Why shouldn't suicide be allowed?

Why shouldn't suicide be allowed?

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But it is. Go try it right now.

Suicide is allowed, assisting someone with said suicide is not.

I don't have a gun, yet.

Seriously. If someone truly wants to die, then none of this shit matters. Although it might be worth thinking of who will have to find your corpse, see your perverted porn collection, etc. Also there is religion to consider. You kill yourself and then there you are at the pearly gates. Oopsie. Saint Peter is not happy...

Some people, really few actually, have real and reasonable reasons to die. Like the people who live with terrible diseases or in a lot of pain.

But most suicides are product of mental health problems, so the letting someone kill himself under such circumstances is like letting him die of some disease without doing anything about it.

But I'm a college drop out with no use on this planet. And I'll have to do manual labor instead if I don't off myself.

Maybe they should die

It's only illegal if you live dumbass. And if you can't get that right maybe you should be away from society.

society only works if people are a part of it. suicide says you can quit if you think you aren't getting anything out of the deal. people can't be allowed to think this or more people might decide that the game isn't worth playing.

I'd be away from society if I killed myself, idiot.

And if you fucked it up we'd want you away anyways. Win/win for humanity

how many people commit suicide, or attempt it, through depression? if it's caused by neurotransmitter imbalances, then antidepressants can help.. but if your depression is caused by living in depressing circumstances, like your parents are morphine addicts or you can't get a job because there ARE NO JOBS.. taking a pill won't cure that.

>law no person can decide to kill a person
>inb4 war

Cuz life is precious, and god, and the bible.

It should be a legal alternative to life, if that's what you're asking.

I've had the barrel of my gun in my mouth before and I was that close to pulling the trigger. While I don't agree with the concept of suicide, especially if you have obligations in this world(family, close friends, significant other), but I know how it feels to want off this ride and I know a lot of people feel that on a daily basis. At the end of the day it's your own life, do with it as you please.

Let the weak sort themselves out.

So what's away anyways?

regardless of legality, its already a top ranking cause of death. no need to legalize it really. can't capitalize too much on it, tugs on ethical, religious and moral fabric too much to pursue and it's such a selfish thing altogether.

hurdur, why cant you make it legal so i can do it easier. society, make everything easy for me!

if you've truly come to that decision, you should have researched it well enough to fully execute it. all the half assed attempts are clearly irrational decisions or for attention. its your last decision, holy fuck put some effort into it. i guess that'd be asking the give-upper to give more

I've been thinking about it for some time anons, and you know?
IWe might be fucking up our species gene pool with all the therapy, suicide prevention campaigns and medication.
Maybe when an individual of a species wants to kill himself it's because some inner mechanism realized his genes are not good enough to make quality offspring.
We seriously shouldn't let people with serious mental diseases to reproduce, we are making each generation worse that way.
Mind that I myself suffer from a couple of mental syndromes, so it's not like I have anything against mental ill people.

yes, the alternative of living life like a normal human is a great reason to compel one toward suicide. people who work white collar jobs are more likely to off themselves; way to be different.

Institutionalized if they can be helped, prison if not

So? Nothing wrong with getting your hands dirty working for as long as you saved up a little bit to travel and see shit. When money runs out, repeat step 1. What were you studying?

if everyone who ever had an obstacle in their life gave up, i dont even want to have to explain this.

But why spend money on people that may never contribute back? Wouldn't assisted suicide make more sense from an economical point of view?

There's no reason other than to spare someone else's feels.

There are about 7.5 billion people alive today. Society is fine without a couple of people being an hero.

But not everyone is strong or functional enough to endure obstacles in a reasonable way.

I agree, I don't even want kids anyways.
And by the time I'm 40 I won't be able to walk from doing a shit ton of lifting and whatnot.

the top 20% richest people pay like 87% of all taxes. 80% of the population dosent do shit to begin with

think of one animal that kills itself to preserve the gene pool.

animals with any disease will likely die off on its own, but if as a species they all progress, then that species has outlasted the rigors of life for one more segment.

mankind moves forward at the pace of its stragglers.

Didn't you drop out exactly because you are sick?
Go seek help.

and those people die and dont reproduce. its why most humans endure, because the ones who didnt, well, stop existed a long time ago

you think wed still be around if retarded people thrived? and no, i dont mean idiots who still manage to make a day to day living, i mean, downs syndromes and what not

A computer science related thing, I'm so dumb that I can't remember exactly.
>Muh feelz
I don't care about anyone's feelings. I didn't have a choice to be alive.

You just have to lift with you leg muscles, not back.
And remember to stretch.

You're such a miserable fuck up, you'd fuck that up too.

but legalizing is in many ways promotion. promotion allows the stupider question of say: i feel shitty this year, i want it to stop. would we as a society allow one shitty year to justify sucide? what about age limit? what about when we should actually encourage the old and lame to die, for economic burden reasons?

some cannot endure, yet if you dont give them the option, it turns out they can. usually at least.

