/mlb/ sluts edition


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mets and sawks.


>The Mariners are the hottest team in baseball

I really hate handegg Sundays

I like handegg. Dont get me wrong. But a game just finishes
>20 new threads
>variation of team logos, players, webms and memes

mlb is by far the most civilized general.


anti yankee broship?

suck my motherfucking dick

American divegrass threads are the most civil




Cubs fans got the flattest booties. Makes me ashamed to be one. :(

They only get one game a week, let them have it.

Literally faggots

i don't but the thread spam does suck as well as the way everyone just forgets other events happening on the same day.

also football is unquestionably a worse sport to watch live on tv than a lot of other sports. better on dvr or highlights with the stoppages cut out tho.

christ those are some immense warlocks.

>thinking this retard wont give the giants first place and let us lose the WC game

It's not flat just fat and misshapen



where the fuck did everyone go


>Sunday night
>12:45 AM EST
>11:45 PM CST

Most people are sleeping. Everyone knows that once it's bedtime for the Eastern and Central Divs, /mlb/ shuts down (unless there is a bunch of Mariners and Gints shitposting going on, that is).

>tfw no more qtball

or nips at night

>that youtube ad with jose fernadez talking about his first car
is this supposed to appeal to poor spics who are saving up for a 1999 honda?

> Reddick

So be honest Sup Forums who is jelly of 3 WS in 5 years?
[spoiler]doyers fans don't reply we already know you SO JELLY![/spoiler]

Try winning 5 in a row

You forgot Dodgers fans user.
or was that your intent?

stop posting this, im getting tired of this dumb post

>still 3 games out of the 2nd WC spot

Are we, dare I say it, back?

who /loctite/ here?

Hows it feel to know that Dave Roberts cursed the Dodgers?

>Aaron Sanchez's next start pushed back due to blister



>Jints officially back

at least kings pre season is starting soon

>pretending to care about hockey
>losing to the Sharks in the playoffs

I have season tickets to the kings farm team in ontario.

Hockey is based and lines up with MLB offseason amazingly

>TFW it's the Giants are going for the brass ring yet again.
>TFW after that it's NBA time again and Sharks too I guess.

>San Francisco giants
>san Jose sharks
>GS warriors who play in oakland

For fucks sake have some class

Rich Hill basically DID throw a perfect game btw.

And so did Kersh and Scherzer.


Are you just pretending to be a fucking idiot or what?

>mfw 7 perfect innings is the highlight of the dodgers year

no buddy, we talked about this with you Doyer fans earlier this year.
a perfect game/ no hitter is NINE innings

I guess Matt Moore no hit the Dodgers too

Still waiting for the H or BB that Clayton and Max allowed. I don't see how a dude dropping a ball and a another nigga leaning into a fastball takes away from the perfection of those two masterpieces.

Stay angry though. Both Max and Clayton are two active first ballots pitchers with less than 10 year service time.

Show me the pitching line for Moore's game. Does it read "1" in the "H" column??

does it read 9 ip in the stat column for Hill's game?

Which dodger girl would you creampie user?

The tight mexican teen?

The exotic jap schoolgirl?

The catcher with a bubblebutt?

Perfection implies 27 up 27 down. Almost perfect is not perfect. And literally nobody is denying how impressive those performances were, just pointing out to your dumbass that they weren't perfect games.

>when you think this is the start of something good

>Madison Bumgarner, Johnny Cueto, and Matt Moore's contracts cost a combined $30 million this year
>the Arizona Diamondbacks are paying Zack Greinke $34 million this year



How does Bobby Evans keep getting away with it?


>Tfw baseball ended early tonight so there was nothing to watch at work other than handbag
Awful desu

>losing at home
>on 9/11




going to dl with strained hamstring within a week confirmed

lol dodgers winning the world series as underdogs will be lit asf shitposting

elbow/bone spurs/Tommy John/shoulder
elbow/arm fatigue
elbow/shoulder/bone spurs
elbow/Tommy John/forearm soreness

What a meme Broadway delivery.

>TFW you have horrible form , Daniel-san.

lesson not just karatay onry. whole rife have a barance. .

It feels so wrong to be hoping the Yankees sweep but I guess I don't have a choice.

>Sale leads the AL in IP on 1-2 less starts than the rest of them
I've seen all that I need to see, give him the CY.

Inb4 Wade Miley gems his old team at Fenway and Price embarrasses himself again

...yeah that's stretched more than a Mets pitcher's ligament.

He won't win it because God hates us and we're not allowed happiness

Last good baseball video game.

>9 batters in
>8 hits
>1 bunt
NL fans will defend this.

>Mookie Betts the cover player

They were really ahead of their time

hey I have that on my computer, there's updated roster mods which are gr8

I've been playing through it over the last few days, also on PC.

Ben Sheets just went 30-3 with 1.82 ERA for my 2007 Yankees.


Current babsel games need more balance with the realism and all the fun mini-game aspects from the past. Be a good way for devs to cash in on the nostalgia cash cow.

How does this make you feel


>you now realise the season is ending
I'm sad.

I used to like the little extra-baseball things our players would do. Now I don't even care about them because all I can see is the suck

i thought it was santiago castillas bingo

I sexually Identify as an Bryce Harper. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the outfield dropping hot sticky dingers on disgusting pitchers. People say to me that a person being a Bryce Harper is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I just say "HEY FUCK YOU". I’m having a plastic surgeon install a ring, a Yankees cap and a $500 million dollar contract on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “The Best Player in Baseball” and respect my right to dodge clown questions and make baseball fun again. If you can’t accept me you’re a Harperphobe and need to check your dinger privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

Why is it that all baseball players first born is always male? Like every single one. Do they do some crazy GATACA shit where they can chose the sex?

When will the cubes clinch

These videos are pretty neat. Latroy Hawkin's house is fucking ballin.


jays lads

Yankees might actually get fucken swept lmao.

Shame tanaka and maeda won't be pitching.

>Team doesn't have multiple rings this century

>not having multiple rings from the previous century


This desu, good post.



please let him be good

>tfw been marathoning this on the GC