I have NEVER met a gun owner who wasn't a massive pussy at heart. Not a single one

I have NEVER met a gun owner who wasn't a massive pussy at heart. Not a single one

Nice b8 m8

and your point is?

Then you should meet me, so you'll have a bigger sample to increase credibility to your proposal.

okay, anti-gun cuck

I have NEVER met a gun opposer who wasn't a massive pussy at heart. Not a single one

I'm still pissed he won. I fucking hate that dude and want to see him get his ass kicked, but he keeps fucking winning.

I have NEVER met a gun owner who wasn't a massive gun owner at heart. Not a single one


>trying this hard to sound intelligent

nigger faggot

They have one of those life size carboard cutouts of him at my local 7 Eleven for some reason. It's literally just him in tighty whiteys pumping his fists in the air. He makes MMA look absolutely retarded

Lame comeback, bro.

Ooooooo look at the tough guy over here.

Never met someone against guns who wasn't a faggot cuck. OP is massive faggot but we already knew that.

You're just a fucking idiot if you thought that was trying very hard.

He's a good fighter, it's just that he's such a fucking douche.

I don't know, maybe that's part of Dana's plan. Get people to keep tuning in to see if he'll get his ass kicked finally.

It is like you didn't even get the joke.

This guy makes me hate the Irish more than niggers. No wonder the Irish were looked at as subhuman by white people at one time.

nice pecks bro
*racks slide*
can you stop lead with them?

>increase credibility to your proposal
>not knowing what proposal means

It's a pretty solid 1:1 ratio of veterans being gun owners. We're not pussies, some of us have actually fought in wars cunt.

Gun owners seem to be huge pussies and lesser men

Lol dude you even sound like a pussy, saved me the trip

I would beat the fuck out of you with my bare fists if you even said pussy in my vicinity

That's why you keep a gun though, huh bitch?

Masculinity comes down to ONE thing. Competition. EVERY interaction between two men comes down to one thing: who would dominate the other in a physical confrontation. A man who needs a gun is basically saying that he is a pussy who has no confidence in his masculinity. It's like saying "I am so sure that EVERY other man could dominate me that I am not even going to pretend to be a real man, I'm just gonna punch in these cheat codes"

Your wife, your girlfriend, women on the street. They see my bruised hands and primal hormones send fluid and blood towards their pussies. They know I can handle my shit by strength of fist and bicep. They don't have to worry about what happens when there's no gun because I'm not a massive pussy who can't fight

They see your gun and no matter what they tell you, there's a deep down, primal acknowledgement that their man is weaker than others. So much so that he needs a crutch. Like a cripple needs a chair

I'm not talking about honorable men like veterans and cops or even (most) hunters. Guns are just the tools of your trade.

But the rest are, yes, pussies


overwatch is way better than league

This until you get shot.

spoken as a true sheltered child

both are cancerous faggotry, like MOBAs in general, and only pretentious gaymers who deserve to be rounded up and gassed play them. okay, back to topic.

I've never met a liberal that want actually a douche.

Pretty sure OP found a spare bore brush in his closet after he got cucked by a gunfag


Either they use them as a tool or they are pussies or they are fuckin sociopaths who enjoy the power.

Go ahead and wait for the cops when Jerome is beating you ass to death

Not here to argue, but I'll chime in my two cents.

>Earlier this week I had a drugged up homeless guy break into my house at 9:30am

>roommate held the door against him and she screamed for my name.

>woke me up and I grabbed my gun

>guy had foot and hand passed the door. I got her to move behind me and called the cops. When she moved, he got through and he got face to face to me

>told him to get the fuck out, but I could see the emptiness in his eyes. He constantly told me he was a killer and if I was man enough to end him. Kept telling me I wasn't blood and I was weak.

>seriously wanted to put a hole into his head. But for a split second after those thoughts. I didn't want to take a life. I didn't want that on my hands.

>changed my tone from ass kicking mode to sweet and worrisome.

>constantly telling me what I'm gonna do about and that I should let him in.

>threaten to kill me and etc.

>so I just needed to stall him

>started telling him my problems. Told him how I almost died in Alaska from bears and wolves. Told him how I lost my will to live and I'm nothing but a weak husk of what I use to be. I've been so burned out that it's been affecting my mental health.


Why can't you fight? No father in your life? Clearly that didn't stop Jerome from learning to beat your ass

What about this is liberal? I'm all for the second amendment. It just makes you a pussy just like how anyone aggressively exercising 1st amendment is annoying twat

>told him that this world is horrible and fucked up, and that only we as individuals make it a better place. Fuck money, glory and all that other shit. If we can make someone's life better for just a split second than it's all worth it in my book. Been telling him how I go out of my way to help people. Whether it's people stranded on the road from car problems, to taking random homeless people out to get food.

>told him I get no joy or self-satisfaction helping people. And stated it's a waste of my time. But I don't do it for me and shit.

>then proceeded to ask him what have he's done and etc. Eventually got him to break down and cry because of his life choices and he apologized. He said I was to innocent for this world and drew a heart on my chest.

>cops came and took him away.

Sure, I endangered my life and my roommates, but I saw the potential for a more peaceful way. Does that make me a hero? Fuck no. Does that make me a faggot? Probably.

Point is, a gun is used for sport and protection. It just depends on the user.

Shit man. I went backpacking through Alaska by myself. No gun or nothing. Not sure if that qualifies me as not being a pussy (definitely fucking retarded though). But it definitely made me tough.

Tldr: I'm a faggot who decided to let someone live after they broke into my house and not shoot them. When I was legally able to do so.

guns are like parachutes, if you ever need one and dont have it
You wont need it again

fucking LOL

nah overwatch is good. ur wrong