Whats your stance on abortion, Sup Forums?

Whats your stance on abortion, Sup Forums?

That all SJW's should do it

No body should do it
But the government should not interfere with a customer and the vendor of their choosing

Yeah! I support girls allowing themselves to whore out their bodies all they want! I'm a cuck about it anyways, so it's not like it'll affect me!

I want my wife to fuck the neighboring nigger and get an abortion so I won't find out!

>I dont want abortions to be allowed because then my wife will cheat on me
Literally how you sound

It should only be for people who got pregnant through rape, was drunk and got pregnant, underage etc

This opinion makes no sense. Abortion is either murder or it isn't. You're saying murder is OK because somebody was raped.

Front stance, punch to stomach

i dont give a shit, i'm a dude

>have cancerous tumor
>growing fast
>go to doctor
>"you can't remove it, those cells are alive and that's murder"
it ain't my business what girls do with their uteruses tbh

The truth is women are going to get abortions whether its legal or not, so we might as well make sure the procedure is safe for them.


Never heard of adoption?

Betther "murder"it before he gets born into a shitty family have some fuckdup childhood just too become an hero himself

it's mostly niggers that get aborted which results in less crime. thank god for abortion.

what a stupid fucking argument

prove me wrong. If the fetus is hurting the mom/won't live anyway, why can't she abort it?

>adoption system is literally overflowing
>kids and kids and kids and kids
>"pro life" people nowhere to be seen

nigga no body adopts those kids given up for adoption.
my dad and his brothers were all adopted. they turned out like shit and died before they were 55. my dad's sister was sold to a child molester. she's still alive being a stupid cunt instead of the abortion she should have been.

fuck adoption.

I wish I had been.

I support a woman's right to chose.
However, it's not an excuse because you were to stupid to not practice safe sex.
Danger for mom or baby = yes
Mom doesn't want a kid = no

So a crowded adoption system makes murder ok

Congratulations. A million more bitches just pretended they were raped in order to get an abortion.


cancer is different from a fetus, a soon to be life, its comparing apples to oranges
also, even the most radical pro life people are in favor of abortion when the mothers life is in harm, i am as well

Yeah, no shit. I used that as a point.


i don't see it as murder tho
that's where we aren't going to agree.

natural miscarriages are super common. it's not that big of a deal to get rid of some shitty parasite that no one wants.

reading comments here makes me pro abortion...

The only relevant argument about abortion is at what point a fertalized egg becomes life.

> When it's born
So the vaginal canal is magical? If you C-Section a day before it's supposed to be born, can you just kill it then?

> At fertilization
So you commit genocide when you wash your hands? Or every time you jack off into a sock?

The reality is there's no good line to draw. But that's the argument, not "under what circumstances is murder ok"

I'm pro-abortion because if it was illegal all my slut friends would have a bunch of shitty kids by now and I'd have to put up with them.

I am pro-choice.

Use a hot metal hanger to pull those fetuses out

>Comparing miscarriage to abortion
That's like comparing cancer to murder

I can't help but feel it's wrong.

Kek is that real?

It's a necessary evil.

If you don't see it as murder. then you must not see a fetus as human life. So when does a fetus become human life to you?

honestly early abortions are fine, i don't agree with late term abortions though when the fetus resembles a human.

I'm not pro-choice,

you should learn the difference between a gamete and a zygote, a gamete only has 23 chromosomes, its not a human. Plus, theres no argument as to when a fertalized egg becomes life, it becomes life at conception, pro choice people arent arguing whether its alive or not, that fact has been settled, its whether it has brain activity, whether it feels pain, etc.

not really. it's comparing different ways a pregnancy can end.
like half of all pregnancies are naturally aborted by the body so it's really not that big of a deal to get an abortion.
i don't see why people make it out to be this big huge issue.
women can die even in a healthy pregnancy. pregnancy shouldn't be forced on any woman.

All for it. Falcon punches for everyone!

when it can pull itself up by its own bootstraps and survive on its own

Mandatory. Only the most clever parents will be able to bring a baby to term without getting caught, increasing the likelihood of a good upbringing.

the body naturally killing the baby without the mothers idea (most of the time) is much different than going and getting the fetus aborted

I'm Pro-Abortion as well.

lol or just woman who are too fat to tell they're pregnant having babies

>when it can survive on its own
i guess children arent humans, since they cant survive on their own, like cubs in a herd.

> If the girl fucked on purpose then she doesn't get an easy out.

result is the same tho so... not really different.


Abortions for some, miniature american flags for others

get that fetus kill that fetus

Lol look at that little faggot.

i guess then involuntary manslaughter and 3rd degree murder should be looked at the same since it results in the same thing

He's jerst a litta feller.

Parents should have the right to abort their child from the first trimester till the parent dies.

I'm not the guy you replied to, but

if she got creampied and doesn't want to get pregnant then her easy out is the morning after pill

there is no good reason to grow the babby and make a doctor suction it out

Right foot on the head and left foot on the body.

