Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread
Previous: The rules are simple:
>Claim your 2D waifu
>Post pics of your waifu
>Insult other waifus
>Discuss stuff
>Keep RP and ERP to minimum
>Post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>Most important: Have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:


And you're waifu is a backstabbing slut.

Post more feet.

Kurumi claimed

>pantsu queen
>not lewd
I think not.
Stuff I try not to think about.



ur waifu not a slut but you are

Huh, sind recht hübsch gemacht, aber ich geh sicher nicht durch all diesen Aufwand.

Oooooh! Nice one!

Your waifu smells.


Are you picking a fight?

You're waifu is a chuuni cuck who cries for herself when she makes herself lose. Best or not, she's a loser.

Shiro claimed.

(Du) (Du)
>Peanut Caramel
Klingt ekelhaft klebrig.

>die woche ist wieder besser, denke ich
Na immerhin.


>I think not.
You tryna square, mate?
You know what kind of stuff I don't like to think about? Herpes.

>All den Aufwand.
Geh auf Deviantart, such nach den paar Leuten die nicht zu Sonic und Pferden masturbieren und zahl ihnen einen Hungerlohn. So mach ich das auch.

Well, you really are one to talk.
Always bragging about how she'd be your waifu if that sore disgusting loser wasn't around.

Square who? You?
Yea, that's not a very pleasant thought.

I dc for 2 minutes and fiora is 9/1 :o

>Tomoko wins
>Ruri loses, again

But Ruri isn't my waifu, now, is she?

Yes you are

>Die nicht zu Sonic und Pferden masturbieren
Huh, das wird wohl ne Weile dauern.

why are her eyes different?
yes I am :o

Post again but in english this time

It's funny how you can't even see the irony in waifu'ing a girl that is supposed to be disgustingly unattractive.

no im not

more slutty than kyle? :o

Just because you don't play League doesn't mean it's not english.

I was playing League of Legends as Janna and my wifi exploded so I had to leave for about 2 minutes

and when I came back, the enemy Fiora went from 0/1/0 to 9/1/3

she was very strong and we lost :o
he's not an anal slut like me :3

Please. Tomoko is average, she just doesn't gussy up like Ruri does.

If Tomoko did take the time to care more about her image she would be on par with Ruri, no question.

One is a clock

that must feel amazing on your dick :o
tomoko is very cute

I know

Yes you are

I don't waste my time on it. I waste my time here instead

I still don't get it but ok

how do you become a anal slut? :o
no u
i bet you like 3d women


it's ok sonic I still love you
you gotta suck on your fingers and finger your ass :o

Neither is the plague in the 1340s. Horrible icebreaker.
How about a more uplifting topic?

Durchaus eine schwierige Mission, das gebe ich zu. Ich glaube es ist die letzten Jahre noch schlimmer geworden, aber gibt es eine Alternative?

Dem eyebags doe.

That's horribly impractical. You can't check the time without ripping your eye out, and if you try to use a mirror it's all wrong.


I don't. Women are too much work for no point

It's not sonic it's sonikeem or something

super lewd
so you like men? :o

I won't lie. I have a thing for tired, stressed eyes. Also her eye color is fucking beautiful.

No i like 2D

I thought it was tomoyoyoaatatattt
how big is your dick? :o

It's everything

Uh sure. I like dogs. Do you? I want a German Shepherd.

do you not like killer memestar?
small but not as small as yours :o


Joa, ich könnte ein paar Leute fragen die ich persönlich kenne. Kenne jemanden die jedes ihrer Cosplays selbst anfertigt. Ne andere die immer Fanartikel selbst macht von dem was sie gerade überhyped, etc

Not gonna lie, I can totally understand that.

inches? :o
you're my everything


Ok then

i don't know i have never measured it :o
lets get rooight into the noose

those titties seem a bit too big for normal kyouko

can I give you a hug?
measure it then ya dingus :o

I don't know exactly what it is, but god damn it makes me diamonds.

Mm, I guess so.

>I have a thing for tired, stressed eyes.
Kinda kinky, but I've seen worse.
>Also her eye color is fucking beautiful.
That I can agree on.

Dogs are far superior to cats.
Well trained dogs protect and serve humans in numerous ways, help out the police and military and are loyal to the death. Well trained cats can poop in a box.
The Schäferhund sure is a fine choice. Why not get one today?

Leider läuft Chara in einem ausgeleierten Pulli und einer Cordhose rum, lohnt den Aufwand kaum.
Schon besser. Hype sie auf Undertale und tausche Figuren gegen 'Gefälligkeiten'.

Push-up bra and wisely chosen camera angle. All them bitches know about the angles.

You first


*gropes titties*

>Hype sie auf Undertale und tausche Figuren gegen 'Gefälligkeiten'.
wieso verkaufst du jetzt Chara? und wieso bekomme ich nichts vom geld ab?

Attraction to eyes is kinky? I thought it was kinda.. normal.

