I've had to suffer through almost an entire semester of Ultra PC bullshit. For my final paper, I can provide a survey...

I've had to suffer through almost an entire semester of Ultra PC bullshit. For my final paper, I can provide a survey, pre-approved by my ultra PC professor. I need people to take it and fuck it up hard core. Answer it how you feel would trigger the FUCK out of an SJW to the best of your abilities.

I'm trying to post the link but cancer isn't allowing it fuck

Not your personal army.

fucking type surveymonkey dot com slash r slash XKVJHVP. Fucking websites fucking disgusting not allowing links

Not fucking asking you to be?? Go fuck yourself

i did it OP


you got it op.


fuck off fag i want to do this


9. Do you know what an SJW is?

Yes (If yes, please describe in your own words)

An asshole that thinks their opinion is superior to others. When confronted with a reasonable argument that countermands their own they begin to marginalize the other person or in my case UH-64M Apache attack helicopter. with insults since their opinion is usually a false equivalency.

10. Do you know what being "politically correct" means?

Yes (If yes, please describe in your own words)
Its a way of being racist but not feeling like shit for it.

That was fun thanks OP I hope your dipshit professor blows his stack in front of the class make sure you record that shit


Post your results please

THis is me

Do you even know what that means, you dingus

He might sort of but what he fails to realize is that this is /b and when /b is giving the opportunity to troll the shit out of someone One must follow the lulz.

Get the fuck in here /b this could be one of those posts if OP can deliver the goods later

The responses have been absolutely cancerous so far thanks

imho, look up some articles from legitimate scientific journals that talk about iq differences across the races. and francis crick stuff where you talk really scientifically and coolly about how different breeds have different strengths.

nigger goes in all fields

His professor would freak out and have him thrown out of class and then fail him and then it would ruin his college career and he would end up sucking dick for crack.

There are pleanty of politically inconvenient legitimate statistics out there. Make it a legit paper on shit that triggers them and back it up with actual facts. That gets them the most.

You could write a paper on how trump is a direct reaction to neo liberal and sjw social theory being forced down peoples throats. Cuz that is a huge factor and would piss them the fuck off.

1. Explain how hard sjws pushed under super lib obama. Cite legit wins: gay marriage, dont ask dont tell, supreme court cases lately. Dont bash these, be clinical.
2 hightlight the retardeness in liberal social movements e.g. the idsea you cant be racist against white people, cultural appropriation theory, issues with globalization etc. Again, dont opinionate here state objective facts.
3. Use trumps victory as an indicator people are finally fed up with their shit.

Enjoy user. You'll hit more triggers tjan if you went to the shooting range.

What is your gender?
Apache Helicopter

Might have held back, but oh well.

I get what your saying and I agree but OP needs to play the stupid fucking game to get a good grade. Not piss off his Prof. and then send up sucking dick for memes

My answers to the last two, OP. What do you think?

What is a SJW?
A narsisitic hypocritical idiot who pretends to stand up for an "injustice" purely for the purposes of gaining social media recognition and a sense personal accomplishment when there are far bigger problems out there. They are the weakest and most worthless bunch of cry babies that don't deserve all the great things that they already have. Why don't they protest the mass genocide and mutilation going on in Africa? Because they were too busy posting #BlackLivesMatter on twitter during a riot over something meaningless.

What is PC?
An dumb idea created by and mostly enforced by weak insecure women. It is attempt to create terminology or behavior that seeks to appear unbiased and accepting when in reality it only obscures the truth behind "makeup" words and protects those that don't have the guts to accept honest and accurate definitions and descriptions. It is a failure that this country is fed up with and its time for people to grow up and realize that trying to please everyone pleases noone.

I wrote attack helicopter

1. What is your gender?
pink elephant

9. Do you know what an SJW is?
Beeing like Hitlers, but worse.

10. Do you know what being "politically correct" means?
Sending words and beliefs into concentration camps

Holy shit me too

Savage and true.

