A system qb
A system qb
I hope so.
Imagine what Brees would have done in his shoes
That's all he is and should never been named amongst the greats.
Brees is a Payton babby
>whining about ""babby system QB""" since early 2000's
>still nobody has figured out a better system
Brees is sorta a system baby too. When Sean Payton was gone they struggled.
Throw for a lot of meaningless regular season yards and then throw a lot of picks in the clutch like he does now? Never get why Brees dick is sucked so much no one will remember him in 15 years.
I'm a Patriots fan first cuccboi. You better hope to god it was all Brady and no system.
Hey, Beli is one of the goats. I'll give his cheating ass that.
>complain about the patriots system
>be too stupid or incompetent to copy it
It was all system, faggot.
But Brees has the advantage of performing well for two teams, he was pretty damn good for the Chargers. Yeah he took off in New Orleans, but he has performed well otherwise.
I wonder what kind of pact the cheatriots have with satan
Sounds a lot like Brady family
Ok then your team is fucked.
>throw a lot of picks in the clutch
No thats where Brady seperates himself from Brees. Brees is too much of a manlet to see over his line and make correct decisions.
Yeah but being under Sean so long kade him into a system babby. When sean was gone he was lost.
Nah you see when people talk about Brees they talk about regular season passing yard records and completion percentages. When people talk about Brady they talk about godlike comebacks and playoff performances.
(The salty / retarded people talk about slightly under inflated footballs and cameras 10 feet away from where they are supposed to be kek)
>the le ebin cheating maymay
it's only considered cheating when the pats know how to work something successfully when every other team in the league does it wrong
Brady's sb wins weren't even because of him. His defenses won them and the last one was because of a bonehead decision by the Seahawks.
So his 13:4 TD:INT ratio and 3 GWDs have nothing to do with him and everything to do with his defense
Really makes you think
I mean the system allowed him to get those man. He's a system qb. Accept it.
>350 yards, 32-29 with two missed field goals
>when people around me talk about something we all agree on it
1 time
They had been consistently filming opposing teams' practices since Belichick had arrived in 2000
The greatest system QB of them all.
"muh system QB!!!" is always the cry of the butthurt that can't handle the fact that the Patriots are the greatest team of not one, but two consecutive decades. Brady succeeds thanks to Belichick, but if not Brady, it would just be someone else.
t. Romofag
You don't seem to be making any actual argument and just seem to be parroting something akin to a drone
What system existed 15 years ago for the Pats offense that currently still does
An asspained OP.
Belicheck's System
I just don't like people trying to say that Tom is on Peyton's level which is not the case. Peyton IS the sytem not just a piece of it. That's why he is the goat
If you think about it, every QB is a system QB.
Peyton had a great system in Indy. When he came to Denver, they brought that system with him and he did it there.
The fact that you are unaware that every QB has a specific system designed around his strengths and weaknesses suggest your lack of knowledge.
Is the system QB meme the equivalence of muh per capita?
But if Tom is so good then why do the keep winning without him? When the colts lost Peyton they could barely win a game.
peyton has always had receivers dumbass
I have never seen a string of posts this casual and e!spn tier.
OK. And how does that negate my point numnuts?
Oh wait, it doesn't.
Gold star for you.
Yeah let's pretend Brady being better than Brees is some obscure opinion
Brady / Peyton are the lasting names of this era of football. Brees is a foot note for Hurricane Katrina. The End
He's still better than Tom either way. Tom had good enough receivers before, but he just ain't good enough to make them great.
>two game wining drives with under 2 minutes left
>not because of him
sure thing
>drop from 10 wins to 2
>drop from 16 wins to 11
>had a complete shitshow situation with 3 different starting QBs
>had a solid backup in place that played the whole year
Really makes you think
Because they play in a joke division and embraced the tanking
The year Brady was injured they were a garbage offense compared to the year before but were still a good enough team to win 11 games, 5 wins less than 16
I stand corrected
>not good enough to make them great
>wins 3 super bowls with Troy Brown
>Manning shits the bed perenially with Marvin HOF Harrison and Reggie Wayne
do all trip-fags huff paint?
>being this casual
How can you seriously compare two different teams with two different personnel philosphies with two different cultures with two different types of coaches with two different everything.
You're probably one of those assholes that compares modern players to players from like 30 years ago without taking into account the fact that its practically two different games being played then and now.
