Trump keeps back peddling on his promises...

Trump keeps back peddling on his promises, first the wall then the Muslim ban and now he said he won't reverse the same sex marrige law and he's ok with it.

I think Trump lied to us guys and I'm scared

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wtf i hate drumpf now

He never planned on banning muslims, just stopping the flow of refugees until they can vet them properly and hes never hated the gay or hinted towards overturning gay marriage. Apparently you didn't actually listen to anything he said.
Go shill some where else.

Same fag.

If you genuinely believed he'd build a wall then I don't know what to tell ya.

He's always been fine with gay marriage.
A temporary ban is still a ban.

Except he didn't do any of those things

And the president doesn't have the power to repeal fag marriage, the SC does

Who pays the shills now? Why do you shitpost freely?

So what. Hillary lied to us all also and she got people killed and was betraying the country. She actually needs to go to prison. To me the timeline is safe now that Hillary will never obtain the whitehouse.

he did though. Said he'd be ok with a fence on some areas of the border.