Let's do one of these

Let's do one of these

Let's not and say we did






this is the one from earlier.

i like dolan shitposts and i hate all youtubers

yeah ok

It's been a while since I've done cocaine oh wow

I'm fucking retarded hurr hurr

you're fucking cute

You're a chick into Preggo porn?????

Yeah, i've been into pregnant women since, like, forever. Idgi. I like the fake labor shit too. It's kinda gross.

Me too honestly. My party days are ... gradually... winding down. gonna do some E in the next week tho.

My girlfriend is flying in from out of state and we are gonna get fucked up, but other than that, It's pretty much at it's end for me. 22, you?

Fun times, enjoy yourselves. 24.

for the 4th time

hello again. in the last thread i asked if it was u that said we shared lots of things. i answered i dont know half of these

Hahaha. Hi again. Yeah dat was me. I guess the similarities were pretty superficial.


Cara... Eu não concordo muito com a política dele, mas eu te entendo. Ele é um bom político, apesar de eu não votar nele.


por aqui a gente não tem muita coisa melhor, então fica nisso mesmo, eu fico triste é de ninguém perceber outros políticos que nem em 2014, mesmo que o Eduardo Jorge (ou qualquer outro dos menores) não ganhasse pelo menos q tivesse uma quantidade boa de votos



mah nigga brum