Los Angeles Rams @ San Francisco 49ers Gamethread #3

14-0 $(ERS
2nd half

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Tavon Austin is elite

fucking ruining my fantasy

Do you understand whats going on here?

Not sure this game deserves a new thread


No, what?

Jeff Fisher can.

Confirmed ways to contract AIDS:

>Buttsex with an infected monkey
>Sharing heroin needles with someone with the disease
>Watching the Rams offense

I sure hope that the Rams can have a Huge Cumback out their ass to take the win!

LA a shit

> Best, most praised player is their punter

Disenfranchised Chorgers fan here

Serious question Sup Forums : is it justified and reasonable to move on from the personal turmoil of being a hopeless chorgers fan , a franchise that has a shady owner that dosent care about the organization winning , and moving on to the LA Rams ? I live in LA so it only makes sense that I depart from chorgers .

I ordered a Rams SnapBack and going to get a goff jersey . Already gave my LT jeresey and chorgers gear to goodwill

>draft a QB first overall
>don't start him
Can someone explain this logic?

Team A punts to Team B.
Team B kindly punts back to team A after 3 plays.
Rinse and Repeat for 3 hours.

>defense starting to put in tons of work
>offense can't manage to stay on field longer than 1 minute

The raiders are better and more exciting than the rams this season

Hi you must be new to Jeff Fisher

niners fans post your personal rivalry hatred list

1. Rams
2. Cowboys
3. Giants
==power gap==
4. Raiders
5. Packers
6. Cardinals

32. the rest

>goff jersey
Waste of money man, not gonna be in da league in 3 years, get Gurley

Goddamn that game was pretty brutal for you.

First for hoping Crapondick gets mugged by a nigger.

You're already dead, you just dont know it yet


I was watching this game and my mom came into the room so I switched on porn cause it was easier to explain

>reminder Jared Goof couldn't win the starting job on this joke of an offense




the chargers or the raiders are moving to LA too, decision will be made next offseason. chargers have priority, but if not then the raiders are allowed to. that's why spanos is still negotiating for a new stadium, but it's not in good faithg because he's got an already paid-for stadium in LA waiting for him. he'll only agree to stay in SD if they basically give it to him for free.

>gave away your LT jersey

Just off yourself if you're that stupid

Cut your losses and trade tavon Austin for some shitty pick

nah, they were red-shirting him no matter what

Why don't you?

>not enjoying the punt owl
I'm kidding, this fucking sucks

>starting a QB fresh out of college
>starting your future franchise qb with this trash o-line
Why do you want players to get murdered? Was RGKnee not enough for you?

> Redshirt

Because I unironically think if he went to another team he would be a really good slot receiver

>still negotiating

Nigger what? They're voting for it in November, the plan is already in place, its up to the citizens now to accept it

their line is the biggest issue.

>Six punts in the 3rd quarter
>Still five minutes left

1. Packers
2. Seahawks
Power Gap
3. Giants
4. Rams
5. Raiders

nice play lol

does steve young speak english?

I think its more, their receivers cant catch for this.

Jesus these guys started drinking quite a bit right now.

>8 punts

I'm glad Steve young is laying into the rams. Fuck Jeff fisher

who here checking their teams schedule to see when they play the rasm

>Finally get 1st down
>10 yard penalty

just stop the game already

1. cowboys
2. tied rasm/seahawks
4. gnats
5. puckers
6. cards
everyone else

Gurley literally needs like 4 points for me to win fantasy. Goddammit rams get it together

Worst game in the history of televised sports?

alright so I'm behind the times on that, as far as I know the part where LA is going to have a second team next year is still in place though.

Man Hekker is getting a real work out today.

Muh Girly

i-is everyone seeing a manboob commercial?

Guys I had a 9 point lead heading into today and he has the rams D. Am I okay?

their line provides more holes for the defence than for backs. their receivers do drop a lot of balls though.

no, that was this game

>Aaron Rodgers
I could go on....
Of course they are. They're doing it for the same reasons teams salary dump after winning the Superbowl.

No one is expecting LA to win this year. Snead and Fisher's jobs are secure.

