

ive never doubted you, mario

>“I joined Liverpool. It was the worst mistake of my life. I didn’t like the club. I had two coaches, Brendan Rodgers and Jürgen Klopp. As people they didn’t make a good impression on me. I didn’t get along with them.


>It was the worst mistake of my life

Plenty of competition there


>He dindu nuffin
He will chimp out and scram to sampdoria or chievo in one year.

He also said that he loved the Liverpool fans you sneaky jap arsecunt. Why did you deliberately leave out that comment?

>He will break the goals scored in a season record in Ligue 1, leading Nice to a league title, win the Ballon d'Or, transfer back to City and win them the quadruple in one year

I think this is what you meant.

sorry pogba


Stop rooting for this antisemite guy, remember the six billions.


Yes please

Oh, Pogba has changed his haircut again.

Balo > Pogba

good nigger

He only good in shit leagues like france, portugal, turkey, mexico and maybe brazil. See Guerrero and Ginac.

Gignac is having a bad season kek

he is playing in his native africa so he should perform better tbqh

>niggerlovers and journos will start to hype him uponce again and he'll be selected for the NT

fucking end it

45 year old Luca Toni > peak Balotelli

And dechanmps call him to euro instead gameiro HUE

Who is this lad on the right? Young Gerrard?


Lega Pro or some in wacky country like Russia or Japan

Balotelli from 2012 to 2014 was a better striker than any current striker in nazionale.

things turned really well in WorldCup 2014...

1 match.

Blaming everyone else but yourself. Classic nig.

Good against England, shit against Uruguay and Costa Rica. But honestly who was playing well this World Cup? Insigne, Immobile and some others were even worse than him.

That's the biggest lie about him. He was the best scorer of the team, best scorer of the qualification group and one of the most influent player in the qualification for the World Cup.

If it was not called was much better he and Cassano have destroyed the 2014 NT.

I still don"t understand

>six billions.

Vincent Koziello

Prandelli's meme magic ran out