Who knows why the Colts fell off. Peyton was likely a contributing factor in that obviously but it wasn't all him. Causation doesn't imply correlation.
This still boggles me everytime i see it
You act like they were gonna win 16 fucking games again if Tom Brady played. I highly doubt they would have went undefeated again.
A system murderer.
>tfw worse hairline than someone ten years older than you
Tom is unequivocally better than Peyton.
Peyton was the system, yeah. And his autism cost him more playoff games than it won him.
It's a fact that his defense carried him in both his Super Bowl wins, and he didn't even look like himself in SB XLI or that whole playoff run. He had top-tier or elite defenses nearly every playoff year. He had Marvin Harrison and Reggie Wayne. With teams like that he should be a five time champion. The year Peyton did have a record-breaking offensive year and went to the Super Bowl, back in 2013, he got his ass handed to him on a silver platter.
Say what you want about Brady, but few QBs have been as good in clutch situations or did more with less offensive talent. You can say that defense and special teams "won" those early SBs for Brady. But Brady's play kept them in contention.
I will always believe that Brady is the better QB simply because of his achievements.
Yup. Got utterly exposed tonight
>casuation doesn't imply correlation
I Said that backwards. DERP DERP
I read that first line and all it screamed to me was that you're trying to disguise the fact that Brady is a system babby. The different philosphies are that Tom plays within the system and Peyton WAS the system.
I don't understand this system meme. Is a coach not supposed to design his offense around his QB's skillset? Would it only be impressive if he played in a way contrary to his natural skills?
At the least they win 14-15, they had an easier schedule
That's not even counting the playoffs
Jesus fucking Christ it's like I'm reading BuzzFeed headlines.
Lost weight, got some plastic surgery, started a meticulous diet and exercise regimen, doesn't smoke, rarely drinks. It's not hard to believe that he looks this good at, what, 38, 39 years old?
Peyton doesn't really look bad for his age either, desu. Neither does Drew Brees.
Don't bring up playoff because Peyton has a winning record against Tom in them. The last superbowl run was Peyton at the end of his career you can't really count that. I'm talking prime peyton throw 49 TDs and 55 TDs. Has all the qb records as well.
>3-2 head to head
Woah really convincing lmao
Meanwhile Peyton has half the wins Brady has in the playoffs and more losses
>Peyton has a winning record against Tom in playoffs
>don't count the last super bowl run
>Manning is 3-2 vs Brady including last year
Why are you literally the dumbest fucking person I've ever encountered on this shitty website?
>its a Patsfags argue with an autistic trip that has no grasp of the game episode
>Peyton was the system
Did you know Brady has had like 7 different OCs in his career?
He's learned multiple systems and been immensely successful in all of them.
Systems are designed around a player's strengths and weaknesses. That goes for Peyton too. But your butthurt over Brady is too strong to see through that. Let me guess, Colts fan? Bills fan? Fins fan? If you're a fan of any team that has repeatedly had their asses pounded in by the Patriots, your opinion is null.
>tfw you're right
And meanwhile Peyton has almost every QB record there is.
I'm counting the win, but Peyton was broken down so Brady might have been better at the time, but Prime Peyton >>>> any version of Tom.
You know what I do grasp? That Peyton > Tom.
>every record there is
Except the records that matter cumstain
You know like playoff wins, super bowls, playoff touchdowns, playoff passing yards, playoff EVERYTHING
Good hanging onto those padded regular season stats though LMAO
What is "nearly" every record? He has all the volume records by nature of being better than Favre and playing more games than anyone else
If you look at stuff other than cumulative totals you'd see that Brady, Rodgers, and Brees have way more probably each
I mean you can be a smartass all you want it still doesn't change the fact of the matter.
QB A: 33 tds 14 ints
QB B: 31 tds 11ints
These are the averages of a 16 game season over their entire careers. Who do you choose?
PADDED? The nigga would get pulled out of games when he torched teams too much too early. If he did actually pad his stats they would be completely out of reach.
You keep bringing up playoffs, but again, Peyton is 3 - 2 against Tom in them.
The Broncos have been successful with Tebow, Osweiler, and Siemian.
you're right, but not really what the discussion is. Basically the question is how necessary has Brady been in winning all these Owls? We'll never know because Brady's always played under Belichick.
