New Baww thread

New Baww thread

continued from come have a good cry with us

Other urls found in this thread:

ill give you a bump

bump with sad shit. i already spilled my story last thread, so feel free to share


thats a shitty mentality. im glad im not there anymore, dark times

My roommate stopped me from cutting myself again today. She definitely doesn't know that, and I'm not going to tell her. I pulled out a fresh x-acto blade from the drawer and loaded it, and was about to go to town on my legs when she texted me and asked if I wanted to get coffee. I had been more depressed than usual today, and I made the only good decision I've made and decided to go.

We talked a lot. We came back to the apartment, chatted, and stuff. We're both single right now, although she has guys over every so often. It was a little weird at some points, because we were saying a lot of the same things about how it seems a lot of the good people are already taken. For the record, she's 25 and I'm 28. I was with a girl for 6 years before she broke my heart, and she was with a guy for 3 years before he broke her heart. I've been with girls since then, but nothing really serious. Anyway, I've always thought my roommate was cute, but today in particular I really wanted to be with her. After talking for hours, and hearing us share all these similarities we have, it just felt like in my mind that we belonged together in some weird way. I don't think it's going to happen, though. There's no way that it would as long as we are living together, and she's best friends with a girl that I dated for about 5 months, which is how I ended up living with her in the first place.

It's so frustrating. I don't feel that there are many women that I am genuinely attracted to, and she's one of them, but I don't think there's any way that we could end up together. She appreciates a lot of the things that I deal with, like my anxiety, being depressed, difficult family dynamics, and a host of other things. I know that she isn't the only one who can appreciate these things, but she's right here and definitely available. It's not going to happen though.

I'm just so lonely. All I really want is someone to cuddle with me, I don't even care about sex anymore.

That one was my story.

To expand on that, I ended up dropping out of law school because I was drunk all the time.
Moved to a different part of the country and started working as a laborer for big oil. Got two yrs in to that, was making 88k a year, doing well, but hated the job.

Got blackout drunk every time I was off work. Performed great at work though and was promoted to lead hand before I knew it. I just hated the job. So monotonous. Stayed for the money, made it, and decided fuck this shit I'm giving school another go.

Now I'm doing nanotechnology. Shit's hard since I haven't been in school in a while, but pulling it off. I only think about her maybe once a week? But It's coming to the point that I'd be comfortable dating a new girl.

I'm on the ending end of the healing from a bad relationship. It's encouraging. However, I have a serious problem with alcohol. That's the next obstacle.

I just spent like 30 minutes typing up a reply to a dead thread... pretty much sums up my life

alright so youre that user my bad. i wish they would put IDs back on Sup Forums

youre still doing better than i am. if im being completely honest with myself i check her twitter way too fucking often, guess im still a bit hooked. what did you get your degree in?

Post it to the new one

in the last baw thread?

Wouldn't make alot of sense out of context

Yeah and fuck you Bob Ross, I've been waiting on the good times since 2007

link videos?

seek help for being a tranny. not even meming, its a mental disorder. a lot of your problems probably stem from that, and a lot of your problems have led you to think youre not in the right body

link me to it ill read it before the thread 404s

fuck me i need to study

That actually sounds like a boatload of problems and a really shitty situation to be in. I'm really sorry for you user.
I wish I could help but I have no advice to give you, only an ear to listen.

All those posts were me actually

Got two channels, both are fucking garbage at this point

Did some acting as Jet-Lag (guy with black face paint) in these videos. I don't give a fuck at this point if people know who I am...

I dont know if I'm the best for "tranny" advice. I steer clear of the transgender community. Can't stand most of them. Don't even like th ones I know irl.

As someone who's been alone pretty much his entire life, I think you should tell her how you feel. I know you live together but just ask her how she feels about it and if she rejects you just let it go and move on. Also, why do you cut yourself? I've never really understood it and I've also never been able to harm myself since I've never been fond of pain.

which posts? fuck you Sup Forums i need IDs let me watch all this shit real quick i dont feel like studying

forgot to link the other video

whyd you make these videos? just because?

I think this is all the same person. I was talking to you on the other thread, these are all my posts on this one:
I looked at your youtube channels, and while I can't quite watch the videos right now (semi-public place), I do think your logo looks cool. If you designed that, maybe you could look into doing some more art?


is everybody asleep?

I'm still here

Want to be a filmmaker... Just cant seem to finish anything. Wasted most of the year working on that Tales from netherland shit only for the director to fuck around and close the studio...

