My sister says the saddest things

my sister says the saddest things

Great stuff makes me feel church

did she say grimes was her fav artist?

your sisters a whore bro


give her to me

O.o ohh? *peeks* what's this? *reads carefully* this line... of... very cryptic text... *thinks* uwu gosh I wonder what this means... *pees diaper* hmmm... *little baby fart* i want to figure out what this means... *strokes chin* *baby poops* hmmmmm.... i like to move it move it... *squee* :3 o.O

i put on my robe and wizard hat

grimes is an unbearable cunt with the worst face in all of music

please off yourself

she is the face of music, idort. check em

I forget that sexism is an issue in this world because my social circle is pretty healthy and functional, but then I log on and see volatile, angry, small men like getting ready to at any moment prove how resentful they are towards women and I realize that we still have work to do

Why are you people so violent and vulgar so often

i think you're upset that this user so acculturately described the average grimes fan's thought process

Ban grimes

Not true shes actually a 8/10 by most standards and im going to rapd and punish her in my mommys basement

nice b8



I fucking love Grimes

I bet it was kpop

Me and my hipster oblivious freinds
women belong in the kitchen and have ruined the fabric of american society

i dont know i dont listen to grimes and i dont know any fan

Did you lose your glasses?

im crazy for her

digits confirm

it's much easier to be self-involved

Shes hideous

Shes the type of girl who at the start of the night id be like "oh god no way" but if she was all over me and i got drunk enough i probably would do it, but i would feel so much regret and disgust the next day, like my skin would actually be crawling in the morning


with grimes you would also get instant hepatitis c

if i had a dollar for every good song she has then i would have 0 dollar

he says, circle-jerking on a patagonian zoopraxiscoping forum

frankly, normal people don't behave like you lot

this would have never happened to me if i was born a juggalo. i just don't want it