Honestly, I want more riots, and I want them to be more violent. I hate this fucking country...

Honestly, I want more riots, and I want them to be more violent. I hate this fucking country. It is setup to make the rich richer and keep the poor poor. Bring on the civil war!

Other urls found in this thread:


Yep, keep burning those blue cities - stop traffic on the Interstates - vandalize cars. Re-elect Trump with those tactics in 4 years.

>shitty poor liberals and Marxist start a war
>This war is over a legal election
>morally eradicated by the right and working class
>We no longer have to hear a bunch of shit about how Cis white men are evil
>no more gender studies courses
>no more libs telling us we are evil for succeeding
>No more Marxist destroying the family and our national identity

yes please bring on the "civil war" it would be the only good thing lefties ever did for this country

i will burn down every last inch of your house with your family in it and piss on the ashes.

well said

Trump is a man that has lived his entire life with a silver spoon in his mouth. Do you think he knows or gives one single fuck about the poor and middle class? God you are about retarded as it gets. You're rampant stupidity is what is wrong with our country. I refuse to be ruled by king stupid perched upon his throne of dumb.

>I hate this fucking country.

Haha triggered faggot, cry more

Every time you mock me you just make me want to incite violence more. Please keep going. You are providing me fuel.

Please do, incite violence please

Give them a reason to shoot you in your dumb poor face.

just wait til he starts DOING stuff

god damn it's gonna be rich

>Every time you mock me you just make me want to incite violence more. Please keep going. You are providing me fuel.

B-but that would require you leaving your "safe space"...lol

you'll get as far as public transportation takes you. you'll burn some check cashing business or some monthly rental place. no fucks given.

or try being rich, its kinda fun.

The problem with these threads is that there's good sense sprinkled in with the dumb and crazy.

> I want more riots
>I want them to be more violent
> It is setup to make the rich richer and keep the poor poor.
This is where we get into the realm of common knowledge. The divide between rich and poor is getting wider and soon the middle class will be extinct. That's terrible and we need to do something about it.
>Bring on the civil war!
And we're back to dumb and crazy.

Can you all please keep going. Please keep giving rioters a reason to keep rioting.

Well fuel up then fellow. I imagine it's probable you'll get your brain basket cascaded by some thunder plugs If you proceed among your current route.

well memed fellow rich man.
(I think they are trying!)

Right. Like you whiny faggots have ever used a weapon.

I don't know why more people don't choose to be rich, tbqh.

he corruption is so deep that is has already undermined any chance of peaceful resolution. Violent revolution is the only thing left.

I wanted some actual leftists to come out of the woodwork. Like we had in the 1960s, or like there are in other countries around the world yet. You know, the guys wearing the grenade bets that just sacked your head of state in a military coup, overturned the status quo and installed an interim gov in favor of the people. Leftists.

Not Fox News/rush Limbaugh leftists, which are anyone not toeing the GOP party line with 100% obedience and conformity.

You sound like a beaner

>legal election
>literally everyone in the government is onboard with the peaceful transition of power
>your candidate already conceded
>Bernie is saying He will work with Trump, Obama is abdicating as he should

The only people not peacefully moving on are the few thousand faggots rioting.

Actually I am white.

now you really sound like a beaner

I expected the lefties to provoke the right into reacting as they usually do, by attacking people practicing their constitutional rights, and for the whole thing to end in a trail of bodies.

I must say, I'm disappointed.

Good. The gap in financial inequality is going to grow more under Trump. That is only going to fuel more riots. With luck those few thousand rioters will grow into a few million. Then revolution is in sight.

Believe what you want to faggot.

Well Id say if he lowers taxes on everyone and can(who knows) manage to bring some decent paying manufacturing jobs back, everyone in 4 years making a significantly better living, on the low end, wont care if the few million millionaires are making more millions as they likely would anyway.

You are very deep in fatalist thinking my boy, have some fucking hope.

Por que?

>trump says "I'll drain the swamp! End lobbyists in washington"
>puts a bunch of lobbyists and career corrupt politicians in his cabinet
>when pressed says, "I had to everyone in this town is a lobbyist, you can't find anyone who is not" and shrugs

and the ride hasn't even begun

All this is doing (especially to the Mexican population) is proving that trump was right, when he said that all Illegals are thugs...keep it up and you people really won't have any rights.

Forgetting that you have a huge supply of peashooters.

And they have the science. Hayseeds vs biotech and physics grads I'd actually pay to see. You fat fucks and your small arms stockpiles, vs high energy particle weapons and chimera virus dispersions.

What, you expect your enemy to fight you on your terms? This is 2016, not 1940. You went conservative, anti-science, and anti-progress, and you fell behind. Good luck shooting at the radiation & virii, and good riddance to primitive stupid apes.

>Fox News
>Rush Limbaugh
>The GOP
One of these things is not quite like the others.


This is some good bait, id r8 it 8 out of bait

What gives you the hilarious idea that he has any intention of doing any of those things, user?

Iowering taxes usually is better for the rich than the poor as they stand more to gain. The money wont trickle down. It will instead stay in off shore tax heaven bank accounts. Money will exist out of the US economy loop, millionairs wont invest to create more jobs, and people will get more desperate and angry and hold increasingly more violent demonstrations.

>libs start a fight
>getting decimated by the US military
>Release a virus
>we all die of diarrhea

a fitting end. What is this meme that you guys have a bunch of sciencey geniuses on your team?

Most of those people work for the Gov, millitary or large companies, they are employed gainfully, they may not like Trump but they arent about to start a revolt on your behalf

the people rioting are broke urban liberals.