I'm not, mostly because I haven't taken any sleep aids yet currently watching season 2 of House of Cards while deciding what game I want to play.

>incoming blog post...

Alright I'll bite. I don't feel particularly sad or sorry for myself tonight, but some days you just wake up and really despise yourself.

So I struggle with acne scars and Rosacea. I believe that I was given improper treatment, which lead to the facial scarring. I'd had Rosacea the whole time I was struggling with acne, and my derm tried getting rid of my redness by giving me aggressive peels, which only aggravated the scarring even more.

I went on accutane for my acne and while most of it healed, I still get bumps occasionally because my skin is sensitive from rosacea, so the only thing that helps are rosacea rx gels and creams and doxycycline. It sucks. The bumps are actually comparable to hives. I can only compare the irritated feeling my facial skin feels to that of a mild allergic reaction. The stinging can go from sorta noticeable to unbearable if I'm not careful with my meds/eating habits/activity.

I spend a lot of time thinking about my face. How easily it gets red and aggravated. The scars on my face become even darker shades of red when my face starts to turn.

I'm happier than I used to be because I got laser scar treatments, but they only did so much. I knew it wouldn't get rid of them completely, but I had held out hope that the results(which I won't see the full results till next year) would come along a lot better.

I don't really mind now. I still get attention from girls, both attractive and unattractive. In fact, even when my skin was at its worst, I still got attention from very attractive girls.

The thing that bothers me now is I'm at a crossroads of actually, finally understanding that yes, I can be loved with these scars and redness.i can find love even with all of my faults. I'm not perfect, but neither is anyone else!

But it's just so hard when you spent the last eight years hating your own fucking guts. I know that people can see past my flaws and undermined aesthetic, but why can't I?

Pussy =^.^=

good, im still in a mood to feel and like having people to talk to as i study

what else have to done to actualize your dream of being a film maker?

Studying what?

this one is great

Cutting is just cathartic. It takes away some of the anxiety, and instead of the shit running through your mind, you start focusing on the pain from the cut instead. It doesn't make sense, but it feels good. It's a way to express the anxiety.

My roommate isn't even the only woman that's been making me feel this way. The other day I was having real awful anxiety. Couldn't handle it anymore, and was honestly thinking of finally killing myself. Wouldn't have been the first time I tried. While I was panicking, a friend of mine texted me. A few friends have been checking in occasionally because I've been dealing with a lot of shit in my life, which I won't go into right now. She texted me, deduced that I was in a bad way, and invited me to come over to her place. Not sure why I went, but it was the only good decision I made that day.

I got there, and she immediately knew how anxious I was. I feel like I should say a bit about her. She's my age, and I've known this girl for several years. We haven't been been close, but we've run in the same group of close knit friends. She has dealt with anxiety as long as I have, but currently she is dealing with it in a healthy manner, weekly visits to a counselor, meds, and all that. I went inside, and I sat down on her couch. We talked for 5 mins, and then she said that we were going on a walk.

We got outside, and she took my arm. I couldn't form words, or really walk much, but she guided me. I was pulled close to her, to where I could feel her whole body against me. That was honestly the best part of the night. I have longed just to feel someone touch me for so long. I nearly cried when my cute lady barber a few weeks ago trimmed my beard and ran her hands across my face a few times. We walked for about and hour. I didn't say much, then started saying more. I didn't want to go back, I wanted so badly to just keep walking so I could stay close to her.

Cont in the next comment

First 3 are me. Not good at art. Noone seems to want to hire me for shit. Most of my professional content is private after I had a meltdown and removed everything

The fuck is this shit

>First 3 are me.
The second set of posts are mine.

>Most of my professional content is private after I had a meltdown and removed everything
Mind if I/we see it? I think it looks good

Honestly it's a fucking task to reset them to be viewed. Anything worthwhile got deleted anyway. I don't handle criticism well

That's unfortunate. Ah well. What are you up to right now?

I'll share Dusty Dave. Have to reshoot it a third time anyway

First video is me running camera, second one, the victim from the first cut ran the camera and fucked everything up.

