Fuck off

fuck off

funny how he never address being in gay porn which means the video is inherently untrustworthy

He's fucking gorgeous. I would love to fuck his butt.

What the fuck he made an Investigative Discovery reenactment of his life? That's really gay.

I've made several autobiographical films already.

post em

HAHAHAHA he made an eight minute video JUST in hopes people feel guilty over laughing at some rich internet famous clown's performance anxiety. So fucking scummy.

You're jealous.

its safe to assume though that by his "any means necessary" he did just for the money to get out of pyshco dads house

>Its a Vitaly can't get his dick hard in the bang bus episode

jesus this is so fucking autist, did he really do all this over produced shit just to explain why he couldn't get his dick had in bangbus lmao
that fake laugh at the beginning was so cringy

>Vitaly tries to make us feel bad for laughing at his limp dick
Not gonna happen ruski

this guy a kike? that nose is very jewish looking.

This faggot really made a hallmark tv special to get people to stop laughing at the fact that he couldn't get it up...

Most Russians are secret jews


The fat jew from project x also did a porno. Cringest shit ever lol

Don't know who this guy is, but he is ugly af

He's one of the most famous "IT'S JUST A PRANK" bros on YouTube.

I won't lie, this is definitely me when my dick's limp

was there ever a more punchable cunt in the history of anything

yeah. your moms

Why are Russians, or Slavs in general, so weird looking?

Funny how there's always that one guy that goes out of his way to find something negative in an inspirational video