I know the game doesn't start for another seven hours, but fuck it, we lost. What do we do to fix this shit?
I know the game doesn't start for another seven hours, but fuck it, we lost. What do we do to fix this shit?
Time travel and draft Wentz
Rams are really gonna lose btw.
I've already mentally prepared myself for a loss, a win would be a nice surprise though.
If the Rams drafted Wentz and Philly drafted Goff, it would be the same story except Goff would be starting and vice versa. Rams are just a terrible organization for a young QB.
i agree that wentz might still be bad with the rams, but goff might have been bad with the eagles too. he's just not a smart guy. and he's kinda frail with small hands
coulda just left off those last four words
This is a bad thread because the 49ers are probably worse desu fampai
Nah, I still Wentz was the better pick.
Are the only Rams fans in LA now? Are none left in STL?
I do not disagree.
Jeff Fisher's Rams have made a tradition of losing games they should win.
LA isn't sold yet
and probably won't be until 3 winning seasons within 5 years to be honest
>mfw seeing a niner fan wearing ram gear in my last class
Move it back to Shit Louis
Next year guys. That's the one.
I'm from Irvine should I root for the Rams or the Chargers
>not sold yet
>80,000 fans for first preseason game
ask your parents who they cheered for and if they never had a team then irvine
chargers is for anyone in SD and under
Rams were always anahiem's team
even when they played in LA in their short span they ignored santa monica , ignored long beach , ignored granada hills but they would focus on people within the OC and virtually only the OC
I guess the best way to compare this would be the yankees and mets
metropolitan - people in manhattan
yankees - bronx and rest of new york
rams - OC
closest we ever got to a "LA" team was the raiders because they played in the heart of the city and were winners more so than the rams ever were despite playing 5? years less than the rams did in LA.
Watch the game again and tell me it was legitmate home crowd
ESPN commentators and analyst , NFLN analyst all agreed
the crowd was definitely cowboys orientated , some niner fans , some raiders fans then the ram fans
They had a charger tier crowd where the visitors outnumbered the home crowd
Against the 49ers? I hope not. How are they even going to Fucking score? They have no weapons at all on offense!
Mets is Long Island and queens and Brooklyn to an extent
Yankees got Manhattan and the Bronx
does the game start 10:20 p.m. ET?
pls respond lads
great, I can wake up at 8:15 a.m. and get comfy
>implying the 49ers are good
you poor naive fool
better than the rams
Is Goff starting?
3rd string QB, Keenum is starting I think
>tfw have to miss our first victory because class
i guess i should celebrate now
he isn't even the third stringer
the punter or kicker was the emergency QB
ffs i realised i have to wake up at 5:15 instead of 8:15
>better than the Rams
Unfortunately, no, they're not
>attending the education Jew
LMAOing at your life
And wentz gets killed behind this shitty o-line.
>What do we do to fix this shit?
The ghost of Harry Truman haunts this traitor team and Gurley is going to tear his ACL tonight. Dubs confirm.
At least week 2 is a free win with the Seahawks likely playing without Wilson
Probably shoulda drafted and started this guy
Wait for the L.A. dollars to start pouring in, then sign someone like Drew Brees since the saints don't want to pay him what hes worth.
Rams will bring back Bradford.
21 year season ticket holder w/ my whole family. We all said fuckem, I personally know one person in Stl who still roots for them.
>make big move and get #1 pick
>waste it on fucking Goff
>he is now your third stringer
Who will STL root for now?
Holy shit the Rasm actually moved to LA
What a pathetic franchise
Noone in particular, at least for a couple years.
To the LA people. I'm planning a trip to see a Rams game in the future. Is seeing a game in the Colosseum worth it or should I just wait for Kroenkeland to be built?
A fair bit of the state is Chiefs country. I talked to a lot of people around here and if they're watching the game at all, they said they're only watching because seeing Gurley run the ball is a magical thing.
t. La resident
I'm in AZ and I'm going this year. Perfect chance to see a game in a historic field, but it's an easy drive from here.