These are unfinished cuts so don't expect much

>Cont in the next comment
>in the next comment
Still waiting user.

macro and geology right now. two big tests tomorrow. pulling an all nighter, breakfast, maybe gym, then knocking out this geo test. quick nap, study up on macro then finishing that one too since its at night
i have the same scars from accutane. bad acne made me really fucking awakrd last year it fucking sucked, made me socially shit. people dont notice it, but you do, which is all that matters. sorry user
i dont think ill ever understand cutting. there has to be some other outlet you can take. tell me more about your roommate

We did get back to her house though. I sat back down on her couch, and she said that we could keep talking, or just watch something so I didn't have to dwell on things anymore. I was fine with that, and we watched Netflix for a bit. She told me to stay on her couch tonight, so I wouldn't be alone at home for right now. After another hour she went to bed. That was about it. Next morning I got up, said goodbye, and left for work.

It's really the same shit that happened with my roommate. I mean, yes they are both attractive people to me. Would I want one over the other? Only if one of them actually demonstrated real romantic interest in me. That's not going to happen though. They're just being good friends. I can't let my loneliness and desperation delude me into a false sense of reality. That's really hard though. I need to be with someone. It's not going to fix everything for me right now, but damn would it make a big difference. One night of sharing a bed with someone, and holding each other might make me not want to cut myself again for a while. At least until the desire to be with someone comes back. I can't be a good partner if I'm not mentally well, but I don't feel I'm going to get better until this need is quenched again. The snake is eating itself, and it makes me feel hopeless.

I don't think this would be a problem if I had a vagina. There's countless men who would be willing to do this me if I had a vagina. Because I'm a man though, women just look at me like I'm weird. I want someone to capture me, to come and choose me. I don't have the heart to get hurt anymore, and that means I don't want to put myself out there to risk being hurt. I've been hurt too much to do that to myself anymore.

I'm going to have to accept things as they are for now, and I don't feel I can.

That video's pretty good actually, I'm sure with editing and such it would look professional. The camera shots from the first one are really good, especially compared to the second

You sound a lot like me, user. Literally all of these thoughts plague my mind on the daily; however, you have the luxury of friends who care enough to do something for you. That is a treasure I wish I could have once again in my life, but after everything that's happened it's hard for me to believe I'll ever have another meaningful friendship or relationship again.

are both of your roommates women? what led you to be in this desolate state of life

I'm kind of the same way you are user. I want to know that there is at least someone out there that cares about me but there isn't anyone like that for me. Instead of cutting myself I resort to spending money to try and make myself feel better since it's the only thing I do have. In order for me to sleep I need to take sleep aids or else I'll spend the time I should be sleeping crying and overwhelmed by my feelings. Honestly wish there was something I could say to help you though. I'll be honest, I think the feelings you have for those two people in your life are just a sort of emotional attachment because you feel they care about you. I think you know this too and I'm not sure what you can do about it but I don't think starting a relationship based on those kind of feelings is a good idea.

She's in school to be an art teacher. She will be finishing up this year. She's pretty cute, only 5'3" or so, and a very petite frame. We get along pretty well. We have shared frustrations from time to time about the difficulty in dating. From her experience, there are always "catches" with guys. They eventually do something or say something that makes her realize they aren't worth her time anymore. In my opinion, she's a bit of a man eater. She seems to go through so many guys. Not all of them end up coming back here, but a maybe one or two a month will. The funny thing is, that most of them look a bit like me; beards, long hair, tattoos, and about 6' tall. It confused me for a while, when I first started to crush on her a bit. I thought she might have been trying to give me some sort of subtle hint. The reality though is that she has made it clear that she would never want to live with someone she was dating before getting engaged, so that pretty much eliminated me.

We're into some of the same things. She loves Sailor Moon, and I know a bit about anime/manga so we've talked about that for a bit. She's not the typical Japanese fan girl, I think she just really watched Sailor Moon a lot as a kid.

I know how lucky I am to have good friends. I don't let that go unappreciated. There are things friends can't do for you though, things that I really need. I can't ask a friend to cuddle with me in bed, especially if they are dating another friend of mine. I don't want sex, and I don't care about that. I need to be held. I need to feel physical affection.

I believe you can find friends again. The reality is that friends are something that builds over time. It's an emotional investment. You give bits of your life to someone, and then they give their in turn. It's a strange thing. Don't give up hope.

Just do it. It sounds like she likes you and you should ask her before she looses interest

>10 posters
sure is lonely in here

and do you have feelings for her? how did you end up rooming together

The guy who ran camera on the second doesn't like the guy playing the mugger. So the entire shoot turned into a pissing contest between the two and nothing got done correctly. Third shoot wont have either of them.

We've got 7 feature length films planned, like 6 shorts, and a bunch of other stuff but I doubt I'll ever finish any of it.

