2016: President-elect Donald Trump is brought before the courts as part of his ongoing lawsuits involving rape...

2016: President-elect Donald Trump is brought before the courts as part of his ongoing lawsuits involving rape, sexual harassment and fraud

2017: Donald John Trump is inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States. He is soon confronted by a terrorist attack and fumbles his first test as president

2017: Chinese economic policy, in response to Trump's promises, leads to a massive hike in the prices of consumer goods including cell phones and computers

2017: Congress begins to consider impeachment against President Trump due to his lawsuits and incompetence

2018: Donald Trump is impeached and removed from office. Mike Pence becomes the 46th President of the United States

2019: After a year of complete and total incompetence in the face of new Russian aggression, Democrats take the senate in the midterm elections

2019: Mike Pence is assasinated ahead of the 2020 presidential elections by an enraged Trump supporter. His Vice-president, Chris Christie, becomes 47th President of the United States

2020: Chris Christie is impeached amid the 2020 elections due to various ongoing scandals and legal battles.

2020: A massive terrorist attack kills tens of thousands of Americans close to the elections. Americans flee population centers by the millions, turning highways into gridlocked encampments

2020: Christopher Christie postpones the presidential election, leading to massive protests and a constitutional crises.

So basically you're like cnn.



>MFW Trump is our next prez.

Also check em.

2021: Amid ongoing constitutional legal battles and some of the biggest protests in recorded human history, Chris Christie issues multiple gag orders and executive edicts delegating control of the media to his federal authority

2021: Former president Donald John Trump is assassinated. Chris Christie survives an assassination attempt.

2022: Hundreds of thousands of military personel defect from the US armed forces

2022: An attack claims tens of thousands of AMerican lives. President Christie delcares war on Russia, Americans rally to his cause.

2022: The constitutional crisis is resolved by a new constitution that elects the US president to a full 8 year term with no limits.

2022: China warns the US against using it's area of the pacific as a staging place for anti-Russian operations

2023: Christie orders an attack on the Chinese navy, China declares war on the United States

2024: NATO (including UK, France and Saudi Arabia) declares war on China and Russia

2024: Phillipines and Iran delcare war on the western allies

2025: India wipes Pakistan off of the map with devastating nuclear attacks, sustaining devastating, but not fatal, losses themselves

2025: India declares war on America's enemies

2025: Chris Christie dies in his sleep. Reince Priebus becomes president of the United States

2027: Massive amounts of incompetence on the part of President Priebus lead to humiliating defeats for the Allies

2028: Alaska is invaded by the Russians

2028: President Priebus jails thousands of Americans suspected of espionage or Russian ties. All of former Donald Trump's family is jailed.

2029: Americans attempt to flee to Mexico and Canada by the thousands, most are prevented from leaving by presidential executive order

2030: A draft is instituted by president Priebus

2030: An attack destroys much of Washington D.C. Priebus survives and considers postponing elections

2030: A military coup ousts Priebus, Gen. Robert Abrams becomes America's Commander-in-Chief

so far so good

2029: Americans attempt to flee to Mexico and Canada by the thousands, most are prevented from leaving by presidential executive order

2030: A draft is instituted by president Priebus

2030: An attack destroys much of Washington D.C. Priebus survives and considers postponing elections

2030: A military coup ousts Priebus, Gen. Robert Abrams becomes America's Military Governor

2031: The military government institutes several major reforms, transforming America into a Militocracy. The public approves, protests die down or are squashed

2032: London, Paris, and Mumbai are destroyed with all 3 heads of state perishing

2033: Alaska is nuked, Russians are put on defensive

2033: The allies rally around new leadership and win the war. Russia is partitioned between the UK, Germany and India. China is partitioned between US, South Korea and India. Iran was obliterated, North Korea is gone

2034: General Abrams becomes President-For-Life of the United States

2035: The worldwide economy is in shambles, especially the US.

2036: All of the west coast and much of the west secedes from the United States due to being relatively unscathed and having health economies. Thousands of military defect to the "Republic of Cascadia" led by California governor Xavier Beccera

2037: The first shots are fired in the second American civil war

2016: OP is a faggot

2021 OP is still a faggot sucks his 1000000000 cock

You mad, samefag?