I should be able to intellectually respond to relevant discussion, especially in higher education, but I can't. That's the major flaw in colleges today. I'm being censored at every turn. And they wonder why many men leave colleges. It's not worth it most of the time because you don't learn anything anyway.

1. What is your gender.
>Transdimensional Space Dragyn
2.What is your age in years?
>I am ageless, timeless, without beginning or end. That with no origin has no conclusion. I am the Alpha and the Omega.
3. Through which media website did you find this survey?
>check all
>all masculine
>straight disagree
>Check all
8. Do you know what a SJW is?
>A fatass whale who wasn't told "no" enough. Coddled by nannies (both in the parental sense, and the societal sense), the SJW is incapable of dealing with a world which does not align with their personal viewpoints. When confronted with differing viewpoints on any given innocuous issue, the SJW is known to spout increasingly meaningless catch-all buzzwords, such as "MUH SOGINNY" and "RACIST"
9. Do you know what being politically correct means?
> Censoring oneself to the point of outright denial of empirical measurement of reality in order to protect the fragile intellectual ego of the aforementioned SJW.

hey bro what do you think i should pt for number 3? im thinking facebook. sound solid?

This shit lit fam


Awwww yisss motherfucking breadcrumbs

I love being a helicopter


Where did you get this?

Read OPs post? are you retarded?

I was thinking tumblr or reddit. Need advice on this too.

not your personal army

go whine about having to be respectful on reddit or some shit.

or just control your aspergers.

Post them goddammit

Everybody should identify as a woman so that this bitch of a teacher gets it from her own gender.

lets go with tumblr

proud to see so many helisexuals

I got you Sup Forumsrother.

>gets the opportunity to troll
>doesn't do it...

this is smart. otherwise theyll start seeing all these responses and just toss out all the male ones. make it hard for them to deny the answers

stfu newfag
Stop being a little bitch

I chose "other" with a comment: what does it matter, shitlord!?!?

lol, trips of wisdom

I giggled uncontrollably. Thanks.

Done b0ss

9.Do you know what a SJW is?

A person that is worse than the worst Nazi's but socially accepted And someone that does not see how many wrong things he/she/it is doing to our society and won't see what a burden he/she/it is.

10. Do you know what being "politically correct" means?

Shouting "you're racist!" when you lose an argument but only if you are not Caucasian. Or silencing the truth to protect minorities.

> Gender, Other,
AH-64 Attack helicopter
> Whats an SJW
Thought police
> Whats PC
Thought crime

OP you're doing gods work, hope ur faggot professor loses his shit, record it pls

I think you meant to say all the answers have been correct

i put reddit
>rule 1 and 2

link image in every text field so OP's professor knows he called in the personal army


filled out the form as tigerpanzer.
pls post reaction from your prof OP

Made some mediocre cancer

I gotcha OP, you can count on me!

I was trying to complement the suggested responses, not figure out where the fuck the third post is in the thread you STUPID FUCKING MONGOLOID.

do you liek?

Tried to answer like a Tumblr tard would
Gender : Quad gender demigod

9. Do you know what an SJW is?
A word used by the alt right to repress those who try to protect minorities

Answered the ranking ones like a fucking scatterbrain

Also Go fuck yourself, twat

AH-64 is the apache... UH stands for utility helicopter like the UH-1 huey or UH-60 blackhawk. The M designation is also for blackhawks. Most modern AH-64 are D model longbows.

Do I know what a SJW is?

offended, sheltered suburban and urban wannabe 'victims' and 'crusaders' who mostly have never experienced any true hardship, yet are obsessed with displaying their constant 'traumatization' by the 'horrors' of the 1st world. Hypocritical children who preach tolerance unless it conflicts with their preprogrammed fast food mindset of 'values', then it is time to throw a tantrum. This is the result of the ennui of an 'educated' class of people who have little to contribute to society in the utilitarian sense (STEM), that they may continue their denial about having no place and nothing to leave which will add to the collective progress of the species.