I get in a funk and just don't want to work on anything. Just seems pointless when noone even watches the shit. I've spent over $300 just trying to film the cowboy thing and it never ends up right.

Friends are a special thing. I do have one friend that may actually care about me, but she is my best friend's ex and I do not want to fuck with the bro code. I came dangerously close to actually doing something with her when we were both drunk.

Like I said, she seemed to care about me but I pushed her away because I thought she just wanted me, not that she wanted to talk to me. Which still seems true to me.

I too wish I could have someone to just cuddle. Tbh I just want my old relationship back, but this time I wouldn't be such a jerk to my ex. But I know that can't happen. And it makes me sad.

I have been trying to make friends this entire semester at school and I have made a grand total of 3 or 4, and the main reason I'm friends with them is because we're all stoners. I doubt they even care about me as much as they care about my weed.

No, I only have one roommate. The other girl I mentioned in a long-time friend, but we don't live together.

I think you're right, but I hadn't been able to put those words to it. Emotional attachment is a very, very real thing. I don't have money (at all), and I barely make enough to get by. Money isn't really a motivator for me, anyway.

The only thing I want out of life is to find real love and get married. It's a small thing to some people, but to me it is everything. I was there with my ex. I had a ring. I didn't really think she was going to leave me until she did. I even let her fuck me two days before she left. We had been separated for a few weeks (her decision). I made her dinner, and we watched a movie at "our" apartment. Before she left we had sex, and I believed that she wouldn't break up with me then. I was too trusting. She destroyed me. Everything in life since that point has been awful. I feel I am living in Hell. I am abandoned by "God" or whatever divine entity may or may not exist. It's a weird thing to describe, but I sometimes believe that's where I am.

I felt real, true love. I was with that girl for 6 years. I would have died for her. I can't imagine living the rest of my life without feeling that way for someone else. I don't want to even think about that possibility. So, maybe that's why I'm trying to force things with these girls. Even if something was there, I think you're right to say that starting a relationship with them might not be the best idea.

Dude, finish these films! Don't stop just because you think "noone even watches the shit."

You shouldn't make movies to please an audience- while that is the target goal, the real reason you should make a movie is because it's your passion and you want to make this movie to let your voice be heard. Hell, it's so much more than I'll ever do to put myself out there.

I believe that if you really put yourself out there, you will be noticed.

Totally off-topic, but I've never seen that gif before- but I use a picture that's very similar to it as my wallpaper.
>pic related
I thought this pic was comfy but god DAMN that snow makes it all the more comfier

I think I have feelings for her. I wouldn't put myself on the line, but if she made a direct move for me, I would fall like a house of cards. My heart hurts. I don't want to give just any person the key, but if she asked for it, I would give it to her.

We actually met through my ex, and one of her close friends. I dated this girl for almost 6 months, and during that time I needed a place to live, and my (now) roommate needed another person on her lease. We've been living together for....almost a year now. We are actually moving somewhere else together in a few weeks when this lease runs out. Another bit of complication to our "relationship", haha.

Music for anyone else still here:

time to get /comfy/

so if she made a move.. would you fall for her because you love or, or just feel the need to have somebody, anybody

Im so burnt out on it though. There's only so many times I can fail before it just crushes my spirit.

My film work literally saved me from killing myself. It's about the only thing that brings me any joy but i can't afford to keep wasting money on shit like this. It kills me to see something I've poured everything into crash and burn

Gladly- tbh posting comfy is better than baww, unfortunately

I like this music

who is saying youve failed? you havent even begun user
cant find where i put my comfy folder

If I've managed to help you some way I'm glad. The way you've explained how you felt just sounded really similar to the ways I've felt before and I just don't want you to make the same mistakes I have. I've acted based on feelings of emotional attachment before and it's never ended well. Because of my most recent fuck up of acting based on those feelings I've ruined what could have been a great future for myself and I'm currently waiting on my suicide to be mailed to me.

3 or 4 friends is still something. You won't really know if they are trustworthy or care about you until it gets tested. I'm not saying to do something to something to test them on their level of commitment, but if something happens to you and they aren't there to support you, then you will know. It doesn't have to be big, but even if you just tell them that you aren't having a good day, and they aren't emotionally available to you about it can be all the information you need.

user, give it a try, after all, ""You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky" - Michael Scott

Doesn't have to only be comfy, can be just nice pics too

Honestly... I'm afraid that they aren't real friends and that's why I'm afraid of testing them. I believe that most, if not all, of my friends would leave me if they were tested because that seems to be the popular trend of any relationship I've ever had.