Really the only color of eyes I don't like is brown. So basic.

No moneys.

Hmm... I wonder too... reminds me, I gotta ask my professor when I'm allowed to make an actual study

I think the reason why one would like those eyes is a typical instinct, you want to protect the thing that is the same species as you and what could need more protection but something that is stressed, tired and burnt out?

>Only color of eyes I don't like is brown
>so basic

No u

>Hype sie auf Undertale
Da muss ich wirklich nichts machen

It's possible about the instinctual thing. I will say that her eyes are what captivated me almost immediately.

And brown eyes are everywhere here in Texas.

>wieso verkaufst du jetzt Chara?
Weil man sonst nicht an die Figuren ran kommt, ist doch klar.
Gibt kein Geld. Erst in Phase Zwei.

Eyes are normal, tired, stressed bags ain't.
If it's yellow, let it mellow.
If it's brown, flush it down.
Best advice for saving water, immigration policies and apparently eye colors.

How many moneys would it be? I honestly got no idea.

Befeuere den Hype erneut, um einen Schwall an Arbeitsamkeit zu erzeugen!

Google your waifu's name + meme

road centre

Same here, sadly Tomokos personality didn't get to me.

And with the current imigration problem brown eyes are that much more often to be seen here too
... I like my brown eyes though

>Befeuere den Hype erneut
Ach komm schon, ein get dunked on video später ist die Sache erledigt

typed my captcha in the post field again, god dammit

This is the only thing that is even like a meme

Eh, her personality is just a huge defense mechanism.

I have brown eyes IRL too. That's another reason I feel they are basic.

small boobs are good
rape me? :o

>Gibt kein Geld. Erst in Phase Zwei.
ich dachte du wärst ein besserer Geschäftsmann, man zahlt bei körperlichen Dienstleistungen immer im vorraus

I wanna be very gay
like no one ever was
to catch homophobes is my real test
to educate them is my cause

I will travel across the land
searching far and wide
teach homophobes to understand
the SAGA that's inside

the tongue lover part of me gets really horny with this


Hmm... never saw it that way, still I couldn't watch 1 episode straight without abandoning it halfway through

Well, to be fair there are different kinds of brown eyes. I really like those light brown eyes while the dark brown eyes, which remind you more of black, are not my thing.

Same with any other eye color tbh. The lighter, the more I like it. Especially with blue.


wtf is there so many baby sachi memes? :o

I've got no clue. I'm pretty sure you buy animals, right?
And I don't know my apartment's policy on pets or dogs. We already have a cat, don't know if you can have more than one pet in the house.

idk :o

This came up when i searched for FAST meme


of course.

Die Videos sind überall, aber warum!?

Nein, nein, das erste Tütchen ist immer Umsonst. Wir müssen ihn ja erstmal auf den Geschmack bringen.

>>no one ever was
>>to catch homophobes
Nice try, but you're as straight as night is dark.

A German Sheppard could easily kill the cat though.
Also I know someone who got himself a police dog who was got hurt for free. It had a little limp once in a while but that got a lot better soon and I assure you that dog was hella well trained. Maybe you can get a deal like that as well.

I want to gouge my eyes out :o
stop! trump is gonna deport me, don't support him :(
your waifu is fast?
I'm pansexual

I was also thinking about maybe a Great Dane.
I don't understand this whole dog thing. But I know I want one.
I don't have any police friends.

Wenn du Sans sparest, dann bringt er dich um. Es kommt eine andere death musik und anstatt des typischen "don't lose hope" oder sonstwas steht stattdessen "geeeeeeeet dunked on"


Okay, that is a little gay.

>Great Dane
They look hella weird though. Also they eat faces more often than Shepherds do.

>the memes!
Vielleicht sollte ich das auch mal spielen.


I like tomyoyoyoaa better not this bad meme :(
I'm a liberal :o
I'm as gay as shiro is adorable, stampede

Why would you insult my meme?

How would Darwins evolution theory stand in the way of racial equality?

It's surviving of the fittest, not the whitest

Solange du nicht zu tief ins fandom eintauchst kann ich es nur empfehlen

but i support memes :o


I don't like the meme, but I like you...
why would you support a mean meme? :o

You sure is, Caligula, don't let anybody tell you otherwise :-*

She's not wrong though.

Lässt es einen seine Sexualität und sein Geschlecht in Frage stellen?

So close!

How does it feel to date a cartoon Virgins?

cant decide rather have both

I have no problem with face eating.

jesus christ those necks

I like you too

Why not neither?

mean memes are the best memes :o
how's the class today?

Pretty good, fam.

Isn't it your Birthday today?

Happy birthday.

thank you very much :)

I would give you a very big hug if I could
but those memes hurt my feelings :o

Sein Geschlecht nicht, nein.
Seine sexuelle Orientierung wenn du diesen einen blöden Roboter magst

We have a happy relationship

I don't know but I can tell you how it felt to fuck your girlfriend faggot