Roast me

Roast me

Clean up that empty Gatorade bottle you fucking mess of a human.

you degenerate, your lighting is so shit. How do you live like that

You look like Nicholas Hoult if Nicholas Hoult was a loser.

eh, I'd sit on your face

That's not a roast
Into the void

you look like all your mommy issues are buried in the backyard with all your other victims.


I hear school of rock is hiring child musicians

yo andrew, didn't know you browse Sup Forums too lmao

This is the look of a man about to shoot up a school then hero himself

You look like the type of person that would wear bear feet and "studies" IT


a hillary voter

Don't ever compare me to such filth

no, just fucking with you. next time when uplaoding a pic on 4chin from facebook, rename the file

Y-your beard is stupid!

I have to rename it? My name isn't in the filename. Odd. Whatever.

Nevermind I get it. I'm retarded.

You have the kind of face I could punch and feel nothing buy joy. Seriously you look like a bitch.


You look like someone who gets a job as a youth pastor so he can fingerblast 12 year olds

I actually just finished a bachelors in programming. No IT for me.

You look like pewdiepie would with a little more Neanderthal blood in him

You look like you suck your own dick.
You got skills son!

that lamp in the background remember me one hotel sex night nigtmare i have with one prostitute long time ago.... damm bitch.

I don't wanna go to work Sup Forums