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lol holy shit you have read like nothing

that's fine, we were all there once. first off get a proper understanding of the is/ought problem with hume(since you obviously don't understand this), then move on to 19th century phenomenologists(early husserl for intro, reinach, scheler, kazuko, heidegger has some phenomenological materials but also spends too much time on existentialist opinions like neechee, stirner's opinionated writing is auto-perspective based as well), then modern/contemporary realist phenomenologists, who once you have the linguistic context will literally explain to you how auto-perceptive existence(the only kind of existence you know) works.

babies fuggin talkin bout plato and neechee and *shudders* heidegger *pukes* as the most important philosophers in MY thread

^getting this mad that not everyone drinks the Kool aid
Lmao. I didn't even respond you its clear you'll never say anything that interests me

once again you prove you have the mind of a child.

dear rabit

rip when

whoever the lad was that said Field Records is a good lad

thanks, lad. wasn't me but i didn't know about FR either.

Chilean house

feminist interpretations of nietzsche

iss good label



dj george alagiah


man what happened to hotflush
did the entire label just disappear up scuba's ass?

meme lad lad q/t
Generals were a mistake


i don't resent mount kimbie but their first record was seemingly the drop-off point

scuba is a cockend lol did you see his FACT singles club vid?

I vaguely remember that ye, is that where he's being an overcritical cunt?

He should just move to Ibiza and take his stinky throwback proghouse with him


yeah, it's awful because he's clearly super nervous at the same time

have u heard his fabric cd, the tracklist looks ok

big big big

if your reading list for philosophy has >5% phenomenology then you're a hopeless pleb who drank the grad school koolaid T-B-H

Any chilean man in?

it's the most important sliver of the field. enlighten me to your more thorough understanding of existence, please. demonstrate your everflowing chalice of knowledge, you intellectual behemoth.

>it's the most important sliver of the field
I shall repeat, grad school koolaid. better even to be an analytic than a phenomenologist or psychoanalyst.

haven't heard it, but the selection seems p safe
unless he's doing his "slowed down" shit he used to pull


yeah buddy you've just given yourself away as talking out of your ass. analytic philosophy is a method, and is commonly used in tandem in phenomenological reasoning. there is nothing contradictory between analytic philosophy and proper phenomenology. as for psychoanalysis, you're just bringing up completely unrelated and random nonsense for no discernible reason.

shame that this is the wall I always hit. I genuinely want someone to tell me there's a brighter light than phenomenology out there but people who say there is never actually pose a superior line of reasoning, or betray themselves as not having any idea what they are talking about.

this kicks, feeling it

Any atmospheric and acidic man in

can we just post tunes please they don't even have to be good we just need tunes

all we need now are togas and little boy cunts and we can rp understandings


truth innit

>analytic philosophy is a method, and is commonly used in tandem in phenomenological reasoning. there is nothing contradictory between analytic philosophy and proper phenomenology.
don't play dumb champ, you know very well what "be an analytic" means and this hand-waving about method is meaningless.
phenomenologists aren't worth rescuing. there is no impetus to "pose a superior line of reasoning." carry on with your sterile sophistry, philosophical laborer :))))).


s/t and spyro in the middle


>I d-didn't mean analytic philosophy, I meant a figure of speech!
>it's definitely not a method of reasoning!! I think...
>ha! why should I have to explain *why* something doesn't make sense! it just doesn't, k?
>there are better lines of reason out there! I just don't have to say what they are, you just have to believe me.

PYUR from last year was actually a v good release, I don't expect Hotflush to turn around at any point though>i don't resent mount kimbie
I do
and fucking Sepalcure as well

That will be 3 bleep tunes, please


Yeah you Better delete that post son

>it's a dirty techno episode


dont expose me like this

Heh sorry lad

the first tune! wow

lool this is my fear

fs man, nocturnal emissions are so good and their discography is so sprawling i could get lost in it



i luv lobby t :3
so cozy

>w-what do you mean analytic philosophy isn't a method, that's just crazy! wait...someone told me something about what philosophy is like outside of my liberal arts college bouncy castle grad program once....
>you can't dismiss me! I'm a philosopher! you have to give me reasoning, that's not fair! you're not being very nice you know!
>what an asshole, how am I supposed to believe in something other than phenomenology when you don't explain things to me! I want to believe :(
your kind are just the whiniest cunts lol

spent a good 2 days listening to as much as I could, and haven't even scratched the surface.
Which ones you like? I know stoneface

>analytic philosophy isn't a method

heh...heh....arca right?

yea! definitely one of those lifelong commitment groups

Stoneface is the one, Spiritflesh was similar and also great and i really liked The World Is My Womb too. flicked through Sunspot Activity and it seems good, proper subdued. probably going to check out all the ones Soleilmoon released tbqh

didn't realise that Caroline K was involved, that record that BEB reissued last year was amaze

Cannot get enough of this label. These summery vibes are getting me through this harsh winter.

That is how Grimes will look in 20 years.

wow ok so u got a rewind
but the last line sounded like the first line


Seems like you were intellectually manhandeled. You should now leave this thread in shame and remember it the next time you post. All the anons in this thread are witnesses on how you lost an argument and will remember your posting style for at least a month so beware of posting on Sup Forums again.

hush they'll think I'm samefagging

Why contaminate a bleep thread with this talentless hack?

some of these philosophy posts are definitely uwu-poster

not him, grimes isn't talentless but yeah not /bleep/ either. she's a mildly above-average synth pop artist who relies on her body to sell her work. nothing new or amazing for sure.

is this the same wookie?


i hope not but it's believable, he's done a few pop tunes in the past

>being this mad a woman can make good music

How the fuck does grimes use her body, or lack thereof, to sell music? Lmao. The fact that kiss less virgins on Sup Forums make her out to be their manic pixie dream gf is an indictment on them, not her.


if you think grimes is incredible female vocalist synth pop, you haven't listened to very much of it.

Was I just memed

There are more redeeming qualities to her music than just her voice you spazmoid. But it is super ethereal

u still have a small crush on her though lbr (=චᆽච=)

No don't be ridiculous I just like her music, that's all. How sad would that be

isn't lady gaga legit?


ah... good morning 'lads'


v cute :3

yeah, big surprise with that tune you posted.

does /bleep/ like jamie?

She is cute tho :3c
Me Inna dance btw


What's wrong

lots of talkin bout how cute she is for someone who doesn't use her body to sell her music.

scuba's fabric mix is dece
where's the dubstep tho ??

I'm making a list of ten songs as sort of an intro to electronic music and its various sub genres, what 10 songs would you choose?

sounds like..... u want someone to make the list for u

All you need is jungle


there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who don't read aesthetic philosophy

do you believe in life after love?

I'm asexual

>not being celibate
it's as though you envy peasantry

She's not conventionally attractive so that would be stupid for her to do no? I like her Jolie laide style though dunno why


hello bleep!!


dw i believe you mucka



Does Cassy like giving mature footjobs?

this might literally be the hundredth time I've heard some kid talk about how grimes is cute while not being conventionally cute so she can't possibly use her body to sell her stuff even though her body is all over her music videos and promotions.

Anyting goes


Can Nina perform party tricks with her vagina?

What the



post b8 jungle that makes you feel good regardless of how corny it is and how many views it has

waviest jungle ive ever heard

I will never not rate this

honestly 'just jungle' is the master of feel good jungle imo, like all his big tunes have the nicest euophoric chord progressions and sound soo good inna dance


looks like I somehow got inspired to post the complete opposite

starved for jungle

