Alright Sup Forums. Should I an hero? Heres what happened:

Alright Sup Forums. Should I an hero? Heres what happened:

>Be me
>Am fat, and have acne scabs
>If I wasnt fat and didnt have Acne I would be a solid 9/10
>But alas, am 3-4/10 in current state
>But for some reason this girl that recently changed her schedule has my homeroom and she gives off super strong hints that even a beta loser like me who has never had a gf understands
>mfw when someone who is 7/10 likes me
>Okay, time to stop being a outcast and get a life
>Plan to ask her out
>I will do it at lunch
>After lots of thinking I ask her
>"Sorry user, I was just trying to be friendly."
>Lots of people heard
>Im now known as "Faggot Boy".

Should I an hero? I cant take another day of this.

That's a stupid ass fucking reason to an hero.

Btw you are gonna need more pills

Ive been bullied since elementary school. I cant take another yearof the abuse. Everyone in the hallway says in unsion "Faggot Boy". I cant anymore.

I have a cabinet if pills but I dont know what kinds

How to fix problem.

>1. Lose Weight
>2. Man the fuck up

(My friend has chickenpox scars all over his face and body and he still has a decent girlfriend.) >He's also black

Light skin. Every scab and scar is super noticeable. As for weight, I guess i can... idk no point in life tbh

If this is all it takes to make you kill yourself then you're doing the human race a favor by dying and ridding us of your weak genes.

Do it Faggot Boy and make sure to video tape it

"Been bullied since Elementary". Surprised its only Faggot boy snd not Faggot boy with a beat down. (Go to 98 percent black school)

>faggot boy kek
Worlds least inventive name but its still great.. also dont down pills faggot im a nurse, its the worst way to die with the least chance of success with the most permanent problems after

How the fuck am i gonna upload it when i am an hero'd

I'm glad we have gotten to the root of the problem here

What do you expect from blacks?

Also method do you guys suggest?

your obviously underage b& but i'll give you some advice anyway.

I had terrible acne, wasn't fat, and am not a "9/10"

there is life after high school when people don't care about that shit and don't care about scars. I have scars now and am married.

if you can't make it through these tough times kill yourself.

also those pills have no marking they like like fucking thiamine or some shit you're not gonna die faggot/

Agreed. Highschool is probably the worst time in life generally

What a pussy way to die. Burn down your house and die in glorious flames while playing your favorite song at it's loudest. If you don't want to do that, do something to go out in style. Anyways most people that attempt suicide through pills end up surviving and fucking up their liver.

>should I an hero?
If you have to ask, the answer is yes.

underage b&

OP gonna OD on breath mints

"What method do you guys suggest" As for the other stuff, I grad next year, and have gotten terrible grades all school years, and see no point in life. Anyways, my genes arent worth passing

Get a dog OP, do something good in your life befor you kill yourself.
Go to a shelter, pick up an older dog then take car of it, give it the best years or two if it's life that it deserves,then you can do what you want.

Seriously pick up a fucking dog.

So what is best method for an heroing? I know pills arent best ways for it.

Trips said it get a dog

Have one, it does the opposite of therapy, it annoys me tbh. But, I have two cats, and they are ok i guess

Exit bag.
OP should quit being such a pussy and grow a pair. Life isn't kind to wimpy betafags

Ok thats it kill urself

Also Trips or quads decides how I an hero (Dont suggest crazy shit)

>Dont suggest crazy shit
What the fuck you doing on b fag

Killing yourself is the dumbest thing ever, right now you may believe that it will release you from your horrible life and stuff but the only thing you're gonna achieve by doing it is to prevent your life from getting better. Keep on living, it will get better eventually

Okay faggot boy you should liveatream it

Idk, been on b for 2 years, i know theyll prob tell me to inhale chlorine gas but hey

Hope is rare this days

lose the weight, see a dermatologist, learn martial arts, and show those fuckers. If you an hero then you are giving up and excepting your place in the eternal darkness. May as well spite all the fuckers who doubted you before you go, and you may even find that once you do that you want to live. Of course you have to have some willpower and grit, which should be easy to acquire if you use your hatred as fuel.

What is the point in life? You are born, reproduce, and die. Thats it. You do nothing else. What does it matter in the end? We are just bunches of cells that in the end, all die anyway.


I'm accepting that this post is an exception to intelligence.

if this can make you feel better
>20 years old virgin , stil have acnea , parents died one years ago , had to live alone, only have 1 friend in real life , i feel fucking alone , but i have hope and working on myself so ..please keep hope

Dont bring back pumped up kicks flashbacks

Then get rid of the dog and take care of an older cat. Again same thing, do something good for once in your life.