IDGAF if it's legal or not, as long as these exist it doesn't matter

yea but people who die from manslaughter and murder aren't parasites sucking the life out of another human being.
dead people have the rights to their bodies and organs after they die, but you don't think a woman should have to right to have an empty uterus while she's alive? She has a right to control her own body. If some asshole fetus invades it and starts stealing her calcium from her bones, she has a right to evict that piece of shit.

Forgot pic lol

Ill just attack one "Pro-abortion" argument. Saying its "my body, my choice" is fallacious. In the 1800's was it right that a slave on someones property was "their human" just because they were on their property? If someone was in a comma and you knew they would wake up in 2 weeks, should it be legal to pull the plug? You know they will be born, you cant decide to kill the baby at 20 weeks because its an inconvenient for you.

All of my this. Literally defunding any safe place to have an abortion
>it's murder
>there's always adoption

Won't find social programs to actually help those people that choose to keep it or admit no one wants those babies

>nignogs are having a million kids and they don't have dads

Guess who is more ultra-christian than you and subscribes to the abstinence program.

Fucking retarded

are you retarded? Like, do you have trouble with thnking?

we need to keep it we need to fund it more so we will have less niggers and spics

Never heard of womens vaginas and anuses tearing and/or prolapsing? never heard of abusive foster homes and/or adoption centers? Never heard that no one wants a fuck ton of nigger babies?

Look at the nasty fucker, it doesn't care it's dying. It. You faggots will tell people to hang themselves on live cam and harass people online into suicide or near suicide, publish photos depicting dead children for laughs but dead babies are a no no. 'Muh muh muh Christian feelings, fuck off ya Jehovahs Witnesses

abortion won't solve the nigger problem

kill yourself

it's a start.

those type of abortions that late are exceedingly rare

>she should have the right to kill it, its her body
same argument for slaves, theyre on my land, i can do whatever i want, this baby is on my land i can kill it. Also i dont understand the whole "fetus's are parasites sucking the life out of a woman" no they arent.

not an argument

i mean dudes with flamethrowers in ghettos would help

nigga, a person "on your land" isn't the same as a parasite living in your body... you can kill a person who breaks into your home tho... sort of like some asshole invader fetus. Castle Doctrine. My body is my castle. babby gotta die.
ugh yea fetuses do leach off of a woman. do some book learning.

Nigger the reason that we don't like abortion isn't about shit dying, it's because we don't think women are fit to make choices.

anyways, theres a difference between some asshole who breaks into your house and a fetus that has a life ahead of it. Also "do some book learning" when my mom was pregnant with me it went fine, she felt exhausted (like everyone prego would) but the pregnancy went fine, it differs from person to person, the baby isnt a "parasite" to everyone, plus it turns out that parasite may become the best thing in their lives.

Keep it legal, and pursue a more aggressive stance on sex ed in schools and not the cuck versions where they use dildos and shit, but just tell them about sex and how it leads to kids, and distribute more condoms and pills for them. This should be in the hood schools where most teen pregancies happen. If girls are going to be whores, they should at least use protection.

It looks kind of like this

antidotal evidence. no one cares about your mom. not everyone's pregnancy goes just fine.
Just because a parasite may become the best thing in their lives doesn't mean it won't become the worst thing in their lives. It may be the thing that holds them back from education.
Women will have abortions regardless of if they are illegal. It will just result in more deaths if it is illegal. The fetus will always die, but sometimes the woman will die as well if they can't get a safe abortion.
It's a necessary evil.

To answer this you need to answer a few questions that are more basic: what is "human"? What is "life"? What constitutes "non-human" (philosophically, or medically)? If you're in the United States: does "all men" - ruled as "all people" by the Supreme Court - count those that are in the womb? Why or why not?

If you go by the conservative mindset that life begins at conception then why not take it one step further! By jacking off and ejaculating then you wasted thousands of possible lives...ya know since each sperm is half a life. Or how about you stop eating meat because that life. Also dont take antimicrobials because bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa ect are all living things. Or how about I plant a parasite in your belly that you never wanted/cant care for and have you waddle around with it for 9 months. Then it will be removed from your body in a very painful manner and you have to care for it until you die. Thinking about the painful implantation of said parasite and the painful removal. Ya have fun with that tards.



Fucking this so much

There's no way you can be this fucking retarded, honestly.

dubs get

Should be allowed

I am all for less people

Understanding that it's not as simple as most tards make it out to be when you look at the fact that it's a gradual development


Personally, I could never go through with an abortion and I'd feel terrible about doing it. In my eyes from the moment of conception it's a human life. I know other people look at it differently and whatever, that's okay. I don't really care whether it's legal or not either because if people want to do it then I don't give a shit. Just couldn't do it myself because that's the outlook I have in a fetus.

agreed, religious justification is the only way you can even try to explain stupid arguments about the sanctity of life when it's a fucking blastula

It should be illegal until men can have a say in it.

Worst analogy I've read in a while. Thanks 4 the kek

ty for being analytical user

You should have been one.

>he thinks we're against owning slaves

>if someone was in a comma
It's not big enough.
Now, a semicolon or a full colon? Those are things someone could fall asleep on before getting noticed