Do I know what political correctness is?

Unfortunately it increasingly means having to be skilled in doublethink and walking on eggshells, constantly having to watch what one says and does, to save oneself from the annoyance of 'offending' the weak minded, if one is capable of independent thought, (born before the '80's). For the youth who can 'know' anything through the externalized social isolation inducing technology, yet know nothing inasfar as actual physically neural storage is concerned (not even phone numbers), it basically just means following the trends and taking up whatever 'victim' or 'horrible injustice' cause is foisted upon them by the social media of their 'choice'. A rotating door of pseudorighteous self-fulfillment through perceived moral superiority. Political correctness is the nascent state of the paradigms of the coming totalitarian dystopian regimes of the next half-century.

>What is your gender?
>How old are you?
>Where did you find this survey?
>Do you know what an SJW is?
A self entitled individual who enjoys infringing on my right to experience the best of both genders simultaneously while masquerading as a "champion of minority and womyn's rights". These frequently fall back to logical fallacies and ignore facts that contradict their views and "data" and make no attempt to understand the opposing side, preferring instead to label them as racists, sexists, homophobes, and xenophobes.
>Do you know what being "politically correct" means?
The base idea from which SJW were born. It is the belief that because we have a right to free speech we must also have a right to subvert free speech in any way possible, most commonly by taking exaggerated amounts of offense towards the smallest and unintentional of remarks. It is believed that the liberal media forcing mass PC on the American populace led to the election of Donald J. Trump.


I answered like an ADD tumblrina. So fucking triggered that you asked my gender OP, the Super Justice Womyn aren't going to take your fascist shit.

I took it. Godspeed, Sup Forumsrother

I like it

The challenge is to see how many pronouns you can slam in there. I used him/her/xe/xer/xu

>final paper
>for a class needed in order to obtain a degree
>needs to fuck it up hardcore

Why even bother going to college just to fail and flunk out? I mean you are aware that you are not going to make everyone around you suddenly "see the light," aren't you? Do you think it will hurt your professor's feelings to have to give you a failing grade, or are you just arrogant enough to think that he wouldn't dare? The only person you will be fucking hardcore here is yourself.

>college professor
>failing grades

Done OP.

Hope your professor has an anal fissure explode during class and the SJW's have their vaginas turn inside out.

Oh and I hope you get aids.

I hate to say it, but this guy has a point


trigger bait

Don't tell me what I am CIS gendered scum


>cuck trying to defend other's sense of entitlement to do anything at any moment, by not participating in obscuring the myopics' world view openly

your analysis of the newfag is correct
he is being a bitch, as this is not a militant request

Do you know what an SJW is:


1. A 35 year old virgin, of either gender, who is so bitter than no one of either the same or opposite sex wants to come within 40 yards of their unsheathed genitalia that they turn their bottled up rage into righteous indignation in a futile attempt to keep anyone else from getting laid.

2. A 18-25 year old virgin who believes that being an "activist" for causes championed by traditionally sexually permissive subsets of the population will prevent them from becoming the person described in definition 1.

I took your stupid survey

>What is your gender?
>How old are you?
>Where did you find this survey?
>Do you know what an SJW is?
>Do you know what being "politically correct" means?

I identified as wolfkin. Gave my age in wolf years and sperged up the survey as much as I could.

Op is there a "bitch in the front that likes nigger dick" as I described it

DONE. Good luck OP.

You seem dissatisfied with Jewish control of the educational institutions, goyim. You are racist and bigoted and should be ashamed of yourself, goy.


You should keep us updated with your professors response



>what's your gender?
Hybrid chaos undivided transexual divine apache helicopter demonkin


Not found.

suck it the fuck up and write it how he pleases, then completely throw whatever he tried to teach you out the window the minute you pass, it's ultimately your choice what you take in at the end of the class, expecting him to change his curriculum because it offends you is exactly how we got fucking SJW's in the first place.

Right, I remember when b was your personal army, because it was fun as shit to have a target.