Will this help Make America Great Again??


i believe so

suk it paul ryan




America will be made great again!

wow, honest reporting ... weird to see in today's age. thanks for the link OP.

As for Trump's new plan ... FUCK YEAH mother fuckers. Love the quote from the hispanic women, everyone should do it fairly! no fucking short cuts



dubs of truth

fucking glorious indeed

everyone I want to throw out was born here.

americans kinda suck


you can always kill them

bumping to make america great again

I hope you get deported too


me too. I always wanted to travel

America is going to be great again!

God bless the US of A

together we can do this



Fucking love you Trump

This is so fucking racist, wow

As a member of the LGBQIT I won't stand for such intolerance in this country!

Moderators, take this post down NOW!

Based af

You must be new here

>Will this help Make America Great Again??
No. The great annoyance with the labour market economy is that it takes a very long time to create new humans capable of work, between 16 and 23 years. Importing additional adults from other areas of the work will always increase the amount of man-hours available, which (if used) will increase GDP.

Now the problem is actually making sure their skills are used, so you either tackle businesses, or you provide them with jobs as the government. However this is sacrilege in USA, because it would cost taxpayer money. Never mind that an organized effort to track and extradite undocumented migrants will also cost a shitton.

tfw many of them already have started leaving on their own...

>You must be new here


How many people do you think it takes to round-up/imprison/deport 3 million armed/violent criminals? Think about it... I'll wait.

obvious b8 is obvious

everyone knows that the T goes right after the B


This will actually be funny to see them try to do.
Nuking the Middle East too.

Tearing the shit out of our own country so a handful of Texas oilmen can get rich and destroying our strategic reserves, not so much.

On average, anywhere between 3 and 5 detectives and law enforcement officers per immigrant.

Just think of the jobs this will create! Need a career? Government will hire you. O wait..

Wait until lettuce costs $28 a head because suddenly farmers have to scramble to get people

His plan for job creation is 100% public works projects. All government jobs to be paid for by taxpayers. Some republican.

You can download lettuce for free.

Yes get them out of our country. Immigration is real. I'm not allowed to just show up to any other country and live there. Why should others do the same here?

FUCK YEAH!!! Since the beaners want to riot, maybe we could burn their shanties down and make them walk hundreds of miles to the border so Trump doesn't have to spend his own money doing it. Heil Trump
