts degree" and took that to mean "4 years of MSNBC, Huffington Post, and Salon" when it just means a fucking 4 year college degree in pretty much any subject, with some extra courses to round you out as a person

elsa jean is the girl

A liberal arts degree. Basically a piece of paper saying you were well-behaved while being baby-sat for four years during your early 20s.

how do white bois even compete?

That would make you at least 50. The fuck you doing here?

>college campuses
This isn't even fucking funny anymore. We're actually screwed as a nation.

I had to take a non major upper division course to graduate.

Liberal arts courses are no fucking joke. The amount of work you have to put into an upper division course of any major is ridiculous.

Stop being an argumentative cuck.

Shitposting. Can you not fucking read?

>it just means a fucking 4 year college degree in pretty much any subject
Anyone who had a 4 year degree in a hard science or business program doesn't say they have a "liberal arts" degree. People whose career opportunities begin as a barista at Starbucks say they have a liberal arts degree.

Sorry you're so cranky, diaper change time? Don't forget to take your metamucial and centrum silver.

>We're actually screwed as a nation.

Other people are doing things I don't like. ABLOO BLO BLOOOO.

Get over it, loser. Why do you care so much about the actions of others?

These things are happening in a fraction of a fraction of a percent of places in the US and the fucking media is using it to further drive a wedge between the two parties.

Glad to see that you can't look beyond the fucking rhetoric being used to burn our country to the ground.

Most safe spaces are just places for rape victims to discuss their assault without being doubted or judged, not some evil SJW place for no one's feelings to get hurt.

srsly. I have a BS in psychobiology and if anyone called that a liberal arts degree i'd be triggered

Niggah, I'm 23, but don't joke about fiber man.

You ever been constipated for over a week? It fucking hurts.

This overreaction, holy shit


A week?? Serious?? Poor you.

I went 92 days without shitting thanks to opiates.

A week. Pfft. That's normal for me.

I didn't even fucking know that was a thing.

Fuck that. The mental side of mental health sounds like isn't even taken very seriously by some people. I'm sure there's not a lot of money being poured into research on the biological side of it.

Good luck, man.

>I went 92 days without shitting thanks to opiates.

Oh. Well. You should think about getting off the opiates. Shit killed my aunt.

Legit question tho. What was that eventual shit like? I can only imagine what a three month ass loaf would feel like.

I thought that was a joke, its real?

I'm overreacting? There's are entire "news" networks dedicated to shitting itself every time someone who disagrees with them opens their mouth.

The psychology courses are really a minor component. Didn't need to take anything past the 300 level. There was a BA-psychobio that had some more psychology, and BS-neurobiology that had even less.
All the 400-500 level courses were shit like neuroscience, neuroanatomy lab, all the upper level bio courses bio majors took

it was a very tough program, you couldn't even declare it as a major unless you had a 1350 or above SAT coming in.

Breeding the future to be weak before the shtf

Fucking aweful. Towards the end, you get overflow diarrhea (liquid leaking out around the log because your entire tract is blocked), then about a week after that you get involuntary contractions like your worst explosive diarhhea, only it's ripping your asshole apart as something as big as your upper arm comes out followed by 8 more baseball sized chunks.
Severe pain, screaming, massive bleeding. Very lucky to not be dead; if the walls of your colon get strettched to far they can rip, flooding your abdomen with waste (fecal perotonitis), which has a very high fatality rate

Illogical to the point of retarded. Much like the people who propose ideas like this.

>about a week after that you get involuntary contractions like your worst explosive diarhhea, only it's ripping your asshole apart as something as big as your upper arm comes out
So, you probably know more than any other man on this planet what it feels like for a woman to give birth.

What, you mean like every news network in the US?

That's what I was driving at.

Pretty much, it's usually days after the contractions start that they finally get strong enough to dislodge something so large. And every time there's contractions, there's overflow, so you shit your pants every 10 minutes or ago with near liquid diarrhea

It's as retarded as liberals