Goodnight, sweet prince

Goodnight, sweet prince

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No fuck off, dont joke about Schumi you inbred wetback yuro nigger.

made me google to check

fuck you dirty spic

>nothing on reddit
>nothing on twitter

>tfw it's real

You idiots realize he's clinically dead already right? He has no fucking brain function. He's a vegetable. For all intensive purposes, he's dead.

kyvat yourself

bullshit, the only people who have any idea about his condition are his family and doctors

>the only people who have any idea about his condition are his family and doctors
gee, I wonder why that is

nice b8 made me check



pic related


Why did he go off the official skiing path? Maybe he should have used his now non existent brain


rip in piece

>expecting someone who got his kicks by driving cars that go above 300kmh for almost 20 years to use the standard skiing path

>intensive purposes


Check the pics of where he was skiing.

It was literal a tiny 15ft area inbetween two Ski runs which didn't get prepped.
He wasn't deep off in the wilderness.

fernando pls

Just accept that Schumi is dead. It's a doggy dog world.

Quite funny that he was nowhere near death when having raced so long, but pretty much died in a skiing accident, and not even with highspeed.

Question: will he have a state funeral?


he should of been separated from the life saving machines already

>be one of the Goat Drivers
>go 300mph ,make insane maneuvers
>always ready to blow up in a fireball
>go skiing a few meters from the offical "road"
>bump your head
>be a vegetable forever
he deserved better,I still can't believe it.

shouldn't have been such a shit skier then lol

No. He's fine af and secretly training to come back and reclaim his racing king title.


i thought they were still hopeful of recovery, why haven't they pulled the plug then?

>in tents and porpoises

I mean Schuhmacher is one of the most sucessful athletes and insanely rich.They probably spent his fortune to keep him alive or hope that he wakes up one day.

He is awake. My guess is he don't want to be the Joe Deckarm of racing and would only come back if he can talk and walk

Tax cheating scum

tfw there was this amazing schumacher vegetable shoop on 4fuckr and i didn't save it to share it with my Sup Forumsartan bros

the regret is killing me senpaitachi

Schumacher will rise again, he will merge with the machines and gain a new form.

Only a matter of time till the technology is good enough.

He's actually dead Sup Forumsros. Its on the news here

That feel when him family only maintain he alive only to get sponsors money ;_;


Because they are hoping that the advances in science and technology will allow him to come back to life one day.

For example this:

>“Through our study, we will gain unique insights into the state of human brain death, which will have important connections to future therapeutic development for other severe disorders of consciousness, such as coma, and **the vegetative and minimally conscious states**, as well as a range of degenerative CNS conditions, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease,” said Dr. Sergei Paylian, Founder, President, and Chief Science Officer of Bioquark Inc.

>“Non-randomized, Open-labeled, Interventional, Single Group, Proof of Concept Study With Multi-modality Approach in Cases of Brain Death Due to **Traumatic Brain Injury Having Diffuse Axonal Injury**”

If and when there's a treatment for the kind of brain injury MSC had, he will come back and his family will be happy again. Doesn't matter if it's 10, 15 or 20 years from now.

>inb4 they will run out of money before that

Not really. Schumi earned ~1 billion dollars in his career and most of that was probably invested so he has way more money at the moment. And even if he had "only" 1 billion, that's 50 million per year on a conservative 5% rate. On top of that, he still gets millions per year in sponsorship, licensing deals, merchandise sales, royalties etc.

Michael Schumacher will walk and talk again in your lifetime.

>intensive purposes

Ronny du blamierst uns wieder.