Stop being poor faggot

I like you.


Anyone making less than 25k a year will no longer pay tax

He will give tax breaks to companies that build factories in the US as well as tariff outside goods so companies have no incentive to outsource.

These are jobs that the poor could do instead of living off of a dole.

Who cares if the rich get a tax break, we ALL get tax breaks, why do you want people to have their money taken away?

What makes you think he wont? I would say the mainstream Republicans and Dems for sure wont we have decades of records to show that.

Donald says he will, if he doesn't I wont vote for him in 2020

this is how a representative republic works.

your liberal smugness isnt an argument.

I hate you, faggot

Please learn what a meme is before using it in a sentence again.

And familiarize yourself with where scientists fall on the political spectrum.

You chose.... poorly.

Your logic is shit

>libs start a fight
>getting decimated by the US military
the second the world sees the US military slaughtering large portions of the US population the preemptive nuclear strikes begin, show the world you're a threat to it's safety and liberty and they will join together to annihilate you.

>we are gunna (fail to) invent some bullshit cause we are autistic

This is everything youve just typed, summed up

>be scientist working in a biolab
>cushy gig making weapons for the US gov
>Hillary loses (oh dang) but Trump will probably increase military spending
>even so why would I risk my neck fighting in an insurrection made up mostly of dregs and the worst wing of my party.
>yeah I think ill just wait for this to blow over.

you are the one who isnt thinking.

>stop bombing your citizens or else we will vaporize your citizend

top kek m8


I'll put my 30-06 up against ur neutron bomb, bet I can disrupt ur beam before the phage eats my cells from the inside and liquefy me into a paste.

When incomes reach insane levels people use it to hijack the democracy of a nation and bend it to their will. Just look at how many tax loop holes the rich and corporations have that don't get closed.

jesus what a totally shitty logo


People gotta start going total Euromaidan with improvised armor and weapons and shit.

Hmm... A civil war between the rich, and the poor... Wonder who will win? Lmfao

Yeah we are there, the best thing to do is limit the amount of money in politics

As Hillary was somebody financed by multi-national banks and super pacs at something like 20x the money Trump spent (mostly of small donors) the only reasonable Choice is Trump

I can tell you arent very bright.

Also Trump wants to simplify the tax code, in retard speak that is "close loopholes" the only reason those loopholes are there is because our taxes are too high to begin with and companies would hide that income offshore.

Gullible nigger the minute the USs aggression turns in on itself, there are at least three countries who aren't even your enemies that will take the opportunity to nuke the ever-loving shit out of you.

Pay attention to your idiotic asshole country's role in the world for the last century.

>high energy particle weapons and chimera virus dispersions.

Wait, what?

This is the type of faggot who releases the rage virus cause he thinks liberals can stop it, and the fascists military assholes are just dummies with funs

No ones going to do it over the election.
The election protests are just the low burning kindling flames. The fractured state of the GOP, the fact it's about to take power, the fact it's about to grab absolute power and run unopposed in every branch of gov, and it's staffed by the corrupt, neocons, rights tramples, constitution shredders, and a vintictuve lunatic at the top, leading a populace more divided and more strongly than even when the US actually had its civil war, means the challenge will be to keep the chaos from exploding into a full bonfire over the next four years.

Good fucking luck.

Trump's plan has been tried before.


>Getting rid of head of household credit
Way to fuck over single parents

how else would you pay for your buddies tax cuts?

Chimera viruses can be engineered to be tailor made for your enemy. Some of the ones the US and it was thought at the time, Russia, made in the late 80s through the post cold-war collapse, were designed to identify certain DNA haplogroups and only deploy their payloads then, others were designed to simply reproduce and spread for a year, to infect as many people as possible, and then with the cold of winters a temperature trigger would actually deploy the payload. Others were simply time-limited viruses, that were able to infect and kill quickly, and then "die", not that a virus is really alive or dead, so you could just attack an area, and limit the spread, wait, and send your cleanup crews. Old tech. 5 other nations had it at the time, more do today. The last 25 years has seen exponential progress.

The next major war isn't a war, it's simply a series of targeted exterminations.

Have fun dreaming of saving the day with your rifle though.

Cool story bro

I've always wondered if gluten allergy/wheat sensitivity is actually a russian made virus or similar- I mean, what do you do to the country who has more wheat than you could ever wish for?

Yeah, it is. Read up on it.


lol no shit, viruses don't exist. Neither do nuclear weapons. You ever seen one? I haven't. What a bunch of faggots believing in lefty science propaganda.

Single parents need more credits? Fuck em, shoulda bought rubbers. Most of them get back more than they fucking paid in, between WIC, EBT, housing vouchers, and medicaid.

Not much of a war if the right slaughters the left, now is it?

You're a grade A idiot.

Didn't you hear?
Apparently we're all "infected" by a lefty virus..,lol

You'll dismiss this, but I guarantee it's why you're poor.

Said the faggot who voted for obama


Sure, they'll just develop a virus that they can control to target republicans.
You're really arrogant if you think all red states are full of a bunch of fat rednecks incapable of fighting a war against you.
>Muh secret weapons from muh college education guys
>Scifi bullshit you guys couldn't practically implement within the next half century without the help of federal government assets


Code red

>I refuse to be ruled by king stupid perched upon his throne of dumb.
And yet you will be because you're an impotent little faggot who'd rather whine on a board with 13 year-olds rather than risk taking action.

Keep posting, OP. You'll just reinforce what a coward you are.