What the fuck is this bump on my dick Sup Forums

What the fuck is this bump on my dick Sup Forums

herpes. shoulda wrapped it bro

Could be a zit, I've had that. Maybe it means you're gay?

You got the clap nigga, give it to as many people as possible.

ingrown hair thats been ignored perhaps

turbo aids

SIDA or VPH, Sorry.

bubonic plague

Docotr here is it probklaiy

a pearl. welcome to the club

how often u jerk off? give it a break for a few days, it will go away


Damn son.

Pop it on cam

it wont pop

Medial fag here and I'm guessing this is a joke pic, since this is actually a tumor. It's early stage cancer which could have spread to your prostate or testicles if you're unlucky.


foliculitus is what I would say, if you haven't had sex with any sketchy women lately

thats the nickname i gave my dick

forgot to mention, it goes away on its own, IF that's what it is. so, probably don't need to worry

Looks like a little cyst of some sort, you'll probably have to poke it with something to get it to pop

OP, you're growing a third testicle

Spider eggs

That is deffo 3rd degree Aidscancer. Fucked any gay Muslim niggers recently?

one of your balls emerged from the ballsack and got up there.

just give it some hard punch to push it back in the ballsack.

if it doesn't move, then just hit harder.

Mines asthma. Cuz it takes bitches breath away.

thanks man

no problem. I had it one time too, it's nbd.

Pluck that hair and pray you just have a nasty as fuck ingrown, broseph.


I named my dick "dead rising"

Cancer, you need to cut your dick off.

had a similar sitch - shaved my balls once and a few days later had these weird bumbs (similar but smaller and like 3 of em). Shrugged it off, then after 2 weeks got a bit freaked. Literally like a month or even 6 weeks later I finally saw a lil hair and pulled it out with tweezers. Was honestly like 2 inches long, fuckin gross. After that only one bump remained. Waited a bit longer and repeat. Prob more efficient way than waiting but meh. If you shaved recently that might be it

Slightly related, is Lichen Nitidis common enough for people to know anything about it other than it being inflammatory? I have it on my dick and it's supposed to only last from a few months up to about a year or so and I've had it since I was nine. Oddly enough most girls don't mind. One thought I had warts and took me searching it up and making her read about it to believe me (she was still grossed out so we didn't fuck but at least people didn't think I had warts)

I am a doctor and have doctored all over the place. I can definitely tell you it's a penis with a bump on it. You're welcome!

It depends. If it disappears over the time, then it can be sifilis.
If it evolves to a very painful flat wound, then is clamydia.
It could be only an ungrown hair tho. Not one here is your personal doctor by the way.


syphilis variety
happens on unwashed virgin dicks

I've gotten that before, it's just a vein. It'll go away in a few weeks.

dubs have spoken

Amputation is your only effective option.

What about these, /b?