Example: Peyton joined a perennial 8-8 Broncos team and made them a Super Bowl contender 2 years in a row (his second two years he was pretty much dead and their defense won them games). Meanwhile, Peyton left the Colts and they went 2-14. If it had been Brady on the Broncos instead of Peyton, how far would they have gotten? If Brady had joined that 2-14 Colts team, would they have been a playoff contending team (as they would have if Peyton was their QB).
The only evidence we have is that when Brady gets hurt, the Patriots are still a top 8 team. Perhaps the Cardinals just suck now, but considering they made the NFC championship last year, I doubt it. I don't think there is any other team in the NFL that would beat the Cardinals with their backup, besides maybe the Broncos. It's also possible that Garoppolo is elite, but we can't really know that because we've never seen him play outside of the Patriots.
Manning is 3-2 against Brady in the playoffs because Manning needs the #1 seed monster team to make it to the AFCCG where Brady is waiting every year. 8 Colts/Broncos chokes in the divisional round saved Manning more than a few humiliations in Foxboro.
>Matt Cassel
>anything other than shit
pick one.
And who has all the playoff records tho? THats right, the argument you won't address.
Let me say it again. Most playoff TD passes, Most playoff wins, most playoff passing yards, most superbowl TD passes, most superbowl passing yards, most playoff everything.
Did we forget to mention poor little Peyton is a dome babby? All dem padded stats in that nice dome. When it gets cold though, poor little Peyton's fingers get cold and he FUCKING BLOWS. Tells you something doesn't it. Must be nice in that dome.
Pretty sure the colder it gets in Foxboro, the more angry Brady plays.
How much madder can you get?
Matt Cassel had a better statistical year with the Chiefs two years later than he did with a Randy Moss Patriots offense.
The better playoff QB isn't head-to-head. It's their overall playoff resume.
Yes, the argument for Brady not being a system qb from Pats is that they would have went undefeated again. The 11 wins in 2008 might as well been 11 losses to them.
I didn't say a fucking word about their head-to-head record but it still doesn't change the fact that Tom Brady is 22-9 in the playoffs with four Super Bowl wins in six appearances.
Peyton Manning has two SB wins and two SB losses, and only managed to get to .500 in playoff W/L record at 13-13.
Also, since Manningfags love to bring up the regular season so much, Brady's overall record against Manning is still 11-6.
Brady's just better.
manning was carried by von miller last year
he was embarrassingly bad
Peyton broke Tom's TD record in Denver tho where there is no dome so you can shut the bullshit up. And those records don't matter because no one talks about most playoff anything. They mention regular seasons records all the time tho and they are celebrated.
All those playoff wins and yet he still has a playoff losing record to Peyton. Yeah keep talking about the playoffs.
Dumb fucking newtrip, nobody gives a fuck about your shitty opinion.
They had the easiest schedule in the league according to W/L of opponents from the previous year. In 2007 they had one of the hardest schedules. So they could have gone undefeated, yes.
>celebrating regular season bullshit
Nice standards loser.
Most of those wins were carried by the Pats D not Tom winning the game for them. And at least one I remember because Edge fumbled 3 times in the redzone. Otherwise that game would have been a blow out win for the Colts.
>muh regular season volume stats
he then proceeded to lose to the seahawks while scoring only 8 points
tom them BTFO the seahawks with the largest 4th quarter comeback in SB history while throwing for more TDs in that single game than peypey threw in all of his SBs combined
>muh defense carried Brady
Yeah, defense carried Manning to SB XLI and 50, so your argument doesn't hold water.
>7 oc's
>they all run the west coast offense
>having a different coach call the same rub routes all game for 15 years somehow makes the system different
peyton had the second lowest QB rating of any winning QB in SB history
he might have had the lowest yardage total as well
he was terrible last year
how dare the patriots run a consistend, coherent offensive system, they should be forced by the NFL system to change their system every play to prevent their systematic cheating
But whenever Peyton beat Tom and the Pats it was because of him. The only time you can say the d carried him against the Pats is their last matchup. Peyton overall is no system babby, but Tom is.
Post non-System QBs, Sup Forums
I'll start
I just realized that I think he had a nose job. His nose looks significantly less bulbous starting in the 5th picture (first pic of second row). I'm guessing the slimming of his face was from losing weight though.