Be a 4th round draft pick

>Be a 4th round draft pick
>Exceed expectations
>Have a more than respectable performance in your first NFL game
>Never commit a crime
>Never do anything to offend anyone ever
>Be immediately hated because you play QB for the Dallas Cowboys

Will this ever stop?

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pretty sure no one hates him

that's Dak Prescott? For some reason I thought he'd be a white guy. He looks like an inmate.

Actually like the guy way more than Tony Romo.

At least he keeps their retarded fanbase from being overly optimistic

All Cowboys fans hate this man.

Did you follow preseason at all? Fans were cheering that Romo's injury could be a blessing because Dak's potential is better.

He's a halfie. He has a really ugly white mom.

if i was a cowboys fan i would call for thefiring of garrett and release tony homo. these 2 losers are keeping the cowboys from going deep in the playoffs

>Never commit a crime
what do you want, a cookie?

Not really. I'm a Packers fan and while I loathe the Cowboys they have only had a few players over the years that I truly hated.

Neon Deon

>forgetting he committed beastiality at moou

Maybe once people at Fox stop telling us that a game between two bottom feeders like Giants vs Cowboys is "America's Game of the Week"

to be fair a dui is a white man's crime

I wish him all the best. He was fun to watch when the Cowshits played us in the preseason.

Too bad he'll never play for a winning team because Jerruh hasn't put together a decent squad in 20 years. Until Jerry Jones dies the Cowboys will continue to be a middle to lower pack NFC team.

dui is everybody's crime

there is no race or gender that doesn't drive drunk

>dallas literally cannot win a game without Romo
>everything is Romo's fault

yeah because the team cant build a real chemistry. romo comes back from injury wins a few games stubs his toe and goes back to the bench

Do you know any actual cowboys fans outside of Sup Forums, all the ones I know were devastated and basically admitted their season was over.

Actual Cowboys fan here, the season IS over. There's no way we can hold things down until Romo comes back, and at this point he'll probably just get hurt again.

This season's main purpose, at this point, is to see what we have in Dak. If he looks good (he looked decent today) we can really start to build for the future, especially as Jerrah gets more decrepit and Stephen takes further control.

>Have sportscaster literally on your dick
>W-why does nobody like him
Pic related

Cowboys are finishing 13-3 with Sanchez playing the last two games. Romo starts after the bye and leads to the Owl.

Cap this

>spend the entire offseason shitposting
>some of the most obnoxious """""""""fans"""""""" on this board
>surprised when people shit on the cowboys losing

Dak played fine

Zeke was disappointing as fuck, Dez disappeared, TWill has 0 football IQ



is romo a turbo christian or something? i dont see why you dallas fans love him so much. you'd be better off without him seriously

He was also acquitted, for what it's worth.

One of the times when he was injured, he took a homeless guy to the movies and pulled off the road to fix a couple's flat tire. He's very down-to-earth and humble for an NFL player. He doesn't even gloat, Aikman is the main NFL personality saying he's great.
t. jest fan

He's also kind of the ultimate underdog. Wasn't even drafted, picked up by the Cowboys on a whim, goes on to be pretty good.

He's basically a very poor man's Tom Brady, only he's all ours.

Cowboys have the worst fans in the world, what did u expect lmao

he's the QB for the Dallas Cowboys, of course he is hated


>you'd be better off without him seriously

Last season says otherwise. The only reason we even won the one game without him last year was because it was the most pathetic kicker duel in the history of MNF.

Fuck me I wish we still had TO

TO wouldn't have dropped that ball Dak threw to Dez

>a fucking rookie getting 20 touches to Alfred Morris' 7

Ya blew it.