Golden beard, fuck yes!

Golden beard, fuck yes!

Other urls found in this thread:

Golden asshole

I think my shit might be gold too


Fuck you OP, I spent 45 minutes making that paprikash. I can't eat gold.

My recliner. I'm rich!!!

What happens to my gold coin I was touching with my left hand?

i have golden boogers

Bitches gonna love my golden balls.

I'm left-handed and I jerk with my left hand. Sad day :(

Golden Alienware laptop. Now I won't be able to surf Sup Forums

golden desk omfg im rich

The entire left side of my face

My face, call me Midas I guess.

Golden chair!!

...sorry. Had to get another keyboard.
Mine just turned into gold.

The air. We're all fucked now.

Fist sized chunk of bread.


Golden desk.

I prefer my normal desk, however.

Fuck, not my tablet!
Oh well, at least i can buy a computer instead.
+ an actual phone.

It's going to be painful, but I'll be rich once I'm done pulling it out.


Finally! I now have a Gold dick! Maybe I can star in the next James Bond film! Evil gold dick vs. James Bond!

>Main problem of gold: Heavy
>No need to carry it around = No need to care
Do you just walk around with your desk or something?
You could even sell it and get a better desk

diamonds still but its not gold

Shit look you what you've done op!


pic unreated

Well my whole sofa is now gold. That means by back of my envelope math that my sofa now ways more than 3 cars. So I am rich which is good because I am now falling through the floor of the house and then through the next to a now cracked slab on ground level.

Solid gold iPhone? It probably won't work very well.

I have a gold blanket

what de fug
does it is kind of this slav jelly-meat?

I now haw a solid gold tab 4 and xl hoodie

I can buy a new car!

my fucking jaw!

oh shit, now my keyboard... thanks OP -_-

my dick

my nigga

Gold Lips

gold cock, nice

I'm actually faping with left hand ...

My hat

Golden Dick!


solid gooold

>golden 870 express

1 billion pounds of coal


My mom's shit covered dildo

....i dont wanna explain

fuck, the new laptop -.-

oh well you said it's SOLID gold... I think i could just buy the most expensive Clevo then

golden beard and comb

Shit, no! Not my phone!

Coat... I'm shitting too I can't stand up or get my hand close enough to my hole to finger the shit out

Golden desk? Don't mind if I do

Solid gold Lay-Z-Boy recliner.
Literally would be worth millions, but would be completely useless as a chair. Cold and uncomfortable as fuck....

My Ikea table... I'm alright with this.

Golden hair I guess I'm fancy as fuck now


cup of water, ik im boring

If it's solid gold, does it still function, or is it basically frozen in the moment permanently?

Golden couch? Nicee


I'm dead. Golden blanket.

Golden pants, hell yeah.

Now if only I could get them off.

the inside of my nostril

Can't say no to a golden spoon

perfectly functional but stuck with a perma boner still calling worth win-win

.....every jews dream

golden vape.
fuck yeah.

You were only touching the outside of it, so maybe it's just a solid gold casing, like instead of the metal/plastic on the outside, that has now turned to gold, and the circuits and screen and keys all still work.

Phone case...I'm okay with this

My phone first. Then my headset as I decided to read what it actually said. So I guess headset? Either way I'm considerably wealthier woo

An unfortunate shmelting accident.

was picking my nose, brings a new meaning to digging for gold


Stroking a solid gold penis

solid gold vaporizer, vape nation

> left hand on coffee table
> poof
> left hand now on solid gold coffee table
> left hand now empty due to 4 solid gold coffee table making hole in floor and ending up in basement



Golden ps4 controller. fine by me.


Well, looks like my face is golden now

cheap balisong

Oh shit gold ballsack son


I was clenching a fist. Golden fist of the North Star.

Gold phone!

Its a strapon, and he is a she

a 1900's silver dollar...the coin dealer in my area is gonna have a fit over this.

A whole couch, so I just fell through the floor into the basement

A GameCube controller. Time to sell it

golden nexus 5
ill sell it and get one that doesn't have a cracked screen

You better explain young man

My hoodie

RIP Laptop. Was a shit anyway.

Half eaten last slice of pizza

leaving me just ever so unsatisfied

hell yeah a gold mouse I can sell for a real gaming mouse

My sleeping niece's pussy holy shit

My $1k new iPhone... I hate being left handed..

Golden mouse yo

My whole fucking desk is now solid gold

i'm rich bitch

Solid gold one hitter.

I would say my dick but technically my underwear. I guess it's okay.

>Was scratching my balls so...

My penis