Who is paying them to do this?
Who is paying them to do this?
>no Packers
the jews
>18 out of ~700 nfl starters
wow, really makes you think
The jews.
This man
notice its a bunch of no name players
This. Just a bunch of washed up players trying to stay relevant.
I think Foster was the biggest name, but we've known he is a fedora tipper for quite some time.
Did it work? Is racism over yet?
oh great can't wait for this non-story to get brought up all week over the actually great opening weekend of athletic competition
E!SPN will kill football in the next 10 years with bullshit like this
look at all them no name ass niggas
they wont. racism and shit will be the theme for this years nfl. every year the commentators and pundits have an arc to try to hook people into watching (ie replacement refs/comeback injuries/domestic abuse). this year its stupid racism. well deal with it for a few months, then theyll have to come up with something new during the offseason
>ie replacement refs
what? they got the real refs back for the season and playoffs and it wasn't an issue
and yet they continued to talk about it for the rest of the year. never said it was a good storyline
Kap has managed to make a name for himself to do the only thing he can do in the NFL. Sitting.
Devin McCourty is a pro bowler
>scared white people getting salty
how many yards did Kaep throw for yesterday?
Meanwhile troops are still getting shit on by the masses (Fighting the jews wars)
Thousands of vets are getting fucked over by benefits and bullshit GI bill that is not consistent at all.
Thousands of vets are still not being set up to succeed when getting out of the military. It's more of "Fuck you for not continuing your service"
Also, they still get paid like shit.
But but but much country! Muh flag! Respect it!.
I fucking hate this country. They only care about the troops/flag when it a black is doing somethign they don't like. Other than that, it's back to shitting on troops and joking around about 9/11.
literally no idea. could have been 100, could have been 500. nobody talked about it, nobody cared.
fuck kapershit. he's not even black.
those refs cost the packers playoff position that year, maybe even an owl
yeah. i'm still fuckin salty.
But it's ok because singing a song means you respect the troops!
if peyton hadnt retired he'd keep those broncos in line
Too bad these n word thugs arent kneeling for the military. Theyre kneeling bc black people have no rights in america. Or so says the rich black celebrity.
I cook hot dogs on Memorial Day I do enough. I love our troops.
What did the seacocks do on Sunday?
The funniest thing is they think they are actually putting in effort and making a difference with their half-assed protest.
>joking around about 9/11
Sup Forums isn't real life
>Theres on average 3 incidents of police shootings of black people every week in the united states
>Black nfl players protest the american anthem in order to bring awareness to the problem
>rather than talk about the problem they are representing, the corporate controlled media and single digit iq american population talk about nationalism instead
Honestly you would expect this type of reaction from some third world dictatorship, not the land of """"""freedom and liberty""""""
yet yall have been talking about it nonstop, since, and will continue to, as more players join in.
so i guess you could say youre wrong.
don't spoil their sheltered lives in mommy's basement with any truth! we wouldnt want to shatter blatantly wrong notion that le world is already le perfect meritocracy xD xD xD
>one of the niggest teams in the league, the Bengals, didn't participate in this show of 'unity'
Talk, not action. That's half the problem with the black community, they want change, but are unwilling to do anything to enact that change, wanting the white man to do it while at the same time cursing his name.
let's say white america would offer black americans a piece of land for them, where black people could live in their own country, separated from the evil whites
how many blacks would actually move there?
>only 18 real men play in the NFL
sad to see the rest of the are cuckolds that don't stand for their dead brothers. american police are white smalldicked man
the real question is how many white women who aere thirsty of real dick would move with them
turn off your proxy, americuck
Why is the black power salute allowed?
They already did, this land called Liberia.
We already tried that.
The problem is, that would be racist too.
Race relations are so beyond fucked in America that there is literally no solution that everyone can even come close to agreeing on.
That's the problem I have with the Kaepernick protest - I think it's fine that he's protesting and he can keep protesting as long as he wants, but it offers no solutions. It's just "HEY LOOK! OUR COUNTRY IS BAD AND YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD! FUCK COPS!"
How is that helping any of us? We can't just magically repair the past and make hicks not racist anymore.
it's all hostility and people segregating themselves into sides of some good fight. you know shit has become really twisted when people are proud they can "keep the conversation going" and feel like they're doing a good thing by continuing uncultured animosity
Imagine it was the other way around (which it will be, at this rate)
I just find it funny that these people want to be segregated again, with their own housing and study quarters at universities.
