After weeks of pain-staking effort, we have managed to put together a collaborative 50 song Beatles cover album, spanning their career in chronological order. The album was streamed earlier tonight and is now available for download on bandcamp. Mega link coming very soon.
No office to Install a Friend but this has dethroned Absolute Madness as the best thing Sup Forums has ever done.
Liam Rogers
across the universe on this, w e w lad it's excellent
Levi Gomez
I think Under Pressure would be a lot more fun
Camden Collins
just use this
Luis Rivera
Who here actually remembers Death By Memes? That was fun as fuck
Leo Morris
yea, well done user
Wyatt Rogers
No. That would be such a cliché. Even Sup Forumssingers covering Space Oddity would be less hackneyed
Alexander Hernandez
Josiah Miller
Cuz I'm alpha
Matthew Garcia
Nicholas Watson
I have an idea for one of the instrumental songs on "Heroes" that I think I'll start working on as soon as the project is greenlit
Mason Rogers
Did you guy liked You Know My Name?
Jordan Clark
>Paperback Writer
fucking kek. This is amazing.
Austin Williams
I loved it
Cameron Butler
This has no business being as good as it is
Logan Brown
Asher Gonzalez
So we can all agree Revolution 9 is the best song, right?
Aaron Bell
Yes. It's a brilliant 21st century take.
Connor Perry
The patricians among us can
Elijah Stewart
The best political statement in the last 10 years
Nicholas Lewis
arguably the best since music was invented back in 1910
Henry Russell
Henry Walker
>not Day Tripper
Anthony Rodriguez
Sup Forums sings Close to the Edge when
Michael Carter
Gabriel King
I can see (hear?) it now. It's spectacular.
Ian Allen
>Best Yesterday >Worst n/a >Overrated Lucy >Underrated Come Together >Better than TDOP? No shit >Will Fantano review? If he wants to remain relevant, yes
Joseph Fisher
Beach Boys covers album when????
Ethan Butler
>the guitar solo on a hard day's night
Hudson Thomas
In the summer. Bowie is first, then >we can figure out what else to do
Wyatt Murphy
Aiden Cruz
How long did this take to make? I've seen threads for a while now I think.
Colton Morris
At least a month. The preview EP was released in January.
Adrian Roberts
someone has to send this to scaruffi kek
Cooper Campbell
I can't see much mutual agreement beyond Bowie, Beach Boys and perhaps Radiohead.
Why not an influences album of assorted artists where people pick their own tracks?
Luke Nguyen
>Revolution 9
Andrew Wilson
Post yfw you see TDOP and Hanging Dong Covers The Beatles on at the end of the year
Michael Wood
I'll Follow the Sun sounds like an arrangement they would've used on Beach Boys Party.
Dylan Harris
Dong also said he wants to do non-cover albums. i.e. originally written material
I think the talent is here for sure
Juan Kelly
>Day Tripper is 4:20
Elijah Allen
yeah, mine is copyright free
Lucas Myers
We saw it years ago with the song Baltic Coat
Nicholas Hill
I'd be up for that. Terrified of getting ripped apart but still sounds like fun.
Jeremiah Bailey
What a terrible EP that was
Wyatt Moore
Across the Universe is comfy as fuck.
Hunter Sullivan
I'd hate to be that guy but are the extras and b sides still going to be done? By the time I was interested in this all the songs were gone
Ryder Butler
>newfags dont remember the glory days
Aiden Flores
yeah he said it is still happening
James Gonzalez
Guilty only posted on this board for a year or so
Why what happened
Alexander Jenkins
So we'd just send them to dong's email then. I was going to do Mean Mr.Mustard and Polythene Pam
Julian Cooper
I'd be up for this fo sure.
Samuel Peterson
>what happened Oh, nothing. Only the greatest discography of all time.
Anthony Cook
Hanging Dong started as only originals. The discography isn't as big as, say, The Meme Friends but back in 2015 albums were being made frequently, including a concept album called Death by Memes (which I recommend). I'd also check out the Greatest Hits, which is significantly less memey than the full albums.
Jackson Bennett
Dicklick sucked if that's what you mean
Luis Adams
Yeah even fantano posted a comment on the DBM video
Samuel Myers
Fuck I remember that. There was also a vinyl release in the works
Luis Ward
Does this solidify Hanging Dong as the best Sup Forums band ever?
It already had a small cult following which would say so but I think this album lifts it above Dicklick and TMF
Jack Gutierrez
Brandon Foster
>>Best For no one and Rocky Raccoon >>Worst n/a >>Overrated Help! >>Underrated Hey Bulldog >>Is this better than TDOP? Fuck yes >>Will Fantano review it? He has to
Daniel Powell
Good shout for underrated
Oliver Sanchez
Off topic, but I don't understand why Everyone pairs Rubber Soul with Revolver. Both great albums, but they don't sound much alike
Kayden Jenkins
Should we just piss Fantano via Twitter so he does review it?
Nicholas Anderson
Also Don´t let me down it´s pretty fucking good.
Easton Cooper
Nolan Sullivan
True they don't sound alike, but they are kinda grouped together because they are the middle Beatles period. After their boy band beginning but before Pepper. 65-66 was their transition period so I think it makes sense to see them together
James Davis
you mean compare
the two best albums they made by far and just as good as each other so not surprising
Jace Walker
Across the Universe user, you sound cute.
Robert Rodriguez
Gabriel Allen
>mancs >cute
Asher Wilson
Only George Harrison said that, and he was referring to the level of fun they had recording them, Macca and Ringo claim that they seem like an evolution, but think they are very different. And Lennon called Rubber Soul the pot album and Revolver the acid album
Luke Myers
Very good work guys
Isaiah Johnson
A Day in the Life would have been the best track if it had the original bassline IMO
Isaac Edwards
What the fuck ever happened to the Dicklick Brigade?
Owen Collins
>tfw i remember first dicklick bridgade album when i was still in high school
Isaiah Ross
They're already made. However, it would be more interesting if we could make one with a larger deadline than a few hours and maybe focus on writing original songs rather than just sampling, which is what happens the majority of time on Sup Forums albums (with an exception for IAF because he's awesome)
Josiah Smith
>t. IAF
Julian Lewis
Hey Dong, it might be too late for this, but I just noticed that the version of Rocky Raccoon you uploaded is actually not the most recent one I had sent you. It's not a big deal or anything, but I had sent you a second version that was mixed slightly better with a few mistakes fixed up.
No biggy if it's too late to change, but just thought I'd mention it.