Guess my Elo

Guess my Elo.
Post yours.

>inb4 Hating the Game

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I'm not hating, but isn't LoL pretty much dead by now?

support main so I'm gonna assume at least plat 3ish?

Sorry OP, I don't play a game that bans users if they want to play it a certain way.

>a certain way

Being Toxic

Gold 1?
There's mine guess away

too easy
>try starcract

got banned for calling my friend who i queued with a faggot one time rofl

OP here.
Just got the new Addon, like 2 Weeks ago, wanted to play again and holy shit, I cant even win against medium Bots.

oh jeez because that is such a bannable offense!


Top / Jungle?
I guess like Gold 3

gold 2 is my guess.... im plat

I play many of those champions in weird places so I'm not even a top/jungle main haha

the singed support main or what



bronze 2

you are the worst kind of person


literally every single "muh outplay" champion in the game

plat 3

>how r u supposed to know

Is my champion pool toxic enough yet?



You either adapt to the solo carry to climb in higher elo, or you stay bronze


Gifting something for whoever can guess my highest winrate in the top row. (EUW)

diamond 3


Udyr 70 percent



Wrong, wrong.


silver then

Yeah I am retarded i forgot that this one had the name

Worst one so far.. would say bronze 1 MAX

Close enough. Actually Gold V, but Gold V and Silver I/II is the same shit.


Sorry, I'm a retarded eurofag and didn't realize you weren't talking to me. DISREGARD THIS

Guess how many games I played and what my elo is.






silver 3 , 60 games.

Plat IV.


Over 3000 normal games.1500 wins.

Fucking. Gold. III.




So close, I'm Plat V. Climbed from Gold V 4 days before season ended.


Weow. Fellow AD main as well.

Is me.

>thresh mastery 7
>cant win against medium bots

quit the game since it became so unbalanced

Also riot cant do anything vs boosters, i made 200 dollars this season just by playing randomly on my friends accs

Also one of my many accs got banned for playing ezreal support, i also was roleplaying as a sjw the whole time
Worst thing i said was "quit being such a mysognyistic cyberbully youre hurting childrens feelings you pig"
The game is hella trash tbh, only reason i play it here and then is to see people rage when i troll pick

you have 1 level 6 and 4 level 5 while all the rest are level 3 and below in over 3000 games?




Holy shit.
Now I'm curious. How many Sona games have you played, exactly?

im guessing he hasnt played much since mastery was implemented


It's nice seeing adc mains for once instead of all these "support" mains. I'm from EUNE btw and I'm gonna guess your highest win rate is around 75%-85% because mine with Jinx is 76% and 79% with Jhin.

gold 3-4 at best since you don't stick to one aspect of the game and therefore don't excel.

>Tfw you got placed after they fixed placements in platinum 2
>not even plat 1

If someone wants to get carried in flex q in exactly 12 hours from now (11 am CET) add MAGATRUMPMAGA on EUW. fixed myself a new acc so hit me up Sup Forumstards


500+ ? More? Idk. It was pre-mastery bullshit stuff.

I started playing before Vayne patch. I mean... Just before when she was relased. Now I think this game is shit.

Being a support is a fucking nightmare. I regret that I started to play as this role.

Tbh I think I was one of people that started this trend.




Understandable, I think that supports actually make a difference or affect the game more after Diamond V. League below high diamond is based around who picks the most meta champ and build at the moment. I've seen people with very high mechanical skill who are plat and gold because they dont follow the meta while I see trashes in Diamond V who are meta sheeps. The game is a joke right now because I was playing off meta champs the entire season and was stuck in Gold V and after playing my main Jinx and Jhin nonstop ( both high winrate and in the meta ) I climbed 5 divisions in 4 days.






So from what you are saying now it's almost impossible to get from lower elos like bronze/silver/gold to even freaking Diamond as a support.

I remember there was a time that support could carry it's own team.

Remember - FUCK AP ON BOT

and always ban [spoiler]vayne[/spoiler]



You can definitely still carry as support. It's easier with damage/displacement characters in lower rankings, but once you hit mid-Gold you can win consistently games with protective supports.


That guy is literally an aspie.

So... "healers" like Soraka/Sona/Taric are still in disadvantage?

I rememeber Leona was my most requested champion when I asked team what support should I pick.

People fucking crave for stun-lock.



This is from my personal experience. Everytime I play support I get tilted by my team going 0-5 in 10 minutes and I know that I cant 1 vs 9 with Blitz, Thresh as I could with Fiora, Jinx, Jax, Ekko. Everytime I play in Plat, I'm going with the mentality that I have to carry 1 vs 9.

It's not impossible if you are very good to the point where you get your adc 5-0 but as a support you are very dependant on your team.

Holy fuck dude. How many pictures do you have?


One guy posting this much? Must be one of those Australian Sup Forumsacks I've heard so much about. I'm having a giggle.



You are right, Soraka is pretty strong right now and Leona as well. When I go duo with my support main I ask him to pick Leona because she can help you snowball pretty easy. The thing is that we talk on skype and we know when to go all in and follow calls from each other something I rarely see when playing with random supports.

My point is that it's harder to carry with support in low elo than in higher elo. People in bronze will almost never follow your calls while people in diamond most of the time will. The better the players the easier it is for the support to carry them.

Thats why I never play adc unless I'm premade with a support because most supports in Plat are egoistic fucks who think that its only the adcs fault and the game gets toxic real quick.