Cutting doesn't work anymore.
Not since she died.
APS failed her, cops failed her, hospital failed her, family failed her.
The only girl I ever loved. Now everything is destroyed. Last week I stopped talking to the only other friend I had because my pain upsets her.

What happened, user?

Because I'm genuinely attracted to her. She's got a lot of things going for her that I look for in a potential partner. She likes a lot of the same things. I feel like I can talk to her about my anxiety, and she understands. She shares a lot of my values and beliefs. We both have had to deal with difficult family backgrounds. I trust her deeply. She's cute, aside from all of that. I could say more, but I don't want to get too specific.

I'm not going to make a move though. I don't want to make things weird. I don't want to suddenly have to find a new place to live. I don't want to get hurt again. I've just accepted that either she's not interested, or she may be and it's going to make a move, and that's fine. Better that than getting another hit to my heart. The funniest thing is she has the same name as my ex of 6 years, and it's not even a common name.

I think it's just extreme apathy on my part. I used to do this stuff every day. I'd sit for hours modeling and animating. Ive got 2 tb of work from just the last 3 years and none of it is finished.

Now it takes an act of congress just to get me to write one page of a script.

I think what started all this was the failure of my comic book. I lost over $4000 on that thing.

ill take it
story time
do you have any other mode of work other than entertainment?
im sorry. id suggest finding a new person to live with, eventually something will happen between you two and it wont be good. or very good, could go either way

I have made a lot of bad decisions too. I fucked a 40 year old coworker about a month after my ex left. I needed someone, and I didn't think she would expect a relationship. I even tried to make it clear that I needed a friends with benefits situation. But that didn't stop her from wanting me to be hers. I couldn't have handled a relationship with anyone at that point, and she wasn't mature enough to understand that. Ironic, considering she was more than 10 years my senior.

She wasn't the only one. The friends with benefits thing is a myth. It doesn't work. Someone gets hurt eventually. Someone will eventually want it to have meaning. Even if that it's you, it will end up bringing pain to you. One night stands aren't the answer either.

I work at a gas station for $8.25 an hour... The place is my own personal hell. I legit have nightmares about the store.

no degree? no other skillset?

If it was going to happen, there were opportunities. We've gotten drunk together a couple times. She's helped deal with me while I've been unable to even get off the floor. I just don't think it's going to happen. She could have made a move. She hasn't. I don't think she's going to. I've accepted that reality, and it's OK now.

I think you're right to just keep her as a friend, user. As long as her friendship is of value to you, then you shouldn't try to ruin it in any way.

Is it impossible to leave the gas station? Is it worth it to kill yourself mentally by forcing yourself to work there ? Maybe doing a "worse" job somewhere else will help you maintain your sanity (or what little is left)

Here's my musical contribution to the thread:

She was terminal & being abused by her piece of shit husband. She reached out to me & told me over time. We fell in love.
I worked 18 hours a day to support her & to travel to be with her for as long as she had left. I found her family & got them in touch with each other but she was reliant on meds every two days to keep her alive. In January her trash husband forced his way back in, starved her of food & meds & she was hospitalised within the week. APS were called but couldn't stop him from abusing her, they let her out of hospital, she lasted four days & was re-admitted. She went downhill because he destroyed her phone & I could no longer get to her. She stopped eating or taking meds & died 48 hours later.



I'm sorry to hear about all of that, user. It sounds like a terrible situation to deal with.

Also, thanks for the advice on the FWB situation- I was slightly considering trying such a situation with my friend's ex but everything about the situation sounds shitty.

I started learning cinematography and 3D animation when I was 9. Spent pretty much every day trying to get better. Not good at much else.

I was asked to attend a college in chicago to learn this stuff but they didn't want to help pay and it cost $60,000 a semester.

I lost over $2000 on an apartment because none of my financial aid processed. So I moved to florida for a job, long story short I got screwed over by my landlord and had to move back home after being kicked at gunpoint out of the "redneck commune" I got stuck living in.

Life has not been kind to me for the past few years

shes a woman, but she sounds like a good friend. i wouldnt make a move, just cherish what you have. also try to find another woman

So far I've cheated in every relationship I've ever been in, and each time is has either hurt the person I cheated with, cheated on, or both. Most of the time I'm shit faced when it happens, but I never felt as much regret as I do now. The fear of what my friends and family would say when they find out (which is a guarantee at this point) makes me shut down. I can't help myself. I feel like a monster.

