This "man" is a top-tier athlete in soccer

>this "man" is a top-tier athlete in soccer

>De Bruyne
>Top tier

>bong flag
>calls it soccer


>bong flag
>calls it soccer


>american proxy
>calls it soccer

try to make it less obvious

I'm an Aussie currently sitting in my hostel at Amsterdam. Dunno why I don't have a Dutch flag, I guess they're such cucks it makes sense. I fucked 2 Dutch girls in 3 nights so far which was pretty easy. I see why there are a lot of nignogs who moved here

There must be something this guy can do about his face to make him less annoying to look at. He should wear lenses so that his eyes doesn't look so soulless


He reminds me of an ultra chad from High School that used to play for Olympiacos

I hate him

wtf. This ginger cuck looks like he got regularly bullied in school. One of the least chad people I've seen.

well the guy I knew had a buzz cut and was fucking strong despite being a semi manlet

>this 'human' is a top-tier athlete in apehoop

Based WalkBro

>Bitter Chelshit fan detected

De Bruyne was fantastic on Saturday, often made Man United look like a pub team, much better than Paul "120m" Flopba

They're called prostitutes my friend.

Nah they weren't. They were just regular girls standing around in their apartments. For some reason they invited me inside to bang and then wanted 50 euros. I gave it since Im rich and dont care anyway

whatever lets you sleep at night i guess

They're only prostitutes if you give them the money you owe

Why does he have a black man nose?

>britbong discovers the red light district

>For some reason they invited me inside to bang and then wanted 50 euros.

his last name is Brown (the brown one)