>Alright user shirts vs skins.
>youre on skins
Alright user shirts vs skins
My mum just called, said I had to be home for tea, I-I guess I'll have to get going, sorry.
*Puts on flesh colored body suit*
>now all the guys won't stop hitting on me and my hot twink body
*Ow* guys I think I think I twisted my ankle on warmups
haha i know it looks like i have a giant swastika on my chest but its just a really inconvenient birthmark lol
I always play shirtless when I'm on my Xbox. Mom can't afford a/c.
We're playing pond hockey in the middle of February have you lost your mind?
>there are people here who grew up having cellphones as a kid
reeeeeeeee i dun wana get olddd
I got my first phone in middle school. I'm 26 now
I meant 'called' as in 'shouted from down the road'.
>there are people born in the 1990s with careers
It doesn't seem right
In Canada you're closest neighbors is 30 miles away. They wouldn't know what it's like growing up in the burbs
>posting Nazifrog on Sup Forums
can't wait until hillary bans this symbol of hate
user why wont you take off your shirt?
There are kids born this millennium who are having sex as we speak.
explain please
why don't you take off your shirt?
my first phone didn't have a color screen.
i am so old.
>Hillary winning
Don't want to expose our gang tattoos and scare people.
Show me your nipples and I'll show you mine.
i don't want to make the other guys embarrass by their sorry physiques when i display my muscles. bros before hoes.
Shut the fuck up, that's not old.
ok then, how old is old. my nephew's first phone could not send text messages.
>all the games you enjoyed seemingly not too long ago are now considered 'retro'
I used to skive from work sitting on the toilet playing Snake on my Nokia, now it's had about a dozen remakes.
Having a mobile phone that couldn't fit in your pocket.
>he owned a mobile phone before he was in his 20s
>not having to use a public phone
I'm having a breakdown desu
"hahahaha look at user, he needs a bra!" hahahahahahahaha
why did you bring up these memories again?
How embarrassing.
I hang out without my shirt all the time desu
Do you not freeze to death or is that what you're trying to do?
I know suicide is your national sport but please, you have so much to live for!
What's wrong with your chest?
me too, hardly a model but i don't give a fuck. if someone thinks i'm taking my clothes off for them instead of thinking that i'm shirtless because it's hot, then that's their issue.
I dunno. Post yours so I can compare.
if it's over 10 celsius you can easily go without a shirt
it it's under 10 celsius you wear a shirt until you get inside
Kek brought up memories from calling the fat fuck "blue boobs". Don't know where it came from because his boobs weren't actually that blue.
Post pics of your abdomen with timestamp, faggot.
I never asked for this feel
I thought us spics had the monopoly on poverty ball, just decide teams based on the color of your shirt
Sorry, my phone's camera, regular camera, and webcam aren't working right now. Also I don't have any pens in the house so I couldn't do a time stamp anyways lol
But here's a similar pic just for reference
But fat guys go in goal and always wore a shirt even if it was shirts Vs skins
we never did shirts vs skins. seems a bit gay tbqhwyf
My mom started making me carry one in 7th grade.
Same here. I'm 28 and my mom got me my first cell phone basically due to my parents' schedule in the summer conflicting with my football practices, so I could always get a ride home and let them know where I was at if I went over to someone's house.
>t. faggots
>tfw you realize shirts vs. skins is just a scam to get the fit kids on one team and the fat kids on the other. The Chads know we won't take our shirts off.
You have a weird perception of temperature. I suppose living in an igloo will do that do to someone.
We do not take our shirts off until it's at least 25 degrees.
I actually never once got put on the skins team. It was mostly the fat kids and the really slow kids who got put on skins, and I was a hungry skeleton who was pretty quick, so I made the cut for shirts.
>Americans can't even remember who is on which team in a game they themselves take part in without visually marking the players
The only time they did that at my school was in year 7 so I'm not sure what to make of that
I left my shirt on anyway
this thread works because theres so many fat kids on here
6th grade had one im 22 now
>ynr the moto razr was basically the iphone of that generation
My uncle always made me play skins when we played in the driveway
you look like shit lad
>tfw used to body ppl with my gyno titties and bubble butt in the post
t-thanks Rippletoe
you're not even fit lmao your hair is hiding your weak chest
you look like me but with less hair and I don't even work out hahahhaha
I seriously hope you're just under 21 like me or something
I'm 24 and my first phone was in 2007 at the end of middle school. How old are you?
It's the kids who grow up with smartphones that make me feel old. Didn't have one of those until sophomore year of college.
That's the joke