Honestly, if you don't have a solid social group of friends how do you get a girlfriend?

Honestly, if you don't have a solid social group of friends how do you get a girlfriend?

I work out 6 days a week, have a good body, have a good looking face, yet I've never had a girlfriend because I choose to play video games and stay inside on the weekends instead of going out (I absolutely hate it)

Before I'd hit up girls on facebook and that would work out somewhat okay but since they are normally far away it doesn't work out.

Tinder, meh, all of them seem to be whores

Can someone help?

Holy shit are you me?

Sticking around for a response

Go out retard

I do volunteer work. Steady stream of above average girls in their 20's and 30's.

Join an online dating site that posts profiles and matches characteristics? Cost money, but worked for some relatives of mine.

Is tinder honestly that bad and whorish? I feel like if you screen the right type of girls it wouldnt be too bad.

Take a dance class, yoga class, cooking class, or something like that OP

This is also a great idea

Adopt a girl 12-13 wait until shes 18 :P PROFIT

Have you ever looked at tinder on a girls phone?
It's insane, literally every right swipe my friend did got a match.
If your a chick on tinder you can either fuck three times a day realistically if you aren't ugly, or scour all of your area and have your choice. It's a horrible place for guys unless you are really attractive