Hey Sup Forums

hey Sup Forums
not feeling it today, y'know?
inspire me to kms

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Tell me about your problems user

i would bu tbh i;m not really feeling it

you're worthless

it's one of those things man
that you know that you messed up
and you could've gotten it better if u weren't a fuckwit

That's the story of my life at this point, it usually gets back to normal or better in some cases.

nah dude, i really messed up this time
lke real hard

Tell me about it then, maybe I can help. Your would be surprised.


Is OP gone?

Now a feels thread

i messed up my whole life man
since 7th grade my life has been a fucking joke.
grade A student before all of this shit, the pride of my fucking family, now i'm a fucking virgin no friends beta faggot that will probably do much in his life, i'm shy as fuck and when i feel open to other people they fucking wished they never met me. everybody thinks i have fucking metal disorders or mental illness and shit, and honestly i hope it is as I'm really fucking tired of this shit and I want to finish, I've been at this point now for 4 fucking years always hoping i could get out, and today, oh shit today, how can i tell you, oh tooooodaaaay
today just fucking hit me, that life is just a unfair piece of shit, I've had the luck to be stuck with this life, on a fucking apartment, because my parents kicked me out, all alone with due rent, no fucking job, my last friend gave up on me and all my fucking colleagues and college call me childish and a fucking psycopath asshole, and sometimes i think I'll never have more than a childish mind, i just feel like a child all the time, childish personality, idfk, it just... drains me dude, can't keep up anymore, everybody is so ahead and I'm still here behind, where along time ago I'd be a really good example of a person. I can't act around other people without being a total beta fag or a "creepy asshole" as they say
I don't know man
my life has been a complete disorder since i hit puberty and it hasn't left me since
cant grow out of this mind, why even try if you know you're just gonna fail fam


Each screw up that you make in life helps you get stronger. OP, Man the Fuck up! You can fight this!

yeah dude
i tried that for so fucking loong
>oh it's just me
>i can just ignore this
>it'll all be fine after this shit
>one day everything will be ok
but you know it just keeps getting worst

Have you done anything to actually change how you're feeling?

For instance, making a bucket list.

Heyo new boyo here.
Just reminding you are currently in a depressive state which mean you can just say "Fuck it" and go all alpha and shit. Or you can just live trought it.

>get a hobby
>get gf via hobby
>become happy
>listen to good music 24/7
>be happy lmao

join the army.

bucket list's only make for a temporary distraction but can help if its not a shit bucket list

can i have your stuff? lol


I did
Its on my fridge right now
But it has a shit ton of goals i add everyday and noone of them i even accomplished
I just wake up, look at it, get depressed, trash it, think ill make a good bucket list, make goals, than do the rest of my day, come back home, look at it, and think ill accomplishit tomorrow, go to sleep than repeat.

you're already dead and this is hell.

Why not just add a small objective for a week atleast and start it ASAP. Those dark voices in your head are telling you to do it tomorrow.

I'm not religious or anything, but you might want to follow a faith if you want to...

I tried dude, but i cant even get a hobby or volunteer, 90% of the times they reject me and when i get accepted 1 month later they ask me to leave, girls try to avoid me even if i just strike a "hi" ive tried everything multiple times, and it leads me back to the same place.

I did follow faith when i was young, vut dropped out as i figured its pretty much a cult, i even sang in the church.

If you can't make yourself happy, then you don't deserve to make others happy.

You drank the blood of Jesus, too?!

Op sounds bad man parents kicking you out can be bad but get a job nothing special even McDonalds is better than nothing and then save up for nothing in particular, don't do something stupid like join the army or kill yourself that doesn't solve anything, get some friends from work. You'll feel better after a while might still feel bad but it will feel better than you clearly do right now, the best thing you can do is get something to work towards it feels good when you do it.
Bucket lists don't work they make you feel worse when you realise their basically impossible to do everything.
I'm this guy back again
Add me on kik or something: Jamcake420


OP, are you still in contact with friends and family?

Dude, you know that overused quote from farcry? That thing about sanity? Yeah that, thats been my life for a while now
Heck i even tried to ask Sup Forums before and its going the same way, i added a person like u and guess what, it helped me nothing, the guy even quitted on me as i made no progress to him, he saw me as a lost case and ive been trying to put my mind in order all this time, because i know if that falls my worthless life will really be worthless then. Its good fam.. im trying but i cant, oh and that about mcdonalds? Ive applied twice, got fired twice, tried to get into another fast food chain, but same results..
I dont know fam

No, and the "friends" prefer not to hang out with me

Guess, you're your own best friend.
Y don't you just accept who you are?


I got fired from burger king felt bad, never felt so bad in my life got over it though signed up for pizza hut and I've been there for 5 months now and got a couple friends not good friends but still progress feels better than i did before.

i've tried

OP, if you don't mine me asking. What was your childhood like from your perspective?

before puberty... it was great, i was going somewhere, that point in life where you had a good grasp on your life but you're too naive and take it for granted
past puberty - just downhill

If you could would you go back to the past and change any events in your life so that you don't end up where you are today?

of course, without even thinking twice, because i know it would go way smoother

Do you go gym?

can't afford one, i train inside my home
keeps me fresh for a while

That's great to hear :)

I know you never said this, but you probably cant find girls because youre fat, have no confidence to get a girl because youre fat. Not talking shit im in the same boat. Just go to the gym it reduces stress and will make you feel less worthless. Try to pick up a hobby that you can make money off of.

I'm this guy back again what about a general idea of your life events and when it went wrong and where you are now