competing with MNF edition

I dont think there will be a lot of people watching tonight but here goes.

come on that would have been an out if you hold onto the ball

hola. was just watching the no-hitter get broken up lmao

go ms. no more spaghettin please

hello there

I wonder what pooholes' 40 yard dash time is

hey gents, small crowd today

I don't know how the m's are still in the wild card race but I'm more than fine with that

just start vogelbach you fucks

Eh, I'm watching the Rams - but go Angels.

Can't wait for us to do the double over the Seahawks again this year

it sure is

good hit

he would have dug that throw to first out

woops meant to respond to that post about vodelbach

cool zunino is hitting decent tonight


protect the lead m's

anyone know how badly the angels are trying to tank?

Went to the alderwood mall and bought a Rainiers R cap the other day. Trying to get a hat for each Mariners affiliate. A Modesto Nuts had will be cool to get next year once they become our new affiliate team

how many affiliates do we have?

pretty sraight forward inning

@theaceofspaeder 3m3 minutes ago
#Marlins Ichiro has his 258th career three-hit game. One more than Willie Mays had in his career.

Aquasox, Lumberkings, Blaze (they no longer exist after these playoffs), Generals, Rainiers.

plus the 2 rookie teams

lets start the inning well, smith


BASED ANALSLIME FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


also thank you to the fan who ruined to attempted catch




Lets go Ms

hey new zealand. haven't seen you in a while

can we clone leonys martin

yo how you been

in a few years


m's pls

Hey lads, how are we doing?

Been busy with class and things. Good to see the Ms finishing the season strong

not today fish man



bad first game for a "new" franchise

martin on a roll

kys my man

way to close marte

that was close

someone help martin get home


from twitter:

Jerry: Wilhelmsen for Leonys?
Jon: Throw in James Jones
Jerry: OK
Jon: Kivlehan too
Jerry: Fine--but we get Tom & Pat back.
Jon: Done! Wait.


Your lord and Savior WCSF has returned, was feeling nostalgic.

Thank god for football. Now I'm finally free from the cancer that is the Angels season

lad we'll never not suck. this is the best mariners team in over a decade and we still fuckin suck

whats going on

Boy, you guys have no faith, I haven't posted on here in 2 years, what the fuck happened?

Not much, just feeling nostalgic for the old days before everything went to shit on here.

Carlos Hyde is my savior! Fuck Tyrod and Brandon Marshall

We were all ready for the postseason until like 2 and a half weeks ago. Shoulda been here, it was really fun

some of us used it all up at the beginning of the season and didnt ration it properly

Man, I'm still ready for the postseason, It's not over until it's over, and we're only 3.5 games out. (this winning streak has recharged my batteries).

keep it up m's

Man, were any of you guys here back in the day? Everyone I gave a shit about moved to twitsp.

Wade Miley: 1.1 IP 8H 6ER 1BB 0K
Ariel Miranda: 5.0 IP 2H 0ER 1BB 3K


I started posting here last season. I dunno if Pac NW posted here back then, but I've only seen him in here once this season. he was here all last year

I think he showed up near the end of my run, about the time this board turned to shit and we all moved to twitter.

>jerry's fw

Ariel Miranda currently has a 4.20 ERA

It's like Elias never left.


hope he keeps it up

gentle HackAttack
@RyanDivish We are watching football! Stay off my feed with gay baseball please//

who did this fammo

A piece of shit who doesn't like based Divish.

not me

back to the bench fish face

Is Miranda ELITE

lets wait and see

No, he's a number 5 or 6 starter who is on a good run today. He's basically just Elias without the nasty curve.

What an absolute fucking dipshit

kick him the fuck out

it wasn't even close to being foul

freaking fan ruins the triple

Fucking fans. It's not even a short wall on the foul line.

>quoting myself

Man, I've been out of the game a long time.


Man fuck that kid. We should have an easy run on third

Seriously how fucking stupid does a fan have to be to think that reaching onto the field to grab a live ball that was never even close to going foul is acceptable? that other fan that grabbed his leg should have just tipped him over onto the field so security could squash him like the bug that he is.

Fuck you LA

That was the most ridiculously idiotic fan I've ever seen.


good going marte





Aoki is gonna fuckin hit the option PA threshold for next year, isn't he?

Pretty sure he already did, though that might have been a money incentive.


What just happened? I have the game on mute

>7 pitches
>face already sweating like a hog



Balk, scored Marte from 3rd.

He needs 480 PA to hit the option. Entered today with 405. Letting him hit it would be so fucking stupid

I'm loving this

bad baserunning pays off!

He'd have to get 4PA's a game for the rest of the season to make it. I think Herredia and other young speedsters will eat up a significant amount of those.

Keep running it up M's.

Ok, at this point, just let Miranda keep going, just have Vincent ready in case things get rough. Might as well preserve the Bullpen if possible.

and another walk

i still want more runs.

Dumb tripfag is dumb

Man, you'd better be joking, Miranda is nothing special, he's just a back of the rotation guy having a good game.