Hey everyone, 26 year old hopeless alcoholic here. I drink daily and when I don't I withdraw...

Hey everyone, 26 year old hopeless alcoholic here. I drink daily and when I don't I withdraw, I've tried detoxing a few times this month with no avail. When I do I get the shakes, heart palpitations, cold / hot sweats, insomnia, sever anxiety / depression, the whole 9.

I recently have come into self harm as well. Cutting my arms up and what not ... I've never done this before until now.

I don't know if I'll defeat this or how long I have left , I'd just like to talk to some like minded people if there are any on here. Thank you

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i've been drinking near-on daily for maybe 15 years now.

usually only 3-4 pints of lager, but between a half and full bottle of vodka.

back in college i would drink a litre of vodka before going out just to show off, my tolerance was pretty high as i'd been drinking in bars since I was 13 as was a good guitarist so was always in bands with much older guys.

i'd ameliorate it with speed or cocaine to keep me going.

once i left college I was heavy into ecstasy and coke for about 5 years, then started to experience problems from the drug use so i cut it down and only really drank lager and vodka/mixer in bars.

then coke started to creep back in in my mid-20s.

by the time I was pushing 30 I couldn't really function musically without 2-3 beers in me as i'd been drinking while playing gigs for almost 20 years.

i'd get tired off beer so i started to drink vodka mixed with energy drinks.

for the last 10 years or so i've been drinking vodka mixed with energy drinks not only most evenings to help me keep going, but during the days as I find it hard to find energy to work (self-employed all my life).

a run of bad luck didn't help and now I drink up to a full bottle of vodka every day, although i've recently cut this down to every second day.

although I've put on weight for the sugar in the energy drinks, i have never had withdrawal symptoms, shakes or anything else.

i guess it comes down to your physical and mental makeup.

i got very fit briefly from about 32-35, surfing almost daily and started in on the weed again due to the culture, but i'd always bring a few beers and my vodka to keep me going.

i'll try to answer any questions you have, but I don't really see it as a problem for me.

the only problem is I want to lose the weight and don't have time to get fit as I am still working my way out of the bad luck situation.

so i keep saying I will do it "one more day" and then i'll give up, but then I don't, I have stopped for up to 2 weeks, always restart.

u gotta stop man. drinking heavily everyday is so bad for you my friends have developed serious kidney/liver/stomach problems from that shit. substitute it for another drug, like opiates for a week or 2 then get off the opiates, or replace them with something else. youre not going to be able to go cold turkey, but atleast opiates will get rid of the emotional pain/whatever the fuck youre dealing with more effectively than alcohol. alcohol is a shit tier drug anyway.

I used to drink daily, starting when I woke up. I went to an outpatient treatment that was i think 3 hours a day for 2 weeks, then AA meetings.
All you really need are AA meetings but having the treatment was a huge help.
I've been sober now a long time.

go get help bro.
I dont want you to die.

Im going through heroin withdrawals right now, 3rd day. because i couldnt stand to see myself like that for the rest of my life, time waits for no one.

You have to slowly stop. Start having a few less drinks each day. Start doing something like exercise to keep you occupied and to keep your mind off it. I used to drink everyday and smoke weed everyday and over the last 8 months i have been easing off both slowly and am now 2 months clean. Didnt go to any AA shit. I know its hard to find the will power to do it but when you are clean you will wonder why you didnt do ot sooner

If you decide to really stop, just know that the pain of the withdrawals and all of the symptoms that come with are only temporary. It might take a couple/few weeks to starts to feel normal again but it is well worth it. One of these days soon, I'm also going to stop. Stay strong user.

Be careful guys start by scaling back as kicking heavy alcohol use abruptly can kill you. They literally have bottles of hard liquor in emergency rooms for people that show up with heavy withdrawal