I understand what you're looking for man, I'm looking for the same thing. It's something that has to happen on it's own naturally and trying to force it in any way will just backfire. I hope you'll have more luck than I have and I hope you find some way of dealing with those feelings that doesn't fuck anything up.

It's 4 AM here, and I am need to pass out. These feels threads are the only reason I come to Sup Forums anymore, and this one has been particularly good. Thank you all for your words. You helped me get through another night of not hurting myself.

Good night, Sup Forums.

it sounds like youve poured your life into this. ill be straight with you user, you need to add to your skillset, or else youre never going to make it. im not telling you to give up on your dream, but you need to find a way to get a good job that isnt filming. youve put your heart and soul into this one thing and its not working out for you

Goodnight mate

how about you try not putting yourself into a position where you are hammered and could possibly cheat on your SO

Life's been a bitch to all of us. Exactly why we're here in this thread right now, and not asleep as the time dictates we should be.

I've never fully understood the mindset of a cheater: to me it's such an inhumane and cruel thing to do. What makes you do it, user?

Very glad I could be here to help you. Also, I'm very glad you could be here to help me.

I mean I have 6 years of management experience and I've taken a bunch of classes in business management. But noone wants to hire someone in their 20's for management. The area I live in is a shit hole. Nothing hires for more than 30 hours a week, and most only pay $7.25 an hour.

I appreciate the conversation. Im heading to bed now. Have to get up early and find some way to get to work since my car blew a tir and noone has one that'll fit.

last thread was better tbh. 5:06 and im still studying, cant wait for the dining halls to open. finally ran out of dip

sleep tight user

same goes for you. hope you have a good day

I'mean probably just making excuses to myself at this point but, I don't have a particular mind set. Maybe I just don't feel as much attachment or a sense of commitment that my SO's feel. Even then, I love my current gf a lot more than I've ever felt for anyone else, but what I did can't be reversed. The girl that I cheated with has a loving bf of her own, but I don't know why for some reason of all the times we've gotten smashed together, the last time was different. And after that I haven't heard from her and I assume she hates my guts and blames me for all of it. Maybe I am to blame.

one last post

been a great couple of threads

goodnight Sup Forums, love you all

I'm not in a good mind frame right now Sup Forumsro's...
>met this girl about a month and a half ago at a bar
>had one night stand but decided to see each other a bit more
>started getting close, spending every night together (live on same base)
>start "dating". Not exclusive but we both care about each other.
>first girl I've been with since my first girlfriend who made me forget about said first girlfriend.
>2 weeks ago, new girl and I got into an argument, and she got into bed with one of my friends.
>told me all they did was kiss
>forgave her, she told me it was a huge wake up call and she just wants to be with me.
>having issues trusting her again.

Just putting me in a shit mood all the time, what should I do ?

thank god i didnt close the thread yet. im pretty sure im the only one here now. give me a minute to type out my verdict. also what branch are you?

Air Force, yeah I realised after I posted that the thread was almost dead

well to be fair to her you DID say that you werent exclusive. I know that feel though, mutually into each other but not ready to put a label on it yet, however still feel enough to be pissed if theyre with somebody else. playing with fire user

if she got mad because of your argument and then went into your other friends bed, thats a bad sign. what happens if you do end up dating and get into another argument? will she sleep with one of your friends? things to consider

are you set on making it work though?

are you me?

hey faggot are you still here

I will share something I need to get out of my chest. Lately feeling like shit, like my life has no goal or something, like I'm such a fucking piece of shit that even if I try I will fuck up nonetheless, that and the never-ending thought/feel of feeling as if everybody dislikes you, everyone, family, friends, you fucking name it. I use to struggle with self harm when I was 15, now I cant bring myself to hold a blade near my flesh, is like all my muscles disengage, although I've had succesful attemps.

Nonetheless, since everyone here is sharing comfy pictures, I'll decide to share my own. Took this picture in BanĂ­, Dominican Republic like 3 years ago.

here and listening user

is there anything that happened to kickstart you into feeling this way?

Thank you user, I simply happens out of the blue, just as I'm minding my own bussiness (I mean the hopelessness feeling). The feelings of being hated or disliked as well, but I know what made me start feeling that way. Somehow, from time to time I get depressed and anxious for no fucking reason.

(more "comfy" pictures for my anons, same place.)

Keep this thread bumped, ive got a greentext in the works of my life going up then down hill.