Maybe even go down to a soup kitchen and pull a whole day shift, so some homeless Bros don't go starving, then after either a full day or a week, kill yourself.

But seriously do something good ffs

Live in Rural area, nearest city needs car to get to, and have none.

Take a plane ride to where you want to die and end it there.

Don't be a fucking pussy OP. If you think killing yourself is better than living you're even more stupid than you were when you asked her out. Start exercising and eating right, lose that fat, and that acne will go away with time. You don't have to be a fat ugly beta fuck, you can just be a beta fuck, you beta fuck.

What is the meaning of life? We are a product of millions of years of evolution, yet what purpose does life serve? We are born, reproduce, and then die. Why continue the endless cycle? It will continue until a mass extinction event wipes out all life. What is the point? Even then, after a mass extinction, life would probably continue as it started. Organic matter made by chemical changes causing life, which will evolve as well, continuing the endless cycle that is life. What happens after death? Do we simply cease to take in information? Is it a endless sleep? What about heaven? After some time, you will become bored. Perhaps you will go on a journey to do everything possible. You live the life of every living thing on Earth. Every cell, animal, or Human. You then move on across the universe, living the multi-billion life of every star in every single galaxy, galaxy cluster, Galaxy cluster super cluster. Then what? After those years you spend doing all of this, then what? What is the meaning of life?

Ayo u need some BIG ass drugs up in this fam!

Easy then, do something nice for your neighbour. Like clean his fucking lawn, repaint his house or free or someshit. If thre I any old people sound you, talk to them for awhile or maybe a day, they would appreciate that shit, again fucking do something worth while OP, don't be a little bitch.

Do something good! It's not that hard

What us the meaning of existing?

The point isn't what will happen at the end, but what is happening now.

Yeah sure I see where you're coming from but even if nothing matters in the end why not try to make the time between your birth and death worthwhile ?


"he is also black" yeah no shit he has a gf with his wrist sized cock.

my take is that after death there is nothing, so may as well fill life with as much raw pleasure as you can, whether that be in the form of sex, drugs, sports, or whatever the fuck makes you happy. (mass genocide?)

wash your face and run.

I failed two grades. Im 18

No you shouldn't an hero. Listen. Next time some one calls you a faggot boy I want you to stand up to them.

I can't tell if you're in middle school or highschool. Either way most kids do not know how to fight at all. I know fighting sounds scary, but listen. You will both be out of breath and too worn out to fight after like 30 seconds to 1 minute of fighting tops. You're both going to be too weak to do any real damage to each other so nothing bad is going to happen.

After that fight happens nobody will ever call you a faggot boy ever again and the person you fought will most likely not want to mess with you ever again either. Even if you lose the fight you will not be picked on because they know you're willing to fight and they'll be scared of that win or lose. And you will most likely never be picked on again by anybody for the rest of your time at that school.
All you have to do is be brave for 1 minute. That's it. And it'll all be over.

I know people who were bullied in highschool and it fucked with them for life. Don't end up like them. Stand up to it now and do something about it while you can. Don't stay a victim to that bullying.

Do not fight after highschool. Fighting in the real adult world just lands you in jail or dead when they have a weapon on them and you might end up picking a fight with somebody who is really experienced in fighting who could kick your ass 10 times over. . At school fighting to stand up to bullying is fine. Do it.

Don't immediately fight them though. Tell them you're sick of being called that and you want them to stop. Give them a chance to apologize. If they still disrespect you and treat you terribly and they aren't letting up, push one of them and start a fight with them.

There is no positive morally correct way to deal with this. If there is I certainly don't know what it is. Just ignoring it and not stooping to their level doesn't work because you can't ignore being bullied and disrespected by other people

Based user right here, live for something else.

In Highschool. These guys DO fight. Like, go for the back of the skull fighting. Multiple people have serious concussions. Also everyone is 6 ft. I am 5'6


seriously man the fuck up, i was at the bottom of the social food chain for 7 years and treated as if i was autistic and basically was a running joke for everyone. and i managed to make the best of it to just freak the fuck out of and mess with people for my own amusement in year 12, when i released what worthless scum individuals that don't matter to me say means nothing to me and only to care about those that care about you.

yes i know what i said was incredibly edgy but fuck it

Dude seriously this user knows what's up.

Dermarolling look it up faggot boy

Hope you read

Le melatonin dubs

>Manages to fail 2 grades
No wonder people call you faggot boy.

are those altoids?


I failed like 1st grade because i was kidnapped by one of my parents for 2 months. Failed 9th because depressions.

Is that asprin?