They're taking that opportunity to set things up long term, which is actually pretty smart.

Next week senpai.

>3rd and 18

Jeff Fisher is a GENIUS. He is playing some insane fucking mindgames with this 49ers team. The 49ers are absolutely MINDFUCKED by the authenticity of the Rams at this juncture.

The Rams are just waiting for the perfect time to strike back at these MINDFUCKED 49ers players.

>the state of this game

nice doggy

>move shitty team to LA
>make no changes to team or its management
>expect team to win

Seriously? Did everyone expect a magical transformation?

>as far as I know the part where LA is going to have a second team next year is still in place though.
very questionable at this point.

Raiders are going to Vegas. Chargers look like they're going to try and make it work in SD, esp if that hotel tax law asses.

>just LA Rams
>abbreviated as LA
Okay, fine.

>LA Rams and LA Raiders
So they're both LAR? We have LAL and LAC in basketball and LAD and LAA in baseball.

Also my fantasy team, I picked Allen 2nd round

>Trade all your picks for the first overall pick.
>Draft a QB which you desperately need
>Don't play him

careful there senpai..rams-seahawks games are always really strange games.

Yeah, a quarterback for starters

>bears only winnable game looks like it could be a $(ers.


Aaron Donald is amazing. I hope he can get a ring on some other team


In the 90s the abbreviations were i believe this.








>only needed 12 points to beat my opponent
>had Gurley and Torrey Smith still to play
>easy as pie
or so I thought, probably won't win now, they have a combined 6 points so far

I want a dog now.


Has either team picked up a first down? It seems like they're both trading 3-and-outs

>trade for Goff and push for "continuity in a new city" to buy himself this year
>sit Goff all year because he "isn't ready"
>play Goff next year, effectively making it his rookie season
>have to stay year 3 because "muh stability for the young QB"

He may be a shitty coach, but Fisher can probably teach all his players to hang around the league longer than they ever deserve to. Maybe that's why he's such a "player's coach."

Chip Kelly signs Dennis Dixon when?

>MFW I homer picked CJ Anderson

not a primetime game but:


you havent seen anything until a 2/17 derek anderson wins a game

'Top Headline" on ESPN.com:

49ers' Kaepernick kneels during anthem on MNF

well that would just be a result of both teams opting out of the deal though, but last I heard the NFL approving it is still active.

so basically it would go like this, in order of priority in terms of that decision
>scenario A: Chargers move to LA
>scenario B: Chargers stay in SD, Raiders move to LA
>scenario C: Both teams pass on LA

it's awful, like having a kid, don't do it

It usually doesn't work out.

I'm praying Wentz survives this season desu

I remember an especially terrible Niners vs. Bears game from 2009.

>tfw new elpres rage vids

Best part of the Browns season

Why didn't Austin for it, looked like he might have had a window

How many fans are going to attend th next rasm game? It's got to be 10k tops

i still can't believe they fucking swept us last year

i hate the rams, they've been shit forever but they play the seahawks hard everytime

at this point i already expect to lose next week, especially now that wilson isn't 100 percent


If you're from California these are the teams you are stuck with unless you have parents with a team otherwise those 4 are it

Right now who looks to have the best future
-Power Gap-

-System thinks my post is spam GAP-
LA's new stadium

Who has the best history
Honestly it depends on you but both raiders and niners have a very rich history and niners edge out the raiders through championships by 2
Niners have 5 chips all in SF
The raiders have 3 ships 2 in Oakland 1 in LA
Rams have 1 chip in STL
And chargers have no chips

Pick your poison

December 4th

Brady will finally top 59-0

>1. Packers
Why? You wiped the floor with us like 3 years straight when Kasper nick was still good, all he had to do was stutter step once and our entire defense would collapse

Again senpai, doesn't look like it is going to happen. Raiders and Chargers have made other arrangements.

On which play? Are you on a stream that's a bit behind?

Man Ram running game is so shit, they make it so obvious which way they will run. Stop telegraphing your moves, ya damn retards.

This game has been horrible so far. Too much spaghetti by both teams.

Go back to Sup Forums and take that fucking racist Nazi frog with you.

>Cutler 5 INTs