What are black people supposed to do? Hope a police officer never comes into contact with them?
If black lives matter didnt exist then they would just keep getting unjustly killed until the end of eternity.
That's literally a fake quote lol
It's a protest. It isn't meant to propose solutions, it's meant to bring awareness to a problem so that lawmakers can do their job and come up with a solution.
stop committing crime over-proportionally maybe
Yeah that makes sense - I guess my point is just a broader question wondering what kind of answers are being proposed as a result of these protests
I realize Colin fucking Kaepernick doesn't have the answers
This melodrama is so fucking hilarious
stop committing crimes and resisting arrest
you'll notice a common denominator across all of these cherrypicked cases
>calling literally anyone else in the world a cuck
hoo boy
You can start by giving actual punishment to police officers who kill unarmed people.
Right now all that happens is you get put on paid vacation leave. Which, considering that American's don't even get paid vacation leave as a human right, is pretty friggin hilarious.
>bring awareness to something that we have had shoved down our throats for over a year
what is the fucking point? Only people living under a rock haven't heard of BLM.
>Cousin fuckers are actually racist
Whoever would have guessed?
>american literally surprised over being called a cuck
you're the unironic global center of cuckoldry
not in the meme sense of the word, but actual, straight-up original cuckoldry
In other news, 1 (one) American city reached 500 murders a week or so ago, nearing a new record
b-but the cops are the real problem11!!11!
>You're racist if you don't generalize this entire country as oppressive and take a stand against their flag and anthem
Find the nearest noose my friend
White people should protest the general everyday brutality that the blacks cause. The stats to back it up are more damning than police brutality stats.
but that's racist
how fuckin old are you? this is some boomer-tier trolling
I didn't think it was possible to be this deep in denial, holy shit.
What you're seeing is the product of:
1. A few decades of race-orientated grade school education in schools emphasizing slavery and the Jim Crow era
2. A few decades of emphasis on racial/identity education in colleges pushing race as a determining factor in everything where it's usually just socioeconomic class
3. the prevalent idea that ridiculous levels of black violent crime are the result of poverty (even though other poverty-stricken racial regions aren't even close)
4. A media that has chosen to focus solely on individual cases of blacks being killed in altercations with cops, neglecting the double amount of whites who are killed, and twisting the evidence to make it appear more like assassination than a tense and/or dangerous situation gone wrong
And now we have idiots who think today's era of the occasional deadly altercation between cops and criminals (in the middle of a sea of murders and robberies around them) is analogous to a time when black men were routinely strung up from trees for whistling at white girls
They have a black President sitting in the white house and are earning millions a year and still think this country is "oppressive"
>this flag
>this post
lel, nice mirror talk cucky
that's what you get when you're cucked enough to elect a nigger President twice.
they see your weaknesses they use them
If the cops let 500 murders happen then yeah they're a problem dipshit
Some Aussie made a great post a few weeks back that had like 20 bullet points of positions of power blacks hold or things they can do with more ease than other races. I wish I had screenshot it, because it really debunks the oppression meme.
>we want you to go into the middle of 3rd world warzones and stop all of this madness
You have to be 18+ to post here. No way is someone of proper age for this site this fucking naive.
He's trolling
who in the UK is even this preoccupied with our own domestic problems
>no Iggles
And I'm just sitting here wondering why the hell you would play your national anthem before a domestic match with only viewers and players of your own nationality.
11 september I think
I hope they dont do that before every game
Tell Black people to stop doing stupid shit that gets them killed
Nope, it's before every game at every level of athletics, even regular high school games
Pure autism
but you dont even understand, the reason they commit crimes in the first place is because they have to eat. the white man keeps them down by creating ghettos, not giving them jobs, and then u wonder why they have to resort to criminal actions?
I hate this meme
how does kaepernick wear a football helmet with that huge afro?
>18 players
Wow it's fucking nothing.
>commit crimes in the first place is because they have to eat
kek, by that logic they should lock up every homeless man
I'm from a ghetto myself, I grew up with kids that ended up in jail or shot
thug life is literally encourage while an honest living called "being white"
He doesn't have to. He doesn't play.