Come on guys, get your fluffy on

Come on guys, get your fluffy on.






I like the part where the fluffy suffers.

Well there's more where that came from

I also enjoy that part


There threads used to take off. not they just fizzle out. RIP in peace the days of bountiful fluffy threads.

Fuckin help get this thing going then.






Just needs new content honestly. like 99% of it is just repost. If I could draw..





Even the Booru is slow. It seems almost all the artists have fled. There will be another rise eventually. In trying to actually build up a drawing skill I practice with fluffies every now and then. Still lack the confidence to keep any of the drawings let alone post them.

I agree. I actually have written quite a bit of original concepts, but I want to post once I get 30 or so stories. It takes me a while to finish one and I don't want people to think I write something then fall off the planet.

What all of you, seems to be just me here posting.

>I actually have written quite a bit of original concepts

And then you'll find out that what you thought was original has actually been done to death years ago.

same here. My art skills are about the same level as a second graders.



Well its not easy draw...



I don't doubt that, but by original I mean I don't base it on anyones' content. If it has been done, then it is simply a "great minds think alike" situation. "Great" being relative.


Sup Smarties and Fluffalo.

Neutral with a dash Hugbox.








Would you save, leave or stomp them?

It's really dependent on university finals from what I have seen. Like, when students are under pressure and stress, out comes the fluffy threads for that fat cathartic release.


Stomp until the guts spill out and smear the entrails on the wall and set it on fire


Torture. Slowly.









same here. i want to have time so i can get some actual good shit on there instead of half-assing it.

>pic related, a recent fluffy comic i've made.


What is the apeal in this?
I don't understand at all.


Neckbeards that were touched by their uncles dealing with repressed anger.

glad i have none of those qualities

and to answer , it's just a good refresher for art and stories. there's a bit of creative potential since you can do almost anything to the lore and shit

I think their current predicament is hilarious. When ever they leave I'd mix some ghost pepper sauce into the mix because they know it'll hurt but won't expect that on their sad return.

Im thinking of doing some fluffie stuff. And I think a new wave is coming cause of how often these threads are popping up now.

Also speaking to some people me myself included are new to this fandom, mostly from an interest why the fuck people love these things.

happy tree friends+the animal drama of watership down+moral questions about the creation of sapient life+greek tragedy+truman show+edge+memes

Lawfull neutral and sometimes neutral hugbox.

I like this pic better though.

Maybe I'll get back to it in a while.

Very nice quality already. I just want to make a lot of them freezing to death.. psychological torment. Or forced scenarios where fluffies make a choice in there own herd of who lives and dies, usually due to selfish greed.

I like the sci-fi theme of a bio toy and world building.

How a biotoy was leaked before completion and wild ones being invasive.

I like this one better, too.
I think I fall someone around murder boner, though the abuse can be a reason in and of itself.

even wrote a few stories on the booru, artist tag Boot_Thief.

No hugboxers allowed.

Eh, I started a story.. people say I went from hugbox to deathcamp in a quick second

Could this be some new content?!

...Fluffhat would be great, as long as it did not shit down your neck.

found in a thread about a month ago, no idea of the true age.

neutral here

I like to see the goods get broken and then fixed again. Then repeat.




Vegex_the_Dead I just usually lurk when I do visit. I wrote a bunch of small stories.. which is really just a large one. I didn't know I had a larger limit. so that's why it's not just a large post.


A comment befitting satanic trips, impressed'n'checked.





Bump, anyone got stories?



Reforming a smarty with love and proper discipline might be interesting.




I'm back








You faggots all know this stuff is useless right?
