What gives?
What gives?
>charlie weis is still getting paid millions of dollars by two schools not to coach football despite not coaching for 3 years
Let's be honest, handegg coaches would probably beat the shit out of divegrass coaches.
rex isnt that fat anymore 2bh
Maybe at competitive eating
Maybe, but a lot of them are either clinically obese or near death.
Also, checked
You being gay
>being healthy and smartly-dressed makes you gay
No wonder Americans are fat and disgusting
>dumb euroboo
European soccer coaches don't do as much actual coaching
Jim Harbaugh and Todd Bowles both skinny and sexy
why dont any divegrass coaches wear a belichick style hoodie?
Remember when football coaches had class?
There was nothing wrong with men regularly wearing Fedoras and suits when outside the house. I blame the hippies and yuppies.
Because grown men shouldnt be wearing hoodies except if youre going to the gym or some shit
Say what now
Because none of have the dark powers to which to hide from the public
Rex ryan lost a lot of weight to be fair
Not everyone is a fat obese monster
>What gives?
That’s because soccer has no actual strategy beyond run, run, run! kick, kick, kick!
Thus, soccer “coaches” are in fact just business managers whose jobs are wholly administrative, such as insuring the players have clean jock straps and such.
Football has no true tactics.
it should be noted that commercialegg is the pretty much the only american sport where this is true
its funny because american sports have coaching and managing split between two roles, while soccer is in charge of both
>Football has no true tactics.
Fake American, please. You've clearly never watched a football game, because its ALL about strategy and highly specific tactics.
Football is the closest sporting analogy for war.
Which is the fundamental reason for its popularity, as very few Americans are ever physically involved in war nowadays but the human male still needs some kinda outlet for the instinctual mentality to fight wars.
This innate desire to fight wars has been bred out of most Europeans, thus they plan soccer, as game that consists solely of running away from opponents.
>war is 2 teams standing in front of each other ready to predict the other
maybe in the 1700s granny