Down syndrome is an abnormality.
It's just a fuck up from the genes, not a product of evolution.

I had to drop out bc I'm probably autistic and had no idea what was going on at college.
I've already went to my doctor and got prescribed Prozac a couple months ago. It hasn't done shit.
>inb4 go see a therapist
I don't have the motivation to make an appointment or go and do it.

>if you dont give them the option to opt out of hating themselves, they will hate themselves for YEARS

I'm sure you're doing way better, right?

yeah thats right, 40 year old laborers are so withered aren't they. ever hear of fucking carpal tunnel? like, how weak do you become from the office that small motor units in your wrist can cripple you. the spinal compression, etc.

or how about you just lrn2non-traditional white collar job. instead of saying, omg i have a degree boohoo no jerbs, how about you get creative. just because you met the fucking basic req for our times, you feel obligated to a job otherwise you'll kill yourself? fucks sake.

But I'm not talking about the usual.
I'm talking about the people that are very fucked up or unfit for the current society, be it for genetic reasons or how they were brought up.

uh, yeah. thats sorta the point. downs dosent suceed in the world, so they die off, and thus the lack of downs being a major part of our history. its only been recently that they have had comfy safety nets to keep them alive and theres been more downs right now then there has ever been in history ever. no fucking body in the pre18th century coddled a downs long enough to have children of their own

>I don't care about anyone's feelings. I didn't have a choice to be alive.
Then off yourself. I don't know you and don't give a flying fuck. Do a flip.

Bro I was kidding. But to make a point, even if you were to kill yourself in the cleanest way possible, your body is still here. And it will stay there rotting until the landlord busts in and the cleaning crew is called. The room/home will have to be fumed for the smell and will never go for the same price on the market again. Funeral arrangements will have to be made in your stead and it will be to late to salvage anything from your body. Mind you none of this will be coming from your likely already depleted accounts. Why would the majority ever choose to make something that's such a financial hassle and sacrilegious to most, legal?

I get it, do you have anxiety or hypersensitivity problems? I've been reading on how weed might be good to avoid crises at their start or decreasing anxiety in borderline disorder, but I don't know if it also benefits people in the autistic spectrum.

>implying not everyone has their own demons and aprt from the select few who are on the verge of kys, everyone happy as a daisy.

yeah, just show up to the euthanasia clinic with your I've Hated Myself For 10 Consecutive Years cert and they'll get you the paperwork

Dropping out of college isn't the only reason I want to die in case you couldn't figure it out.
I thought of jumping off a bridge. Or waiting to buy a gun, or suicide by cop.

user is obviously depressed and suffering from parents and a society that taught him he was special, you shouldn't expect him to be fully rational.

that would be civilians voting in a law that permits, which slippery slopes to mandates, the government to handle euthanasia of "misfits'. then we decide who is unfit. who even decides that.

Social anxiety. And I'm in a rural area so I don't know where to get weed. I've never even had it b4. And obviously there's the dark web but with my luck I'd get busted and arrested.

>most cases of Down syndrome are not inherited. When the condition is caused by trisomy 21, the chromosomal abnormality occurs as a random event during the formation of reproductive cells in a parent


>i have raisins ok?
yeah. i'm sure. it is basically summed up in the "i gave up on life by the age of 25 because my life is especially bad" stuff.

Op is right is abortion is allowed.. Assisted suicide should be allowed at all ages irrespective of health condition

That's why I suggested assisted suicide for the lost causes. Even with funeral costs it would be a lot cheaper than long term medical assistance and therapy.

you probs neglected the things about cannabinoids causing psychoses and paranoia, huh. gr8 420bl4ze echo chamber m8

You don't need to go to the dark web, look for seeds on facebook. It's not that hard to find.
And don't jump of a bridge, it's not 100% and you might end up paralyzed or worse.

Ok you win, you seem to know everything.

this is exactly the type of person i would not want handling law ever. hopefully this makes this point clearer.

I can't swim so if I jump into water then I'm done for.

You're assuming hospitals mind you being in huge debt and taking everything you've ever owned. Why would they let you die while still owing them so much? They wouldn't.

says the guy who has deemed the future to be not worth living because he can see forth in time

i don't think it should be allowed because there's a chance it will become 'normal' and suicide will be considered the 'right' thing to do.

so what if you're in an accident and you're having a hard time supporting your family? well why make your family suffer? better end your life as that's what is expected.

what if you're a senior citizen and you have shitty kids who guilt you because they consider you a burden?

what if you're sick and have a few years left to live but you don't want to make your family suffer?

From what I read it's supposed to be ingested or smoke only to avoid a the start of a major depressive episode or on times of serious anxiety crises.
I'm not talking about daily, or even weekly use. It's just a helper to help with other treatments.

