Apparently my shitty animal drawings arent bad. My rifle drawing was a masterpiece though...

apparently my shitty animal drawings arent bad. My rifle drawing was a masterpiece though, cant believe it didnt guess it.
post your shitty drawings




lol, nice elbow


hah i had to draw a mosquito and it wrongly guessed animal migration
I was like wtf how do you draw animal migration

this is it I guess...


Well, mosquitoes are technically animals, and they do migrate...

It's on to something.

>contributing to make the government ai smarter


is fun game

My airplane was too badass for it.

Yeah dude, thats clearly majestic creatures traversing an open plain as seen from a helicopter.


I for one welcome our new AI overlords.



Clearly I'm too talented for this piece of shit program.



Who says it'll remain a government AI? Who says we won't have access to the template later on?

edumacate it real art



x bird

It really likes Swastikas

im godly


i draw like an autist.

more of a fighter jet but yea it was good

How does it get fucking bulldozer, but not beard or fucking hat?!?!?!?!

i've been looking for something like doodle or die

close enough


Not impressed



a whale? sure why not.

we are just helping AI to defeat us in the future :(


What the shit? That's a masterful tiger. You got my terrible fucking fire hydrant but not my kick-ass tiger?

Also, drawing with a trackball is a bitch.




I don't know how he guessed it

Man the cannons


jfx, i can't escape this website. help!



Animal migration

fucking kek

It asked me for a bird... so I did the M bird trick... and it said migration FML

we have to make it think cannons are all dicks

It guessed "pickup truck" for my truck. It was a pickup truck... which is a kind of truck. I'm saying I should get credit for that. Also, I'm not sure what you do when you've drawn a square and it doesn't guess it. Drawing more squares doesn't seem like the way to go. I guess maybe it was a bit too rectangular?

duck... I guess

it asked me for a bird and i kept drawing a bird repeatedly and it just kept naming birds and wouldn't say bird



the naurel is clarley retarted

Dude, that was a nice pig. Your pig was much better than your tennis racquet. I'm not even sure what the fuck that is for helmet.

>Gotta go fast KEK


I drew a truck almost exactly like yours, facing the opposite direction, and it guessed it fine. hmm. nice campfire.


>I don't know how he guessed it
It guess zebra when I started adding stripes to my tiger . I think it just really likes zebras.

Man, fuck this shit. It's clearly never seen a tiger in it's life.

animal migration? hedgehog?
What's next? "Draw ennui" ?

Don't know why but I read the last one as spray can.

I did fucking shit

how has nobody commented on the fact that it asked for dresser and you didnt know what it was so you drew a fucking person in a DRESS

I noticed too, but thought maybe I was seeing it wrong


Ha ha ha! I'd honestly overlooked that. It just looked like a blob of squiggles to me.

Okay, the challenge is for somebody to draw a tiger it recognizes. Show us how it's done. Half credit if it guesses "cat".

I don't get it... I drew Bush and Nail pretty perfectly...

you don't know the difference between a dresser and a dress?

this is how skynet is created.

i drew bush completely different.

It always guesses this as a sax now.


i drew something like that and it guessed it was a fish

Yeah, that sounds like it's in line with the truck / pickup truck thing here . It's like it asks you to draw a bicycle and it just guesses "BMX, Schwinn, 10-speed, penny-farthing, mountain bike..."

On it

Nice! Of course, if it had wanted you to draw a tiger, it probably would've guessed "furry quadruped" or "wombat" or something.

i misread it... i actually didnt notice it until you pointed it out. I thought I just drew a terrible dress

flying squirrel


>implications unfortunate

Worst thing it's done is it asked for a truck... then it's best guess was a pickup truck... and then right after asked for a pickuptruck... I DREW IT EXACTLY THE SAME... and it said truck THE FUCK?

how did it not guess mouse?

I'm not very good at this.

Is proof.

wait, wtf is that goatee drawing supposed to be?




this is weird... i drew bush and cloud basically the same but it guessed which was which...

Wrong pool. Haha
Not too bad for a trackpad.

dude this shit is scary, it guessed my leg and my pool and i had just started...


>hot air balloon
