What is Jeff Mangum doing right now?

What is Jeff Mangum doing right now?
He's out there somewhere.
I mean RIGHT NOW, as you type.

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cite your sources

He's probably just jerking off to Anne yet again.

couldn't go two fucking responses without the meme

Jeff spends most of his free time correcting people online that it's not a potato or a tambourine, it's a drum, check the back cover


I've actually wondered whether or not Jeff Mangum has been on Sup Forums.

Just think about the implications of his releasing of his recent cipher drawings.

Jeff, if you're reading this, come back.

The man can't into computers, so I highly doubt it. I remember seeing an email he had sent and it was all lower case words and whatever, and he has said he isn't too knowledgeable on computer stuff. I wonder how he does his sound collages though.

Look at him in that pic and what theyre wearing, you really think he doesnt know how to use a computer?

Nice rare Jeff,


Jeff Mangum definitely knows how to use a computer. He talks about editing his Bulgarian Field Recordings in a Pitchfork interview. His wife makes documentaries. He has to ship his drawings. All this, yet he "hardly knows how to use a computer"?

It ain't adding up.


It was an old interview I think, or I'm probably remembering it wrong. He obviously must know about music programs for his sound collages. Maybe he just doesn't like getting too involved with internet stuff since his online profile is pretty bare bones.

Jeff was fat at one point.

I'm eating crunchberries while shorts posting (posting while wearing shorts) what do you want from me

I'm almost fifty

Hey Jeff, can you post your favorite fan fix of Anne?
Post crunch berries for proof.

more rare jeffs please

hi jeff i thought youd like to know that i saw you touring in 2011 and recorded the entire thing

Oh, also, I like to make mashups of my music with other artists/bands that influenced me.

Joy Division mashup with my vocals:

Jeff "I only jerk it to jews" Mangum


You'll never take me alive!

On his website there's a bunch of links to Amazon compilations so he obviously isn't clueless about them


putting the finishing touches on the album, june release.

Dubs confirm
Screencap this

what meme
he literally made an album about it

>I wonder how he does his sound collages though.
>what is analog
He has a manager to do all that you dummies

Sure, Jeff

do u like death grips