And the Cleveland Browns 2016 season has come to an end.
Let's be honest it was already over.
RGKnee does it again everyone idk why the shitstains thought it was good idea
Is anyone surprised at this point?
My dream 2-14 season is officially over.
>yfw they passed on Wentz and signed RG3 instead
>Wentz beats them in week 1 and RG3 ded
The Cleveland Browns.
Cleveland Browns could have a Trump card by signing Peyton Manning.
Is anyone surprised? RG3 is built like a fucking stringbean
Who's the best QB in the draft?
It never started
and they wasted a 3rd round pick on that gimp out if usc
This guy should just retire and go work for Baylor as a coach.
Get Tebow out of minor league baseball and sign him.
Browns need God on their side now.
anyone have the RG3 exploding knees pic that would go great with this thread
>the cleveland shits
>ever doing anything right
Its time
At least Tebow could take the hits RG3 thinks he can. He just can't get out of his own way and slide and get down when he needs to.
Carson Wentz "wasn't the right fit"
>pass on wentz
>give the keys to RGknee
The Browns organization deserves everything they get.
He can last through the season, which is good enough and maybe meme magic can get them a win or two.
Aren't the Browns hoarding draft picks anyways?
Now his shoulders are imploding, is there any joint on his body safe?
>The Factory of Sadness is accepting applications for it's "Griffin Wing", bringing the total number of added wings to 25
More like RGShoulder, amirite lads?
Put another explosion on his shoulder
God has left us long ago. He smiles on the rest of the Land. But not the Browns.
Yea we have like 12 next year. Need to trade Thomas and Haden to get more. Pains me to say but we need forward.
Can't trade Thomas we won't have anyone on the line if we do
does it matter desu
it's a 0 win team with or without Joe
Oh hai
Had RG3 as my back up amd just replaced him with Carson Wentz. Thoughts?
Why not just sign him...?
literally made of glass
should've gone for Vontae Mack
Good move. Tho he may go down in points against a real D
>No idea why the Browns are called Factory of Sadness
>This whole Wentz / IRG3 ordeal
It all makes sense now.
le exploding knees man is now exploding shoulder man. what's next?
Thomas is someone I would hate to see go. But shit. We need to truly scratch the team and start fresh.
le exploding brain man after a proper concussion
Thanks for not making us be the biggest laughing stock in the NFL, bros.
The Cleveland Browns are now on the draft clock. Who will they pick, lads?
Guys you are all missing the point that if the Browns had drafted Wentz, something wouldve just happened to him instead.
I honeslty don't think RG3 is made of glass or injury prone... I think hes just an idiot and puts himself in terrible positions.
If you look at the play he could have easily stepped out of bounds, but he runs directly into a guy whos job is tackle people.
When he fucked up his knees he didn't just get his knee flicked by someones foot, it got destroyed by a helmet.. something he could have prevented by sliding properly.
If any other QB had done what he did (why would they though?) they would be hurt also.
>browns spend the whole offseason leaking reports about how happy they were to trade out of the pick because their front office thinks wentz sucks ass
>get btfo by a surprisingly pro-ready wentz in week one
honestly who didnt see this coming
Johnny Manziel again.
>Just because you made it to the NFL, doesn't mean you've made it in the NFL
rg3' essentially cursed himself by saying this lel
loins fans need to move over because the browns are without a doubt the most depressing sports franchise in the universe.
The thing about the Lions, though, is that they have perfected the art of raising the hopes of their fans and then brutally crushing them. The Browns have been locked in a deep, dark windowless dungeon for so long they've forgotten what the sun even feels like. Lions fans get paroled, brought out to the front gates of the prison, billyclubbed in the kidneys and kicked while they're down by a gang of laughing, maniacal guards, then dragged on their face back to solitary for another year.
mite b the best description of being a fan of that team ive ever heard.
derrick rose of football
Worse part is I've followed football closely enough to see half of these quarterbacks start. And I've only known Eli Manning as my teams QB. Appreciate the little things.
If I knew this would happen, and everyone with half a brain knew this would happen, why did the Browns not know?
Pass the paint thinner man
That shit must be good
Praying for this
because the real browns are now located in baltimore, cleveland is a shitty expansion team with a real team's name and logo.
His receiver lost the block
how happy is Wentz right now
Imagine being passed over by the Browns in the draft
You're basically guaranteed at least an okay career because whoever they actually pick busts
true. That stupid city stole two superbowls from themselves just to hold on to their dumb ass team name
They oughta get Kaep's whiny ass and let him do whatever he wants. Turn the mascot into a black kid with a hoodie.
The team is the BROWNs it's perfect.
The city of Cleveland is called 'The Factory of Sadness'. It's not just the Browns. It's the Cavaliers and the Indians as well. The city was known for having all major league teams being void of any kind of title for decades until the Cavaliers this past championship.
At least Cleveland has a superior NBA team!
>bradford takes vikings to owl
>teddy comes back next year
>trade bradford to browns for another 1st
>bradford injured again
>Browns fans try to take other sports championships and claim them as the "city's"
Lmao I'm absolutely convinced that the Browns will never win anything every again until they literally reset the franchise
>almost every QB they browns passed out within the first 3 rounds have turned out great to okay
you bandwagon fags over rate us to support your narrative, before week one everyone knew our D was absolute shit and now after wentz had a DECENT game he is basedcarson. get fucked
I dont get this picture
if wentz was playing behind the cle o line youd all be saying LOLBROWNS
unless you are 250 pounds 6'5'' you shouldn't be trying to be a meme qb, you will blow up every time you get hit
>Implying any QB could put out the dumpster fire known as the Cleveland Browns
They'd find a way to fuck it up. They must coach weak O line play and stone hands for receivers as standard practice
Didn't they have like 12 this year? I don't think it matters if you keep picking low quality players. I mean only 53 make the team.
No. No no no no no no no no no no.
>The Return of Johnny Football
With the exception of kessler i feel good about our picks under the baseball dude
RG3 is such a fucking joke
We got sold out by Rat Modell. Browns and Cleveland go together like Browns and Eternal Sadness.
>There's an alternate universe somewhere where Ray Lewis and Joe "literally elite" Flacco lead the Browns to owls
i'd say its more of a grease fire.
You can safely count that anyone they don't pick will probably be successful in the NFL
RG3's knee died because he thought he could take on Haloti Ngata and his ankle was dislocated without being touched by an opposing player.
>There's an alternate universe where Trent Dilfer is a god in Cleveland for breaking the curse
I miss Jeff Garcia, mercenary Quarterback for hire.
Top kek.