Leave the AFC to us
Leave the AFC to us
one of the most overrated AFC teams out there
That's not the patriots logo.
>implying people even know they're in the NFL to be overrated
Superb owl champions this season t. B. H
is this a joke? I can name 4 teams better
You might as well be an Eagles fan losing their shit over beating the Browns. Bears are a fucking mess.
Texans own them, others are true.
One lucky season and you get all uppity. Don't worry. Andrew Luck will put you cow fuckers in your place.
You tards went 9-7 in the AFC South with Luck literally on the brink of death. You're winning like 6-7 games this season
>Clots fans are this salty
Loving every laff
With a little help from the fucking refs, right.
they are a lock for the #4 seed in the AFC, let's see if they can get on the scoreboard in the playoffs this year
Don't worry burrs, leave the rest of the nfc north to us, we'll humiliate them like we did you guys.
This is the one team I legit believe the Bungles could beat in the playoffs
I wouldn't call 14-23 humiliation. You'll probably get another on the vikes but the lions & packers will wipe the floor with you.
The bungles not winning in the post season meme is thanks to the Texans
I think they could beat all except puckers
>its an AFCS team speaks near me
14-23 and we where neck and neck for a half
You legit looked like you where gonna lose for awhile there.
There's a refugee integration thread in /hc/ if you don't want to be around Americans, you know.
>Implying the Lions are even good
>Implying Bradford isn't the GOAT
Is the rest of the division even trying?
>it's a Texans fans have never had success in their pathetic lives so they get cocky after one week episode
You may only reply to this shitpost if your AFC South team has won a Lombardi
>best team in the division bearly defeats Chicago
Why is the AFCS permitted to exist?
To piss off people like you
I'm replying anyway.
Not all Toxins fans are unrealistic. I, for one, lean toward the cynical side of fandom when it comes to the Texans.
Despite your memeing, you are mostly correct that a lot of Houston fans get cocky and delusional when the Texans win early in the season. It's to be expected from pretty much any fan of a team that's had frustrating struggles for an extended period of time.
But some of us know not to trust any hype surrounding such an organization. I'm sure that even if the Colts manage to lose all their other games (somehow) Luck and Hilton will take out their angst on the Texans. It happens every goddamned time.
I wish I could personally deliver a metal slug to each of Hilton's knees and reopen Luck's internal laceration.
The fact that Indy can scrounge together wins (let alone have decent offensive production) with a mediocre defense, an old-ass running back, and a shit offensive line astounds me every fucking time. Luck always seems to meme his way to yards and TDs.
I'm glad that the Patriots (cheaters or not) have kicked Indy's ass multiple times. I hate the Pats, but I derive great mirth from watching them wipe the floor with Indy's sorry ass every time.
It's a shame the Clots don't play the Pats in the regular season this year. They'd serve those ponies a reminder about how bad their team really is.
On a related note: I'm glad the Colts's comeback was spoiled in week one. Serves them right. Luck has gotten away with too many fourth quarter wins. It's about time he has a soul crushing loss of that kind.
>there are texan fans irl
when do they go back to being cowboy fans? week 8? next season?
I may be cynical about the Texans, but I'll never bandwagon the Cowboys.
Hard to do now that the boys blow and have done so for the majority of this boards life span
>clots owned the south for like a decade
>barely squeezed out one ring
I'd sooner commit sudoku than cheer for anything that has to do with that shitty city.
Also, how many of us toxins are there on this board? I feel like we have the least fans here.
I'm here, for one. But you're right. Except for a few trips (one who mostly shitposts and the rest of which seem absent for most of the offseason), there don't seem to be too many Toxins anons.
It probably is partly due to the fact that the Texans are a relatively new franchise that's had little relative success. (The success I refer to regards the 2011 and 2012 seasons, which are, sadly, the best seasons in the Texans short history).
If the Texans at least made the Super Bowl (which I'm confident they won't any time soon) and put on a decent show, I'm sure some people might bandwagon them.
Coltsfag here
We have slightly more fags on here than you guys or the Titans, but the AFC South as a whole is very unpopular/underrepresented on Sup Forums. Even when the colts were pretty good 2-4 years ago, there were few of us.
The jags actually have the most people here of any AFCS team, and that's mostly due to them being the second of team of all the donkey-brained retards on here wanting to ironically cheer for a shitty team
Hey, at least in this case, we came so close to beating Aaron "Straight" Rodgers and the Fudgepackers. The Toxins beat the Burrs, big whoop.
We have every reason to feel optimistic right now.
>implying the Texan vs bears week one match isn't a preview of the owl.
>with brian hoyer, ryan mallet, brandon weeden and tom savage at QB
feel bretty gud desu
all of this
>bearly beats da bears
"We're da best"
>jags have a close game with packers
"You guys suck kys"
Texans are trash.
>needing refball to beat the bears
Toxins fans are toxic