How is a 33 year old still top 5 WR in the league?

How is a 33 year old still top 5 WR in the league?

jerry rice way before your time?


Heart. Ain't nobody got more than Larry does.

>zero rings
>top 5

>How is a 33 year old still top 5 WR in the league?
Because he wants to be. It's that simple.

Hard work

because he's a goat who's been on terrible, unstable teams with changing subpar qbs

also the talent pool has watered down over the years

larry is based
i always wanted the cards to trade him to a competent organization but now im glad they kept him, he gets to retire a cards legend and he got to spend his last few seasons contending

If any player in the nfl deserves a ring its either him jjwatt or Julio Jones

nice hands larry

lol those other 2 are nothings


No one deserves a ring. You can only earn one.





I know but they're my favorite players ;C

Seriously people need to fuck off with that shit meme.

Receivers always look good against patriots defenses

>JJ Watt

Guy is an absolute play maker and gets multiple sacks almost every game

>Julio Jones

The only reason why Matt Ryan is even talked about

Kill yourself newfag

single-handedly saved my fantasy game this week.

a dime a dozen contemporary elite defender and a run of the miller #1 WR. nothing new or standout about them to "deserve" rings yet