Bernie Sanders slams Democrats, says he'll work with Trump

>Bernie Sanders slams Democrats, says he'll work with Trump


What does Sup Forums think of this?

Classic jew, dont trust it

Checkd and true

Throughout the entire campaign both the dems and repubs have been saying the country is split and that they should work together.

Surprise! They still say they will work together.


believe it's nice. they both want to help the middle class only in different ways. they have the same main goal in a way. but their policies are different as fuck. it's kind of healthy though getting the opposite opinion about stuff so it will be interesting at least. i am happy that he finally abandon hillary after she castrated his fair chance to become president.

Fuck Bernie sanders but this does come as a shock

He said he'll work with Trump if he does everything Sanders wants and nothing Trump wants.

He's a faggot.

Satan trips don't lie.

BS is a jew larva. Dont let him touch Trump or any kind of success/money not earned by himself.

Trump did say he wants to rebuild the infrastructure and bring back jobs from China. Sanders said he'll do that

I would believe that Sander's didn't have much choice when he bowed out for Hillary. Probably one of those things where he didn't want his friends and loved ones to suddenly get sick and pass away via gunshot wounds to the back of the head.

Now he's free to tell her to fuck off.



jews have switched sides before when they see what a bunch of cucks the left have become, only caring about inconsequential identity politics instead of the economy


Sanders has stayed true to the American people throughout this process. He's the most trustworthy politician I can think of.

I know enough about trump to know that he might ignore the right wingers on some issues and do things like increase the minimum wage.......Bernie would support that, of course.
Consider this possibility.....

Trump enters office, with conservative advisors.....

Trump eventually goes rogue on some conservative angles, in order to appeal to the true populists in the population.....such as encouraging a much higher minimum wage.

GOP starts getting extremely butthurt. Dems suddenly don't mind Trump as much,

Trump then declares himself an independent, renouncing GOP.

Trump then nominates moderates to Supreme Court

GOP hardliners move to try to impeach him.....also gets the support of hardcore liberals who never would support trump, despite his maverick streak.

Constitutional crisis commences. Vice President turns on Trump during impeachment proceedings in a full blown coup to take power.



Of course he'll fall in behind Trump.
Not falling in behind the God-Emperor is naive and, more importantly, heresy.
Good luck surviving this one, liberals. The world ignored your childish protests the first day you started them.

See, I know this is fake because Trump would not leave through the window, he'd strut out the door like a boss.

I do admire this man to some degree. I don't like some of his messages but overall he is one of the more down to earth politicians with a streak of honor. Also he has more patience with inner city blacks and that's great because most white people don't want to put up with that ratchet ass shit themselves

This headline is a clickbatey mischaracterization of what he said. Makes it seem like he's changing teams from the left to the right, when in reality, he was never a Democrat to begin with. He's to the left of the shitbags in the Democratic party, but he's way closer to them than Trump... except that lots of Trump's positions were to the left of Hillary, so he can work with him on, say, being against trade deals or rule of law being applied to politicians.

Bernie eats ass

>so he can work with him on, say, being against trade deals or rule of law being applied to politicians.
This faggot gets it

Not accurate story. Try again fag.

You are correct in that Bernie was never really a democrat, but Trump being left of Hillary?... Dafuq you smoking?

How do people still not get that politics is about compromise and working together. We live in a big and fucking diverse country. Obviously you can't please everyone. Trump won but it's not like his word is law. Now he knows he will have to work with the democrats and come up with policies we can all agree on. Why are people acting like this is a bad thing?

Not really democrats ideals was never bernie hence why they picked hilary. Both trump and sanders hate the way america is ran by sterotypical poltcians that dont do anything for anybody but their best interest. Teump and sanders never accuratly protrayed they cliche ideals of their parties

>Thinking the God Emperor would use the door like some common pleb

She was as far to the right as you could get before she noticed what political views were trending as she ran for president

He's a lot more liberal than the media liked to make out, and Shillary is a lot more right than they made out, too.

Dey skaired

I'm Uncle Bernie, now come over here, and take yer underwears off.

Only sensible person in this thread, summarized everything I was going to say.

Can you read? What he is saying is that he will work with Trump if he is willing to compromise and work together to find the best solution for everyone. Which Trump has already started doing on many of the things he ran his campaign on.

It's no surprise really, in his book Art of the Deal he talks about how to negotiate and how you should start way over what you want so when you then meet in middle with the one you are negotiating with both parties think they won. And this is essentially what Trump will be doing for most of his first year as president. He will be negotiating with Democrats, Congress and businesses about what the government will be doing over the next few years.

At the end of Trumps presidency it will either have been a complete failure or both sides will think they won.

The DNC was rigged and it is public knowledge that it was.

He'll only have to work more with dems if he can't get all the other GOP to go along unless it's on something requiring 2/3 vote.

She changed her position on NAFTA when Obama hammered her for it.

depends what you define as right. Hillary had been much more for trade deals like the free trade side of the GOP (but even the Pauls regarded the deals as bad) She is also much more of a hawk (which is why so mant neocons were for her or trying to sabotage Trump.

he's basically just saying if Trump wants to act like a potty trained adult, he'll work with him, but if he continues to act like a racist Trumpanzee, he'll fight him.

>Fully endorses Clinton after getting "robbed" of the DNC nomination

>publicly endorses the same cheater cunt who fucked him out of an assured win for office
sounds like a snake to me

Broad misrepresentation of that interview.

kek. Everyone is slamming the DNC. After all their dirty laundry got aired out how could they not? All the bullshit with them extorting their own people to support Hillary, her getting debate questions before hand, all the shady shit.

Fuck them. People that were gonna vote Hillary just to not vote republican ended up not showing at all cause they showed them that their votes don't really matter. Not saying the GOP is free of sin but on this round it was the DNC that took it in the nuts, and it's their own fault.

kind of like what they did to trump this past year..

If Trump and his Republican Senate and House were about to pass a law that made the lives of every American magically better with the waving of his pen, a ton of Democrats would try and stop him just because it's Trump. Bernie is just saying that that would be stupid.