i've been drinking near-on daily for maybe 15 years now.
usually only 3-4 pints of lager, but between a half and full bottle of vodka.
back in college i would drink a litre of vodka before going out just to show off, my tolerance was pretty high as i'd been drinking in bars since I was 13 as was a good guitarist so was always in bands with much older guys.
i'd ameliorate it with speed or cocaine to keep me going.
once i left college I was heavy into ecstasy and coke for about 5 years, then started to experience problems from the drug use so i cut it down and only really drank lager and vodka/mixer in bars.
then coke started to creep back in in my mid-20s.
by the time I was pushing 30 I couldn't really function musically without 2-3 beers in me as i'd been drinking while playing gigs for almost 20 years.
i'd get tired off beer so i started to drink vodka mixed with energy drinks.
for the last 10 years or so i've been drinking vodka mixed with energy drinks not only most evenings to help me keep going, but during the days as I find it hard to find energy to work (self-employed all my life).
a run of bad luck didn't help and now I drink up to a full bottle of vodka every day, although i've recently cut this down to every second day.
although I've put on weight for the sugar in the energy drinks, i have never had withdrawal symptoms, shakes or anything else.
i guess it comes down to your physical and mental makeup.
i got very fit briefly from about 32-35, surfing almost daily and started in on the weed again due to the culture, but i'd always bring a few beers and my vodka to keep me going.
i'll try to answer any questions you have, but I don't really see it as a problem for me.
the only problem is I want to lose the weight and don't have time to get fit as I am still working my way out of the bad luck situation.
so i keep saying I will do it "one more day" and then i'll give up, but then I don't, I have stopped for up to 2 weeks, always restart.