Yeah it's not hard to figure out. Some people just aren't meant for society.

they say the final moments of life wherein your brain releases DMT and whatever chems, it can really prolong the moments due to hyperprocessing.

in other words, it can be slow motion drowning with intensified sensations or what seems like an hour of realizing that you regret everything. just imagine midflight you have even the slightest doubt. i'd say that amounts to all the shittiness in one moment, especially your last.

>suicide by cop.
Then do it, pussy. Do everyone a favor and disappear.

You can never be too sure, carbon monoxide plus sleeping pills seem to be way more safe and painless.
Or do you want to end your life with an impact-full event? If that's so you might want to consider that what you are actually after is attention.

In a lot of countries mental health treatments are free and sponsored by the government hamburger user.

That would eliminate all the faggots and leave only resilient people alive, I see no problem.

if that were the case you honestly wouldn't have even made it to college.

notice how you've come to this realization at this point in your life and not earlier? you would've offed yourself as a youth if it were some innate quality. the reason it is now is because you've CHOSEN to give up due to whatever.

You're right. I would be doing everybody a favor. I just don't want to fuck it up.
I just want to be dead.

So you're not referring to the United States? Well this is where I live, can't say why these other countries won't pull your plug.

Great fuccin movie

>I would be doing everybody a favor
You are not thinking straight. You offing yourself would cause a lot of problems and pain to your family, community and friends. Be killing yourself you are only taking your pain, multiplying it for 100 and giving it to other people.

I wasn't depressed and miserable as a kid so of course I wouldn't kill myself. Plus I sorta struggled in high school. That's when I realized that I'm not smart.

have you ever even considered talking to someone about it? what's it to you, you can always off yourself when they've laid down their guard.

Do you want to be dead or do you want for it to stop hurting?

Yet you're still here crying and not pulling fake guns on cops. Fucking lazy piece of shit.

What movie? I just liked the image and used it.
user said I would be though. My community. Fuck em. Friends. Only have like one that I barely talk to. Family? I naturally quiet and don't talk to them even when I'm with them so...

i wish i was dead too user, i know how you feel

but fuck it who gives a fuck about what you do with your life? Literally nobody cares. So do whatever you want.

I get where you are coming from OP, since I also put myself in similar circumstances.
But just remember, that you don't have to be smart, you don't have to be special, you don't have to be the best, or anything like that to have a life worth living.
For now why don't you put your death for after your parents die and try to discover who you really are as a person, not a label.

Yep. I doubt it'll help. Just the same cliche responses that you get online.
Dead. I wish I wasn't born and I don't want to get better.
I don't have the motivation to do it plus it's near Thanksgiving and Christmas.

It would destroy your family, do you really think they wouldn't feel anything just because you are quiet?
You looking at things from a depressed perspective, unless you try to open up with them you'll never know how much they care.

>Literally nobody cares
Except for me. If I knew 100% that everybody liked me I would still think negatively of myself.
By the time they're dead I'll be in my 60's at least/

Since death will come for us without doubt someday let's just do whatever we want. Fuck expectations and everything else.

>I don't have the motivation to do it plus it's near Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Perfectly legit reasons. Happy Holidays!

So I have to live and suffer for them?

So? Do you really want to make your parents go through the pain of burring a child of their?
Try to remember a time when you felt loved by them, or when you had fun, id it really worth to destroy the life of those people without even trusting them enough to try to talk about your mental health?

Why don't you take it one day at time and try talking to them first.

Watch this user.

When I kill myself I'm requesting to not have a funeral. Also I want to be cremated so they won't have to worry about that. My mom already knows that I'm on Prozac but she doesn't realize how I really feel.

Then talk to her damn it, gave her the chance to understand you.

Posting for me is starting to act up. This might not even make it through. I'm too awkward and uncomfortable talking to them about it.

Why are you so afraid to tell her how you feel?

Suicide should be legal so that we can offer people quick clean low pain outs on life. Hopefully for a modest price.

If someone doesn't want to live i see no reason we should try to force them to

Manual labour is a privlidge

Why don't you go live in the woods for a year and come back you ungreatful slut
Just because you don't know what to do all day because your too spoiled
You have but all this energy but as soon as you do work you feel (eeeeeeeeehhhhhhhh i don't want tooooooooooo)
Go and release that locked up insanity and come back to reality after you do so, let loose, judgement is holding your health back

Even if you keep telling yourself otherwise, you are bullshiting about wanting to kill yourself OP.
You went to get help, you are taking medication, you are waiting for Christmas, you admit you are suffering.
I don't doubt you are burden with a huge amount of pain, but it seems to me that what you are actually looking for is validation and emotional closeness.
Remember you can not assume how other people are feeling just from their outer look, so don't say that your parents won't miss you faggot.

Suicide should be legal so that we can offer people quick clean low pain outs on life. Hopefully for a modest price.

If someone doesn't want to live i see no reason we should try to force them to.

The problem would be how to avoid the lost of productivity and spread of depression over the people that where close or knew the person who got euthanized.