My vote goes to either Chelsea winning the game or a draw.
Who will be the winner??
My vote goes either to Liverpool winning, a draw, or Chelsea winning.
Based on their performances over the weekend; Liverpool
Before the international break I would've said Chelsea though
Probably a draw, but one of the teams could win, too.
Firmino's gonna rape their CB's
Draw. Bet their next two meetings will end in a draw also.
if liverpool play better, they will win
if chelsea are the better side on the day, they'll get the 3 points
if it's pretty even? draw
whatever happens, we win
3-2 Chelsea, I expect both defenses to be pretty leaky since JT will be out and livershits won't be able play any D as usual. Beyond that maybe 3-3 or 4-3 Chelsea. Depends on sideshow bob
stop posting
t. Michael Owen.
Chelsea, Liverpool are still a bog average side who can't defend. Barely beating Arsenal (on the opening day which they always lose) and meme'ing past Leicester who are back to being shit again (surprise surprise) and still have to adapt to losing Kante is hardly good.
>Liverpool have returned tickets to Chelsea because they can't sell their allocation
>best fans in der weerrllld
chelsea are really good right now, only drew swansea due to refball. the'yve got this in the bag
This. Kante will fully expose their midfield it won't even be funny.
>kraut knowing whats up
thanks mang. shitty fans claim swansea were refballed, so its nice to see a kraut say otherwise :)
Chelsea, easy win
No John Terry so David Luiz will start so I predict 4 -1 Liverpool.
hoping courtois gets benched. He's been average as fuck for 2 seasons now.
Will judge him on next season when he has decent a decent centre back pairing in front of him Zouma/Luiz/Christenssen/Kalas
isnt this because its a late kickoff, and the trains are shit