Yeah generic, just got it from my meds cabinet for a picture on the post

Aspirin won't do it

yeah, i did i mean i took a kid out with a right handed swing once because he was being a little shit and was hitting me in the arm to show off to or something, all changed when the "retard" took him down he became a joke for the next few months and he didn't dare go near me for a year, its just yeah i could take someone out but i rather would, it was a strict all boys school and i would rather not get into some bullshit with punshments over what some cunt said to me, i found 18 year olds moving away from me and acting like children much more entertaining.

Get your act together OP. I used to be like you and I now fly planes for a living.

Dont see myself doing much. School is hard and stressful enough as it is, but college and a job for 30 years?

"It is not the size of the dog in a fight that matters most, it is the size of the fight in the dog."

Ive taken about 300 of them before. The first thing to go is your hearing, Everything will ring and itll sound like you have headphones in. Your head will be numb, but still feel like a hangover if you even know what that feels like
You'll be shaky and in a cold sweat
How aspirin overdoses work is they throw off your ph levels in your body and make you acidic. Your organs will slowly shut down one by one and it will take several hours, if not days. Time will drag the fuck on and you will be in and out of consciousness every 5 minutes and it will feel like a long excruciating eternity.
Pills are not the way to go.
And you just need to man up and quit being a bitch, who gives a fuck what anyone thinks. Do what you want though, but if you're waiting until now to take charge of your own life ending it as a first descision is a bitch move

It changes. You won't see any of those people after you graduate. Grudgingly put up with them, then move on in life. Find a realistic job (not something like video game tester) that you'd actually like to do for a living, and roll from there. I didn't see myself going to college or flying planes when I was your age. I was just a casual who played video games, with a few involving flying aircraft.

I wasnt going the pill way just needed a pic

I was bullied all the way up through high school, I was fat and had acne as well... I started boxing and working out around 15, beat up one kid in highschool and then no one made fun of me anymore. I became friends with nearly everyone who made fun of me in elementary and middle school, I'm going to college to be an electrical engineer and nearly everyone that I meet from back then is either pregnant or jobless or some other liberal arts major...

I wouldn't worry too much about it honestly. Just make yourself the 9 out of 10 you claim you can be. That's a lot more than most people out there. Not sure you have much to kill yourself over honestly. Everything you claim is wrong with you can be fixed by sheer willpower and effort.

You would have done it already if you wanted to.

Lose the weight get on accutane go to gym get her interested then say uhh just beinf nice lol

well however you decide to go, if you do just remember it aint painless. I mean maybe a grenade or something. I think even shooting yourself in the head you'dd still feel it for a second or two, but idk anyone who has lived through it to describe it

>if I wasn't fat and didn't have acne

hit the gym and see a dermatologist you fucking faggot boy

Wait until after high school to pursue a relationship. High school girls are only looking to use you. Speaking from experience. Also had 4 female cousins and a sister who went to school with me. They talked about it ALL THE TIME.

Well... I hope you all know that this was a lie and that those pills are multivitamins. Dont know why anyone believed this tbh. Its Sup Forums.

>drink bleach
painful but fast

>park car in garage and leave on with no fresh air
>painless but if you survive request to be unplugged


>Wake up
>Grab a brush and put a little make-up
>Hide the scars to fade away the shake-up


i feel the last part was fitting

So make the most of it. Do everything you want. make everything you do what you want. make this life yours.

keep up the struggle user, pressure is what turns coal into diamonds.


Nigga get yo ass up!!!

Go fucking jog around the block. Can't jog? Walk it mother fucka! Add another lap the easier it gets. Just get yo ass up! Instead of lifting a quarter pounder with cheese lift a quarter pound of weights x 4! Drink a 1 gallon of water throughout the day.

Go to the mirror, see that tons of fun fat fuck in the mirror? That's your enemy nigga. Pretend your mother fuckin Mohammad Ali and shadow box that nigga.Throw some punches at it. What... don't like Ali? Fuck it then pretend your Bruce lee and karate chop that nigga. Get yo sorry fat ass moving. You want the chicks? You either need an athletes body or a fat wallet filled with $100 bills and I sure don't see you hanging out at Wall Street nigga!

Your choice mah nigga!

Lose weight and get microdermabrasion.

Lifting and cardio will help your self esteem too.

>Be me
>is a 7/10
>is a massive dickhead
>has extremely high standards
>is single because of my high af standards
>dont care because dont need gf atm
>will care in the future and be a desperate virgin
>slowly becoming insane

Thanks for the message user

hnghh thats hot tho

Grab her by the pussy, then become a fucking dumbass faggot boy.At least die knowing you took life by the balls instead of the crack.

>Stop being a faggot
>Get some pussy
>Realise that most things wet feel good on your dick
>Decide there and then that fucking toilet roll tubes filled with ham is easier
>Not a virgin so winrar?

Are those mints or antacids? Because they're not marked.

Is that even kosher???? =)