Somebody can pick up where I left off. The future of America is in your hands now

2038: Hyper realistic sex robots become reality

2039: Birth rates drop to zero

2120: Human race dies out

the left are the proven 10k x x x x the liars of the decade,the liberal superior ct judges and paid demonstrators,crowds ( most of whom never voted) paid by wealthy democucks can be depended on to continue their battle against the majority & rule of laws fro the duration of trump's residency in the WH.
count on this,,,barq obama will remain in warshington,get a teaching yob at georgetown law schrool,and continue the cause of further destruction of his party,and rail against whatever trumps tries to do.
obama & the left have been run over,they are daid & don't wish to realize it.

You know the president can pardon anyone including himself?

How the fuck could we lose the election ageinst theese racists poltards fucking hell, I cant even fucking guess! they have fucking ruined our future

Cry more faggot.

Staaay mad pussy lmao

2037: General Atomics International releases the Mister Handy series of home robots. Tee hee.
2050: The mission of the Sierra Army Depot becomes research and testing for biological weapons.
2051: The United States invades Mexico for its oil.
2052: The Resource Wars begin between the European Commonwealth and the Middle East. The UN is disbanded.
2053: A nuclear weapon destroys Tel Aviv
2054: The United States government commissions Project Safehouse, which would become the Vault Project.
2066: China invades Alaska. The Anchorage Front Line pushes back. Canada allows troop movements through its territories to Alaska.
2072: The United States annexes Canada.
2073: The Pan-Immunity Virion research project begins in the United States.
2075: The Pan-Immunity Virion is renamed the Forced Evolution Virus (FEV). Animal testing begins.
2077: The Great War.
The U.S. government group known as the Enclave retreats to the Poseidon Oil platform to protect itself from nuclear war.
Captain Roger Maxson and his men discover human testing of the Forced Evolutionary Virus at the Mariposa Military Base.
Maxson and his men declare themselves deserters, execute the scientists and bring the soldiers’ families in to Mariposa to protect themselves from nuclear war.
The Great War occurs. It lasts two hours. Everything is laid to waste.
Maxson leads his people from the Mariposa Military Base to the Lost Hills Bunker, the survivors form the Brotherhood of Steel.

The elitist liberals forgot about poor white trash. Albeit, it was the republican's fault they never got the job training they were promised after NAFTA, the dems still fucked up royal and continuously.
Bernie at least was saying what this race should've been about. Taking the country out of the hands of the immorally rich assholes and rebuilding the foundation of the middle class.
But no, we needed to replace one historic president with another despite the fact that Hillary is widely disliked, deservedly or not, by the public at large.
And the worst part is, neither party is worth supporting anymore. The republicans are bought and sold by big business and have the idiot christians on a leash; the dems are too fucking blind to the world to be anything but smug.
Then there's the third party groups. lolbertarians are fucking ignorant and wrong about literally everything by person freedom and even there they're fucking stupid. the green party is a joke to all but the cruchiest of prius driving douchbags dressed like steve jobs in skinny jeans.
Which is why I'm moving to the woods with a bunch of friends and learning to farm. I'll probably fail miserably, but at least I'll be trying something god damnit.

2016 ..TRUMP reads all of this and decides I'm running for Candian Prime Minister as well

2017 .. TRUMP wins and now runs both the USA and Canada

2018 Someone suggests to TRUMP maybe should try and consolidate South America into the USA and Canada ..he agrees

2019 ..after a short war Donald Trump is now the Leader of all North and South America and renames it ..Awesome Land

2020 Trump is bored ..takes over India

2021 Trump gets drunk ..trips over fish in some Chinese food market ..declares war and soon becomes Emperor Trumpy Wang The 1st

I will cause the end of the Chinese long before then.
Fucking ankle biters.

but as always OP is a fag.

2016: Trump's elected
2017: starts making America great again
2017 to 2020: fixes trade and simulates the economy
2020: trump is reelected
2021:ISIS is now all dead
Russia and us relations are the best they've been in history
2021 to 2024: America is better than its ever been
2022: the world becomes great, not as great as America though
2022: 3rd wave entitled feminists die out
2023: op has branched out to sticking shit in his mouth for a couple bucks
2024: cheap penis enlargement techniques and world peace has been achieved
2024: America ascends to heaven as we are too great for this world.

one of the more sensible posts i have gazed at for a long time and I'm a cow living in a paddock


How world you do it better then nihilistic know it all?

Oh a fellow 9gagger XD


a) become supreme dictator of earth and kill everyone who disagrees with me.
b) colonize mars and kill everyone who disagrees with me
c) give all the good parts of the country to canada and kill everyone who disagrees with me
d) sortition
e) keep doing what we've been doing and accept the fact that democracy will never be perfect so long as there's more than 1 person involved.