how in the world can someone be cancerously retarded enough to believe Trump actually hates gays and to worry about their fate during Trump's presidency?
why do they believe that 70 years old man really gives a fuck or two about who in which hole is fucked by who? why do they really suppose Trump's going to lose any sleep over that?
ok, let's call him homophobe; he doesn't like them (all of us do). so what then? what do they suppose Trump is going to do and what Hillary Clitoris would do to them if she had won?
> tldr: why should you ever believe Trump gives a fuck about gays and why should you endlessly/continiously speak about it everywhere thinking you are making actual argument against Trump?
Juan Morris
I don't this he does but the rest of his cabinet along with his VP definitely does.
Jackson Ross
Not trump, Pence m8
The worry is that Trump is another George Bush and is just going to differ to Pence like Bush did with Chaney.
Hillary was only preferable because she would have kept the status quo which was good for anyone not straight and rich.
Aaron Rivera
hillary was the worst option
Xavier Jackson
I disagree, but it doesn't really matter now.
I'm not anti-Trump, the person. I'm anti Pence, Gingrich and all these other people he's bringing back who don't deserve even a little bit of power.
Julian Reed
Go back to Sup Forums user, you are drunk
Aaron Green
>Go back to Sup Forums user, you are drunk implying Sup Forums doesn't give a fuck about US elections.
Charles James
We care about his potentially anti-guy Supreme Court nominees, not what he personally thinks about it
Logan Rivera
the last pres cared enough to draft gay marriage, mostly just to piss off religitards. i don't understand why anyone would get married if they weren't religious anyway though
Brandon Rodriguez
It's his Vice President that is the problem dude
Pence is more christiannily retarded than fucking Cruz