I want to an hero, but before that i wanna try some drugs

i want to an hero, but before that i wanna try some drugs

anyone knows some must-try drugs?

>inb4 weed

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That is what you need



If you're gonna kill yourself and you're genuinely serious about it, try Heroin! If you don't decide to kill yourself after the glorious feeling that is opioids, your addiction symptoms will surely make you wanna take your own life after. It's foolproof!

>Don't actually do Heroin OP

In my honest opinion:
Weed edibles/dabs (eat/smoke at least over 300mg THC and see how you feel),
Cocaine and put some in a cigarette if you're feeling adventurous,
Mushrooms because they're better than LSD,
DMT because it's better than LSD and Shrooms,
Snort lines of MDMA or Methadone or whatever shit your dealer is pushing while smoking poppers (weed & tobacco inside a bowl),
MDMA if you can get the good stuff,
Adderall + weed,
and the holy grail...

>ima grip & sip nigga

If you can get a connection to lean aka syrup aka dirty sprite aka every rapper's favorite drug then get on that.

>Stay away from Heroin, PCP, and Crys. Meth. Don't smoke opium either.

Is molly worth trying?

Nice 3D



Get a good bit in you and take some time to reflect and enjoy the show. Might even change your mind.



You're just....like....a fountain of stupid shit.

So you kys, and they blame it on drugs... skip the drugs,

You planning on having kids?

Shrooms. Its a fucking jouney


If you get good stuff then hell yea, probably the greatest feeling i've ever felt honestly and i've done some cool stuff.
Had a threesome, traveled the world for a year, been sky diving, swam with sharks and some other stuff i can't remember.

You should try as many RC cannabinoids/psychedelics/opioids as you can, for science. Post doses before you take, document effects, publish these reports. Let whoever finds your body know to publish the report on the drug that killed you

Care to elaborate?
Idk if its good. Hows the not so good molly?

If its an RC, like MDA MDAI etc its just nowhere near as fun, you still get fucked up but it doesn't have the same amazing feeling, its more like being fucked on speed rather than like a cumming in your pants feeling.

Oh alright. Thanks dude

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i'm the real author of the 3D, but for some reason i can't do any thread, probably i suicide my self after try most beautiful experience of the existence, like swimming with shark and try drugs ecc i have 4k or more if i want, i'm 18

MDMA 100%

Italian,dyslexic,normal weigh and 173 cm, i'm tired about life and exhaust from all difficulty and noise of the world, so i want use my 4k or more money for try all best experience of the world. probably i leave the highschool for start a trip in car for all europe, want start with mushroom, and dmt and what i can found, the only thing in my life matters is my patria, i'm strongly patriots of my italy

i'm sorry of my shitty description but is my second time i try to write it, for no reason google close him self for no reason.

>take lsd
>go into forest
>reflect and appreciate

Thanks a lot for all suggest